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The Victory of the Constitutional regime

The king’s Jacov governing was finished. Soon it was clear what most of the English people wanted. Only very few people supported the absolute king’s power, insisting on Yaakov’s returning to the throne. Less wanted on the throne Vilgelm Oranskiy. The compromises was suggested in such a way – to preserve the king’s throne, but with guaranties of liberties.

On the 13 th 1689 Vilgelm and his wife – Mary, the king’s Yaakov’s daughter were crowned . Both chambers of the parliament made the Bill of Rights, in which first were described the defenses and injustices because of which Yaakov deprived of the throne and then the list of Parliament’s and civil rights was announced. The coronation took place in Whitehall. With the presence of the whole Parliament the secretary of the House of Lords read the Bill of Rights. Both Vilgelm and his wife guarantied to submit themselves to Parliament’s authority.

In such a way the Revolution (The Glorious Revolution) was finished. And it was glorious not for the Bill of Rights, but for the fact that Vilgelm and his wife mounted the throne not by the right of inheritance or conquest, but by the free choice of Parliament, as the choice of the common people.

C. Oral Composition


1. Read the text and find in it the Russian equivalents of the following topical words and phrases:

in travelogues - в путевых записках

Madame Tussaud's (Exhibition) -музей мадам Тюссо

wax models - восковые фигуры

resentment - возмущение

recognition - узнавание

royal regalia - королевские регалии

incompetence - невежество

historical plays - хроники

moralistic - поучительный

to contrive doing smth - ухитриться сделать что-либо

strait jacket - смирительная рубашка

the King's robes - мантия

to breathe one's last (to go the way of all flesh) - отдать душу

to lay smb off - отстранять

to dismiss smb with a cold nod - прощаясь, холодно кивнуть кому-либо



Wax models

They used to scold Madam Tussaud’s Exhibition in all travelogues. Everybody proves that these wax models are disgusting, are not connected with the art at all. The author supports the position of people and critics so he also resents because they are unanimous. Thus the author submits to their opinion. Sometimes the resentment goes away when the recognition of the kings, queens and royal regalia comes. Jonathan Swift tells that all wax models of Madam Tussaud’s represent “the mixture of the stupidity, incompetence, lust, spleen and spite”. The author knows some representatives of royal dynasties only from the historical plays of Shakespeare. One of the wax models is George III, who contrived reigning for 50 years been mad. Sometimes they even dressed him in a straight jacket so under the King’s robes it looked ordinary. The author has a talk to him, where he learns that George III liked the Art. During his ruling lived Constable, Turner. In 1811 he was laid off and in 1820 he breathed his last. Then George III dismisses the author with a cold nod.



1. Read the text, find in it the Russian equivalents of the following topical words and phrases:

Adoration- поклонение

to regret the bad weather- побранить плохую погоду

a buttered egg- вареное яйцо намазанное маслом

to map every moment of the day beforehand- заранее расписать каждую минуту

a farcical comedy- фарсовая комедия

ambigu­ity- двусмысленность

a jest- шутка

"not discreet"-неприличный

Women's Suffrage-права женщин

Whipping-порка кнутом

to unsex oneself- лишить кого-то половых признаков

the subjects- подданные

the Empress of India- императрица Индии

to fill a memorable place- занять почетное место

2. Read the text again, find in it the information about the following questions and, trying to use the words and phrases given in Task I, answer them in writing:

  1. What sort of atmosphere invested the last period of Victoria's life?

The atmosphere of general adoration invested the last period of Victoria's life.

  1. How long did it take her to recover from depression, which she had fallen in after her husband's death? What were the first signs of it?

It took her a long time to recover from depression. This process was very slow and gradually she became to feel better. Now she could quarrel a bad weather, not reminding the words of her husband that we should take all the things as they are, which we cannot change. Or she could have a supper without thinking that dear Albert used to eat buttered egg.

  1. How did her life pass from year to year? What did she permit herself to do occasionally? What kind of plays did she prefer?

She had a strict schedule of life. Every moment of the day was mapped beforehand. She had the stable dates of visiting noble people. But from time to time the monotony of evenings was broken because she went to theatre, at the opera. She liked farcical comedies and plays with unexpected ending.

  1. What was peculiar for her sense of humour? What was the famous remark that she used to make to show her disapproval?

She could not stand for ambigu­ity. The famous remark that she used to make to show her disapproval was “We are not amused!”

