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Урок 4 Словарь

State free schools public fee paying schools tuition and board payment

pre-university education (usu. six


take an examination in A level

subjects: standards of examinations

necessary for entrance to a


scholarship n.

Unique education standard

to dismiss from classes

the daily routine n.

nominal roll

tutor n

Spartan conditions

to be independent

to have the staff of the leader

modern facilities n.

to learn by rote

self-motivation n.

государственные бесплатные школы

частные платные школы-интернаты

плата за обучение и проживание в частных школах

система образования, готовящая

школьников к поступлению в университет

сдавать экзамены по стандартам,

установленным в университете

(е. g. She took A levels in physics, chemistry and


денежное пособие

(a sum of money given to a pupil by an official

body to pay partly for a course of study)

единый образовательный стандарт

отстранить от занятий

распорядок дня

сверка по списку

(е. g. The teacher called the nominal roll = she

read the list aloud to see if everyone was there)

учитель, воспитатель

(a teacher who directs the studies of public

school pupils and/or responsible for giving

them advice about personal matters)

спартанские условия

быть самостоятельным

(habitually taking actions and decisions alone)

быть лидером

современное оборудование




Упражнение I. Переведите текст 1 с листа:

Текст 1


State schools are free local schools controlled and paid from the state budget.

Public schools (such is well-known Eton school and St. Paul's school) are fee-paying boarding schools (boarding houses). They are not supported by government money, so tuition and board are paid for by parents or sponsors.


Public schools are to give their pupils a pre-university education so as they will be able to pass exams in A level subjects.

Упражнение II. Переведите тексты 2 и 3 с повторениями, используя словарь урока:

Текст 2

Британской частной школе 500 лет. Методика преподавания за это время не претерпела никаких изменений.

Традиционное английское образование включает единый образовательный стандарт и дисциплину.

Единый стандарт - это стандарт знаний, которые должен освоить ученик по каждому предмету.

Дисциплина - это установленный порядок наказания:

  • в первый раз нужно написать 500 английских слов;

  • во второй раз - убирать в течение двух часов лужайку перед школой;

  • в третий раз отстраняют от занятий на неделю, а четвертого раза быть не может, так как наказание - исключение из школы: провинившегося вносят в компьютерную базу, и его уже не примут ни в одну школу на территории Англии.

Текст 3

Вот, к примеру, распорядок дня в школе Хэрроу. Подъем в 7.00. Сверка по списку (она производится трижды в день, каждая школа осознает меру ответственности за безопасность своих воспитанников), душ, завтрак. До 13.00 занятия. Ланч. Каждый день — 1,5 часа на домашние уроки. Их выполнение контролирует воспитатель. После уроков - клубы (на первом месте - спорт: гребля, крикет, хоккей на траве).

В общежитии обязательно живет кто-то из учителей и медсестра. В спальнях -никаких лишних вещей, телевизор можно смотреть только в определенное время в общей комнате отдыха. Довольно спартанские условия. Но именно это, по словам заместителя директора школы Хэрроу Сьюзен Моррис, позволяет научить ребят: а) работать в команде, б) быть лидером и в) быть самостоятельным - в чем, собственно, и заключается основная цель английского образования.

Упражнение III. Переведите с листа тексты 4а и 46:


В августе страницы английских газет заполняются рекламами частных школ:



welcomes applications for


Enjoy two years in a School which values its

tradition and has superb modern facilities, a friendly

atmosphere and a forward-looking approach.

A substantial number of Scholarships for boys and

girls is available.

A wide range of A-level subjects including Design,

Business Studies, Drama and Theatre Studies,

Computing, Politics and Russian is on offer.

Applications should be received by

22nd October

Ian Barlow, the Registrar, will be pleased

to provide further details and a prospectus.

Please telephone the Registry on


Rugby School is a registered charity/or the purpose of

providing education.

The Times, September 27, 2002

Текст 4б

Is there a real alternative to Public School?

Yes, Hurtwood House. A school that combines the best qualities of public school and sixth form college. Hurtwood House is a mixed, residential community, dedicated to the sixth form, where fresh stimulus and traditional values go hand in hand.

25 years ago, Hurtwood House was a vision of pre-university education Today it has become the envied reality.

High up in the league tables, Hurtwood House achieved a 100% pass rate in eighteen A-level subjects this year and 99% of all students went on to University. Its teachers are Sixth Form specialists and every week they meet to review and monitor progress of each of the 280 students.

Within its structured environment the emphasis is on self-motivation, which is why it offers the broadest possible canvas. Its busy world encompasses music, theatre, art, sport and recreation.

The Times, August 27,2002


Упражнение IV. Прочтите абзац про себя (3 минуты) и переведите его с листа (тексты 5 и 6):

Текст 5

Will Woodword

Education editor

A report by the Design Council welcomed by the government says the £lbn spent by schools each year on classroom chairs, desks and equipment is often wasted on poorly-designed products, with little thought as to how they will improve the quality of learning.

The report urges designers, manufacturers and schools to work together to improve schools.

"When most people think of environments that inspire them, schools are likely to come low on the list. Yet learning should be inspirational. It is difficult to achieve this, and to motivate and retain the best teaching staff, if teachers and pupils see uncomfortable, noisy, rickety chairs. Rows of desks decorated with graffiti and hardened chewing gum. Unforgiving linoleum floors. Walls painted in drab colours. Harsh lighting.

The report accepts that there have been some changes to the stereotype in recent years with some classrooms having computers and whiteboards. But the improvements are nothing like those in homes, where digital television, the internet, mobile phones and games consoles enable people to entertain themselves at their own pace. The money spent on improving state schools is spread very thinly across 30,000 schools.

Текст 6

State schools in England are to be guaranteed a real increase in funding next year under plans being formulated by the education secretary, Charles Clarke, to prevent a repeat of this year's budget crisis.

But Damian Green, the shadow education secretary, said that 700 teachers faced redundancy this term because of budget cuts and a further 700 were going because of falling pupil numbers. "I would rather be a beggar than send my children to a state school", he added.

The Guardian,

November 21, 2003

Will Woodward

Education editor

Note: redundancy = сокращение штатов


Упражнение V. Переведите письменно первую часть текста (I) и устно по предложениям - вторую часть (П). См. переводческий комментарий;