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theor.phonetics 2.doc
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3. The main trends in phoneme theory.

Most linguists consider the phoneme as the basic linguistic unit. However, their views on it vary greatly. Different views reflecting the principle trends as for the phoneme fall into several classes:

  1. the psychological or mentalistic view regards the phoneme as a mental image based upon the complex psychological perception of speech sound. According to this perception a phoneme is an ideal entity. This view was shared by Baudouin de Courteney, Sapir, Alf.Somerfelt, M.Tatham;

  2. the physical view was originated by Daniel Jones who regards the phoneme as a family of sounds and the members of which reveal pronounced phonetic similarity. This view is shared by the American linguists B.Bloch and J.Trager. This approach may be regarded vulgarly materialistic since it views the phoneme as a group of articulatory similar sounds without any regard to its functional and abstract aspects.

  3. the functional view treats the phoneme as the minimal sound unit by which meanings are differentiated without much attention to the articulatory and acoustic characteristics of actually pronounced sounds. According to this conception the phoneme is a certain features of the articulatory factor and they are involved in the differentiation of the meaning. These features are called distinctive (relevant), because they alone help to differentiate words. But this theory neglects the so called non-distinctive features of the phoneme such as aspiration, or the dark or clear variants of the phoneme (the articulatory features which do not serve to distinguish meaning are called irrelevant, redundant). The proponents of this theory are N.Trubetskoy, L.Bloomfield, R. Jakobson, M.Halle. A stronger form of the "functional" approach is advocated in the so called "abstract" view of the phoneme which regards the phonemes essentially independent of the acoustic and physiological properties associated with them, that is speech sounds. This view of the phoneme was pioneered by L.Hjelmslev and his associates in the Copenhagen Linguistic circle, H. J.Uldall nad K.Togby. This theory refuses abstract relations of the phoneme.

Questions for self-control:

1. In what ways can the term “sound” be interpreted in Phonetics?

2. What are the main trends in phoneme theory?

3. What is called a “principle allophone” ?

4. What are subsidiary allophones and what influences their subdivision?

Lecture 3.


  1. The three parts of Phonology as corresponding to the three levels of linguistic analysis.

2. The distributional method in phonology.

3. The semantic method in phonology.

4. Notation. Phonetic transcription.

1. The three parts of Phonology as corresponding to the three levels of Linguistic analysis.

The present course of English phonology consists of the following three parts: Segmentics, Suprasegmentics and Suprasyntactics, each of which corresponds to a certain level of linguistic analysis. Modern linguistic theory presupposes that there are three levels of an analysis: feature level (дифференциальный уровень), semantic level (семантический уровень) and metasemiotic level (метасемиотический уровень).

According to the “Словарь лингвистических терминов” О.С.Ахмановой:

  1. Feature levelуровень дифференциальный, фонологический, это уровень, на котором язык выступает лишь как система различительных знаков и к которому относятся помимо естественных звуков речи, все заместители речевого сигнала, такие как письмо и другие знаки, способные различать единицы семантического уровня (морфемы, слова и др.) стр.487-488. Словарь …

So as you see from this definition, on the feature level we deal with the form, or the sound shape of the word which expresses the meaning, or semantics of the word.

  1. Semantic level – уровень семантический, на котором языковые единицы выделяются с одновременным учетом как их звуковой стороны или выражения, так и их внутренней или семантической стороны или содержания (Словарь, стр.488).

So this is the level of linguistic analysis where we deal with words and sentences and in general with the meaning of what we are saying. But suprasegmentics is concerned with the ways this meaning is expressed in a sentence, that is by means of stress and intonation.

  1. Metasemiotic levelметасемиотика – отрасль семиотики, изучающая такое использование знака, при котором содержание и выражение становятся либо содержанием для нового (мета)выражения, либо для нового (мета)содержания. (Словарь …стр.230).

So metasemiotic level deals with all kinds of expressive and evaluative overtones. On this level we study all kinds of connotations. Suprasyntactics deals with logical stress of a sentence, conveying different stylistic connotations.

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