  1. What did she think about meetings, which were held in Lon­don in favour of Women's Suffrage? Why was she against it? What did she say about the role of women in human society?

She was very angry about such meetings. She said that these women must had a whipping in public. God created men and women to be different. And they must remain in this way. The women would become the ugliest creatures if they would be unsexed.

  1. Was she popular with her subjects and abroad? How does the author explain her popularity?

Yes, she was a popular figure even abroad because she reached a noble age and she was Queen of UK and empress of India. Besides she was a personality.

Lesson 3

English monarchy in the 20th century



1. Find in the text the following concepts, check your ability to explain them in English, and add them to your working vocabulary:

the House of Windsor is the changed name of the House of Saxe-Coburg

the Silver Jubilee celebrated King George V (25 years on the Throne)

the Church of England-the official Church of England, whose leader is the Queen or King.

the Abdication- giving up the position of being Queen or King.

As Queen Mother was know Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon(wife of King George VI)

2. Write out from the text the sentences or their parts, which contain the words and phrases given below and translate them into Russian:

to promote friendship between nations- способствовать национальной дружбе

“…Having a gift for dealing with people, "Bertie", as he was called within the family circle, did a lot to promote friendship between na­tions and was often called "Edward the Peacemaker"…”

shipping broker- торговец на судне

“…In 1930 "David" got aquatinted with an American woman, Mrs Wallis Simpson, who had come to England with her second hus­band, a London shipping broker…”

to be in confronted with smth- столкнувшись с

“…Confronted with the choice between the Crown and the woman he loved, Edward abdicated in' favour of his younger brother George…”

stammering- заикание

“…Modest and quiet man, he did not like to be in public because of his stammering…”

to earn great respect by smth- заслужить уважение

“…When the World War II began, the King and his family earned great respect by staying in London…”

3. Explain in English what is meant by:

the "world's most eligible bachelor"- one that many people want to marry, especially because of his rich.

to be in the shadow of smb - he do not receive as much attention as the other person.

on smb's wedding day -a day where takes place a marriage ceremony and usually the meal or party.

4. Answer the following questions:

  1. How long was Edward VIII on the throne?

Edward VIII was on the throne eleven month.

  1. How many names do the English aristocrats usually give to

their children?

In the case of “David” there were seven names( Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David).

  1. Who was Mrs Wallis Simpson?

She was an American woman, whose husband was a London shipping broker.

  1. Why did Parliament refuse to accept her as the King's future wife?

  2. What did King Edward VIII do when he was confronted with the choice between the throne and the woman he loved?

Edward Abdicated in favour of his younger brother George and married Wallis Simpson.

  1. Where did the ex-king and his wife live after the Abdication?

He lived abroad and died in Paris.

  1. What sort of man was King George VI?

King George VI was always in the shadow of his elder brother. Modest and quiet man, he did not like to be in public because of stammering. He was a good husband and father and spent much time with his family.



1. Read the text, find in it the following concepts and topical words, check your ability to explain their meanings in English, and add them to your working vocabulary:

feudal monarchy is a monarchical form of government that existed during the Middle Ages where people were given land and protection by a Nobleman, and had to work and firth for him in return.

absolute monarchy is a monarchical form of government where the monarch exercises ultimate governing authority as head of state and head of government, thus wielding political power over the sovereign state and its subject peoples. In an absolute monarchy, the transmission of power is two-fold; hereditary and marital. As absolute governor, the monarch’s authority is not legally bound or restricted by a constitution

to open and dissolve Parliament- to officially start and end Parliament

the Throne Speech - a formal talk that a queen gives to an audience

"The Queen can do no wrong"- the Queen tries to do her best to the prosperity of her country.

a taxpayer- a person who pays tax to the government, especially on the money that they earn.

the Civil List - a sum of money that is given to the British royal family each year by Parliament.

"the nation of shopkeepers"- the nation that has no fame of wasters.

the royal pageantry - impressive and colorful events and ceremonies involving a lot of people wearing special clothes.

the Garden Party - a formal social event that takes place in the afternoon in a large garden.

2. Read the text again, find in it the information about the following questions and answer them in writing:

  1. What evolution has the institute of monarchy undergone during its long history?

At Plantagenet’s period monarchy was feudal, at Tudor’s times it has become absolute. After the Revolution of 17-th century it is usually called limited.

