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Test “the use of resources”

I. Divide the following resources into Nonrenewable and Renewable Ones:

Water, vegetation, nuclear energy, forests, wind, sun, wildlife, fossil fuels, fish.

II. Put in the right word into the sentences:

  1. _________ help people satisfy their needs and wants.

  2. _____ ______ can be used over and over again.

  3. Scarcity and rising prices have led people to seek cheaper _______ for costly resources.

  4. The factor is_________ - the relationship between geography and political policy.

  5. _____ _____ are impossible to replace.

  6. Resources depletion can be slowed through ________.

  7. Many countries want to become less _______ on fossil fuels.

  8. ______, __________, _________ are alternative energy sources.

  9. One of the biggest problem with natural resources is ________ _________ it produces.

  10. The government also doesn’t like the present _______ system.

III. Translate the text.

Природные ресурсы являются частью окружающей среды. Их можно поделить на восстановимые и невосстановимые ресурсы. Восстановимые ресурсы можно использовать несколько раз, например, ветер, солнце, вода, земля и т.д. Невосстановимые и скудные ресурсы должны быть сохранены или переработаны для будущих поколений.

Однако не все люди используют ресурсы одинаково. Факторы, которые влияют на пользование ресурсами, это культурные различия, технологические изменения, экономические факторы и геополитика.

Скудность ресурсов, повышение цен и неравномерность распределения ресурсов заставляют страны искать дешевые субституты для дорогих ресурсов.

Ученые обнаружили несколько восстановимых источников энергии – это солнце, ветер, сила воды. Ядерная энергия тоже используется, но она очень опасна для здоровья. Одной из проблем является хранение ядерных отходов. Самым подходящим местом для хранения этих отходов являются старые соляные шахты.

Unit 6. The world ocean

Warming-up activity

    1. What is implied under the notion “the world ocean”? How many oceans are there?

    2. Classify the words below into the ones connected with water, land or both.




trade routes

mineral resources

fish resources



sea passages




water cycle



the North Pole


coastal regions


a clockwise circulation


acoustic tomography

    1. Read the text “The Restless Ocean” and identify whether the statements are true or false:

      1. Nowadays “ownership” of the ocean has already been solved.

      2. A series of narrow waterways and other sea passages connect the earth’s oceans, forming a single world ocean.

      3. The most important forces that move water through the world ocean are currents and floods.

      4. Geographers identify two types of ocean currents.

      5. Ocean currents don’t flow in a direct course due to the earth’s rotation.

      6. The warm current is the Labrador Current and the cold one is called the Gulf Stream.

      7. Oceanographers now realize that ocean currents are predictable and that is helpful in determining climate.

    2. Answer the questions on p.82.

    3. Read the text “Tides” and answer the questions after the text.

    4. Read the text “Using Resources of the World Ocean”. Translate the following sentences:

  1. Scientists believe that the ocean’s mineral resources could supplement the decreasing reserves of nonrenewable resources on land.

  2. Offshore oil fields account for about 20 percent of the world’s oil production today.

  3. If all the water in the world ocean were dried up, the salts would form a layer on the ocean floor 152 meter thick.

  4. Marine biologists continually discover new species of life as changing technology allows them to probe deeper and deeper into the world ocean.

  5. The best fishing grounds for many kinds of fish are those rich in plankton.

  6. Over 5 million people make their living by fishing.

  7. Most fishing today is done on the large scale, using fleets of ships equipped with machines that do much of the work.

  8. Fish are being taken from the oceans faster than they can reproduce themselves.

    1. Do the exercises on pp.85-86.

    2. Find some information about the examples of ocean pollution and speak on them.