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Lesson 5 fire prevention measures

Fire prevention measures on ships are provided by its constructive, organizational and technical aspects and also by adequate actions of the crew in their fight with fire. It is noted that considerable per cent of fire accidents are con­nected with the explosion and ignition of light type fuel. Explosions of hydraulic systems, short circuits, defects in electrical equipment have also high frequency. Usually fire in the engine-room is the result of lubricants ignition in the bearings of the main and auxiliary mechanisms.

The other type of «thermal» accidents takes place because of the open fire that is because of sparks during welding process. But we mustn't forget about negli­gence of the crew or ship builder's shortcomings. It is necessary to observe re­quirements on storage of dangerous materials. Hold should be dry and clean with appropriate ventilation. Paints must have low thermal conductivity with the aim to lessen the spreading speed of fire.

Inflammable materials must have inscription and marking, be checked periodically on validity and expiration date, leakage, tightness of cover and so on. It is compulsory far every ship to have highly efficient fire extinguishing system and also individual oxygen apparatus, means for hands protection, everything that is necessary to safe life of every man at sea.


short circuit - короткое замыкание

bearings - подшипники

ignition - возгорание

sparks - искры

welding - сварка

shortcomings - недостатки

validity - пригодность

expiration date - истечение срока годности

extinguishing system - системы огнетушения

extinguisher - огнетушитель

Exercise I. Find the equivalents in the text:

  • hydraulic systems, short circuit, frequency, engine-room, lubricants, ignitions, bearings, auxiliary mechanism, sparks, welding, negligence, shortcoming, conductivity, inscription, validity, expiration date, extinguishing system, oxygen apparatus.

  • короткое замыкание; оборудование; вспомогательный механизм; сварка; системы огнетушения; возгорание; частота; проводимость; истечение срока годности; подшипники; распространение огня; меры предотвращения огня; взрывы гидравлических систем.

Exercise II. Translate Into English:

  1. В процессе сварки искры являются причиной пожара.

  2. Каждое судно должно быть оборудовано системой огнетушения.

  3. Все недостатки устраняются до выхода судна в море.

  4. Каюты должны содержаться в чистоте и своевременно вентилироваться.

  5. Низкая теплопроводность красок снижает возможность быстрого распространения огня.

Exercise III. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the main reason of fire on board a ship?

  2. What measures can we take to lessen the spreading speed of fire?

  3. Why is it necessary to have markings and inscriptions on inflammable goods?

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