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ДунаевскаяТ.А. Пособие по разговорной практике...doc
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People. Character. Friends.

  1. Match the words with their definitions.

acquaintance boyfriend buddy co-worker comrade fair-weather friend room mate girlfriend pen pal soulmate

  1. someone you work with .

  2. an informal word for a friend .

  3. someone you don’t know very well .

  4. someone you write to .

  5. someone who lives in the same apartment as you .

  6. someone who shares the same view of life as you .

  7. someone who is only a friend during the good times .

  8. someone who has the same socialist beliefs as you .

  9. someone you have a romantic relationship with .

  1. Work in pairs and answer these questions about you and your friends.

  1. Where and when did you meet them?

  2. How often do you see them?

  3. Do you ever all go out together?

  4. How much do you know about them?

  5. Do you often make new friends?

  1. Read the dialogues and learn them by heart:

Peter: Good morning. How are you, Nickolay?

Nickolay: Fine, thanks. And how are you, Peter?

Peter: Very well, thank you.

Nickolay: Let me introduce my business friend to you. This is Mr. Brown, our new expert. Mr. Brown, this is Peter Ivanov.

Peter: How do you do, Mr. Brown.

Mr. Brown: How do you do, Mr. Ivanov. Nice to meet you.

Peter: Look here, Nickolay. Who is that man?

Nickolay: Oh, it’s Boris. He’s our new economist. Shall I introduce you to him?

Peter: Yes, please.

* * *

Micelle: Is this your house, Bill?

Bill: No, it’s not mine. It’s Nick’s.

Micelle: Where’s yours?

Bill: It’s over there, on your left.

Micelle: What colour is it? It’s grey, isn’t it?

Bill: Yes. Mine is larger than Nick’s.

Micelle: By the way, which is older, yours or Nick’s?

Bill: Mine, I think.

IV. Read the dialogue “Meeting people after a long time” and compose your own dialogue, using colloquial phrases:

A.: I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been?

B.: I’ve been away on business. How have you been all this time?

A.: Just fine, thank you. Where did you go?

B.: To Glasgow. There was an interesting seminar there. I got back the day before yesterday. By the way how is your brother keeping?

A.: He’s been off work for a day or two.

B.: What’s wrong with him?

A.: He’s gone down with flu. He’s running a high temperature.

B.: Give him my best regards and tell him to take things easy.

A.: That’s very kind of you. I’ll pass it on. He’ll be pleased to hear you asked after him.

V. Read the following remarks and answer them immediately:

  • Where have you been all this time?

  • Where did you go?

  • How have you been all this time?

  • How is your brother keeping?

  • Give my best regards to him.

  1. Read the questionnaire and check (+) the statements you agree with.



Your partner

1. lend a small amount of money

2. lend you a lot of money

3. lend you clothes

4. give you a room in their home

5. listen to your problems

6. help solve your problems

7. give you advise

8. use their influence to help you

9. agree with you all the time

10. tell you when you are wrong

11. put business second and you first

12. put their family second and you first

13. lie to protect you

14. make no other friends

15. see you often

16. be available to talk or meet at all times of the day