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 Speaking

Everyone talks about the weather. It’s a way to begin a conversation with someone you don’t know at a social event. Conversations about the weather are never very long; they are usually only openers to other subjects.

Here are some comments about the weather. What is the season/month which is commented upon? Give detailed description of the weather (of the air, temperature, sky, sun, wind, fog) which is commented upon in the sentences below.

Can’t stand it. It’s freezing.

Gee, it’s slippery out here.

Isn’t it beautiful out today?

A little on the cool side, isn’t it?

I wish this rain would stop.

Nice day, isn’t it?

Hot enough for you?

Looks like rain to me.

It’s a perfect day for staying inside.

This rain hasn’t let up for two weeks. I’m going crazy.

Very often people use the phrases below in a small talk.


A weather forecast hasn’t been given yet.

It looks like rain (snow, hail).

We are in for a spell of fine weather.

It’s too good to last.

I hope it’ll keep fine.

The weather is improving.

The weather has changed for the better (the worse).

Spring is in the air.

I feel roasted alive.

The heat is oppressive/unbearable.

I am grilled under a hot sun.

I’m simply melting.

The heat has abated.

A heavy/sharp/severe frost (cold) has set in.

I’m shivering.

I’m numb.

My teeth are chattering with the cold.

The cold makes my hands cold and stiff.

I’m chilled to the marrow (to the bone).

There’s a nip in the air.

The rivers and lakes are frozen over.

The frost has locked the river.

The sky is overcast.

The clouds are getting more numerous.

The clouds promise/omen rain.

The sky veiled itself since the morning.

The clouds are hanging low in the sky.

A soft wind is stirring the leaves.

The strong wind lessened in force.

Dazzling flashes of lightning were followed by a tremendous clap of thunder.

Do you hear the rolling rumbling and crashing of the thunder?

The lightning must have struck a building.

It’s coming down in torrents.

It’s a real deluge.

I’ve got wet through/wet to the bone.

I’ve got soaked to the skin.

My clothes are soaking wet.

Buses splash mud on passers-by.

What fluffy large snowflakes!

There was a heavy fall of snow last night.

The children are pelting each other with snowballs.

They are making a snowman.

Trees, bushes, fields look magic covered by sparkling hoar-frost.

It is slippery in places.

We all welcome the advent of spring.

Migratory birds come back from warm countries, lay and hatch their eggs and rear their younger ones.

I got caught in the rain.

It has ceased raining.

It’s slushy out.

Exercise 5

Translate into English.

Яка пора року вам більше подобається?

1.На мою думку, це весна: природа пробуджується від зимового сну, дерева зеленіють, розквітають квіти. 2.А я віддаю перевагу літові. Я дуже люблю плавати і загоряти, гуляти в лісі. 3.Осінь також має свої привабливі риси. Багато фруктів і овочів, і все таке яскраве! 4.Я нічого не маю проти зими. Тільки подумай, як приємно кататися на ковзанах і лижах. А перший снігопад! Як чудово гратися у сніжки або ліпити снігову бабу. 5.Треба вміти цінувати природу і радіти життю такому, яке воно є. 6.Англійці говорять: немає поганої погоди, є поганий одяг.


Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’ by Jerome K. Jerome

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