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Домашнее задание к уроку 2

  1. Изучите переводческие комментарии к уроку 2.

  2. Выполните упражнения I, П, IV, V, VII.


Урок 2 Словарь

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The US State Department

The British Foreign Office

high-ranking officials

head of state

prime minister = premier, PM

vice premier

deputy premier

current premier

ex-premier = former premier

the then premier

the late premier



foreign minister

foreign secretary (Gr.Br) secretary of State (USA)

defence minister

interior minister

finance minister

health minister

minister of social services (security) Ministry of social security (Gr.Br)

housing minister

labour minister

education minister

minister of sport

minister for environment

minister of commerce

Ministry of pensions and national insurance (Gr. Br)

Министерство иностранных дел, МИД

Госдепартамент США

Министерство иностранных дел


высокопоставленные лица

глава государства



заместитель премьера

нынешний премьер-министр

бывший премьер-министр

бывший в то время премьер-министр

(покойный) премьер-министр



министр иностранных дел

министр иностранных дел

госсекретарь США

министр обороны

министр внутренних дел

министр финансов

министр здравоохранения

министр социального обеспечения

Министерство социального обеспечения

министр жилищного строительства

министр труда

министр образования

министр по вопросам спорта

министр по вопросам окружающей


министр торговли

Министерство по делам пенсий и

государственного страхования


Упражнение I. Сопоставьте способы обозначения должностных лиц на английском языке и на русском:

− France's president, Jacques Chirac;

− Тony Blair, Britain's prime minister;

−America's secretary of state;

− Germany' s chancellor;

− the Czech Republic's housing minister.


Способы обозначения должностных лиц

1. В английском языке порядок слов при обозначении должностных лиц следующий:

название страны + должность

India's prime minister.

В русском языке:

должность + название страны

премьер-министр Индии.

И в русском, и в английском языке имя собственное может стоять и перед, и после обозначения должности.

2. Возможен и другой вариант обозначения должностных лиц: the British minister и the prime minister of Britain.

3. Названия аналогичных должностных лиц могут передаваться существительным counterpart. Например:

America's secretary of state is meeting his Italy's counterpart in Washington today.

Сегодня госсекретарь США встречает в Вашингтоне министра иностранных дел Италии.

Упражнение II. Переведите устно со зрительной опорой краткие информационные сообщения. Определите контекстуальное значение незнакомых вам слов и проверьте себя по словарю (см. переводческий комментарий "Работа '86Словарем. Контекстуальное значение слов", данный в конце урока):

1. India's prime minister formed his new government keeping senior cabinet members in their posts.

2. Iran's interior minister has been charged by court with insulting Islamic leaders and publishing anti-islamic material in his newspaper Khordad.

3. The Czech Republic's prime minister got an EU (European Union) rebuke for h likening Josser Arafat to Hitler. He denied he had.


  1. BEDING - China on Monday named a top-level foreign trade official to be its first-ever minister of commerce, handing him responsibility to oversee the country's emerging capitalist-style trade operation and its obligations to the World Trade Organization.

  2. Health officials are going to check all flights arriving from Southeast Asia to make sure passengers do not show symptoms of a new mystery pneumonia that has killed at least nine people in China and infected hundreds world-wide, Russia's deputy health minister was quoted by Interfax as saying.

  3. The College of Medicine of South Africa added its voice to many others criticizing South Africa's ex-president, Nelson Mandela for delays in providing Anti- Aids drugs to pregnant women.

  4. Brazil's president sacked his minister for social services who had been critical of the government's tight fiscal and monetary policies.

  5. America's former housing secretary, escaped a jail sentence by pleading guilty of lying to the FBI.

  6. Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan's former prime minister, jailed after a military coup in 1999, was freed and went into exile in Saudi Arabia.

10. The World Social Forum held a lively and disorganised meeting in Porto Alegre, Brazil Some 51,000 delegates attended, three times more than last year. (March, 2003)

11. Crocodile in pool 'improves' swimmers

MARK DAVIES, a swimming coach from Australia, was told in July that he would need to use a private pool if he wanted to continue encouraging his athletes by putting a crocodile in the pool with them.

"The thought of something chasing them down the pool certainly improves the speeds of my swimmers," Davies said in defence of his technique, which was condemned by the Australian minister of Sport. Before being put in the pool, the 6ft saltwater crocodile had its jaw bound with tape and its claws clipped, - the coach tried to calm down the minister.

Упражнение III. Переведите со зрительной опорой без предварительной подготовки:

  1. At least 163 people drowned when two boats carrying illegal immigrants from Indonesia to Australia sank in stormy seas. About 1,000 people have arrived illegally in Australia by boat since July.

  2. At least 350 people died in India's worst railway disaster in the north of the country. A passenger train ploughed into the back of another that had stopped after hitting a cow.

  1. To test corruption in the police force, the interior minister sent a lorry full of

spirits on a 700-killometer journey through the country.

The police stopped it 24 times. They asked for bribes 22 times.

Упражнение IV. Переведите на слух:

Germany's chancellor, India's ambassador to Britain, Iran's foreign minister and Italian counterpart, high-ranking officials, трехдневный визит, среди встречающих были, по приглашению кого-либо, экономические и социальные реформы, по прибытии в Японию, environment, тренер по плаванью, бывший министр здравоохранения, оказывать теплый прием, current premier, the then premier, the late premier.