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theor.phonetics 2.doc
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Lecture 4.


  1. The English Phonemic System.

  2. Paradigmatic and syntagmatic approaches as the principle aspects of phonological system.

  3. Synchronic, diachronic and socio-linguistic factors in phonological system.

  4. The phonetic structure of a language.

1. The English Phonemic System.

According to the definition of the Prague school of linguists the phonemic system is a set of distinctive differences between the acoustic articulatory complexes of a given language. It is a sum total of phonological oppositions.

This definition is based on the concept of language as a whole, and it includes all the three aspects from which we regard the segments of the sound side of the language: acoustic, that is physical distinctions, are combined here with the articulatory, that is physiological peculiarities of the sound of speech. At the same time the most important category of phonology is reflected here as well: the phonological system is the sum total of phonological oppositions. And we have dealt with the problem already while defining phonemes of the language (functional).

Any system will work properly if it is closely connected with reality.

And in case of phonological oppositions there must be a very close contact with reality of linguistic communication, of actual sounds. In other words, the idealistic abstract paradigmatic approach to the language phenomena should not carry us away from the close observation of the reality, the sound matter in question and its multitudinous variations.

2. Paradigmatic and syntagmatic approaches as the principle aspects of phonological system.

The concept “paradigmatics” comes from the word “paradigm” which, according to the «Словарь …» by O.S.Akhmanova, p.310, «Совокупность флективных изменений, служащих образцом формообразования для данной части речи». So “paradigm” is an element of the emic system, it is the unit, which is the combination of all the positional variations of the allo-elements.

That is why paradigmatics , «… парадигматика – это рассмотрение единиц языка как элементов его системы, как совокупности структурных единиц, объединяемых в памяти и связанных отношением противопоставления. Единицы языка объединяются, таким образом, в сознании пользующегося языком, несмотря на невозможность реального их объединения в акте речи».

This means that “paradigmatic approach” regards all the language phenomena as the units of a system of language, as the combination of the structural elements. The paradigmatic approach regards qualitative oppositions. But the language should be studied in close contact with the quantitative aspect of the phonological phenomena in question.

Of late, the phonologists of many countries have started to lay much importance to the syntagmatic aspect of the phonological phenomena.

Синтагматика – первая фаза исследования языка, состоящая в последовательном разделении текста на все менее протяженные единицы. «Словарь …»

Syntagmatic approach to the phonological phenomema presupposes linear (or simultaneous) regarding of all the elements. It means that here we deal with the language phenomena the way they are found in speech, in its every day reflection. We are interested in their variants, their allo-realization. The units are in contrast with each other in their syntagmatic view, but not in opposition as it is in case of the paradigmatic approach.

Besides, the system of a language does not function in a vacuum and that is why any phonological phenomenon can be properly evaluated and understood only if we know: 1) the most subtle regularities and rules of the system in which they occur at present, and also, 2) we are aware of the state of the system during the previous period of its development.

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