  1. What rights has the English monarch as the head of the state?

The powers that belong to the Crown are collectively known as the Royal Prerogative. The Royal Prerogative includes many powers (such as the powers to make treaties or send ambassadors) as well as certain duties (such as the duties to defend the realm and to maintain the Queen's peace). The English monarch has a right to open and dissolve Parliament with the Throne Speech, to sign the acts accepted by Parliament.

  1. To what extent are these rights limited?

As the British monarchy is a constitutional one, however, the monarch exercises the Royal Prerogative on the advice of ministers. Although the Royal Prerogative is extensive, it is not unlimited. For example, the monarch does not have the prerogative to impose and collect new taxes; such an action requires the authorisation of an Act of Parliament. He can appoint on the high posts only those persons which Parliament approved, he cannot refuse to sign the act or open or dissolve Parliament.

  1. How do the advocates of the institute of monarchy explain the necessity to limit the rights of the Sovereign?

The advocates of the institute of monarchy say that it is done for the sake of Monarch because he is a “symbol of state” and cannot do wrong.

  1. What do the opponents of this institution say about this practice?

The opponents of this institution say that this practice is too expensive for the state.

  1. How much does the royal court receive by the Civil List?

700 thousand pounds.

  1. How many palaces has the English Royal Family? Do you know where they are situated?

The English Royal Family has three residences: Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle and Palace of Holyroodhouse. Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837 and today is the administrative headquarters of the Monarch. Windsor Castle is an official residence of The Queen and the largest occupied castle in the world situated in the English county of Berkshire. The Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh is The Queen's official residence in Scotland situated at the end of the Royal Mile.

  1. Who pays for the maintenance of the royal aeroplanes, heli­copters and yachts?

The state pays for the maintenance of the royal aeroplanes, heli­copters and yachts.

  1. What did Napoleon mean when he called England the "na­tion of shopkeepers"?

Napoleon mean that through all sins of English people, the sin of extravagance does not takes place.

  1. Why do the advocates of monarchy believe that the royal family is worth the money they receive?

The advocates of monarchy believe that the royal family is worth the money they receive because we cannot name them “lazybones”. She is one of the most famous persons, so she “can do no wrong".

  1. What duties are connected with the position of the Queen?

The Queen meets a lot of “necessary” people, makes speeches, pays visits to other countries. Her day is scheduled in the minutes.

  1. What role does the pageantry of the royal court play in British' political life?

The pageantry affects the political life of the state.

  1. On what occasion are the Royal Garden Parties held?

The Royal Garden Parties held on the occasion Queen’s birthday in June.

  1. What is the main function of the institute of monarchy nowadays?

The institute of monarchy helps to the government to promote his policy.

C. Writing a summary



In the UK everything is upside down. The motto of all Elizabeth’s II life are the words that she pronounced when she was 20 years old princess in Cape town where she learned about her father’s death. I promise to dedicate all my life to serve you . To all her relatives she sets a certain amount of “royal tasks”. For this they get from Elizabeth II allowance ( “pin-money”) that is means of influence on the family. Royal servants get minimum of subsistence and when applying for a job they fill profiles that give a right of state welfare benefit. Such her parsimoniousness Elizabeth II explains that salary to servants and her own children she have to pay from the money allocated for support of all the Royal Court . A lion’s share of this money goes to maintenance in order of royal castles and different trips. We don’t want to call Elizabeth II a lion in the path of technological progress , but you won’t hear buzzing sounds of mobile telephones. The Queen was so fed up with the constant calls ringing at the wrong time, including the state receptions, that she issued a written decree that prohibit her servants to use mobile phones during their work. Time to time the country is shocked by scandals according one or another member of her family. Selflessly serving her country she more and more looks and speaks like a simple English woman from the London suburbs .



In the article “Elizabeth II” from the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” the author reflects the problem of female succession to the throne that is forbidden in many countries but is quite normal in the UK . The motto of the Queen of UK Elizabeth II are the words that she pronounced when she was 20 years old princess in Cape town where she learned about her father’s death. She follows this promise all 50 years of her government. To all her relatives she sets a certain amount of “royal tasks”. For this they get from Elizabeth II allowance that is means of influence on the family. Royal servants get minimum of subsistence and when applying for a job they fill profiles that give a right of state welfare benefit. Such her parsimoniousness Elizabeth II explains that salary to servants and her own children she have to pay from the money allocated for support of all the Royal Court . A lion’s share of this money goes to maintenance in order of royal castles and different trips. The author don’t call Elizabeth II a lion in the path of technological progress , but you won’t hear buzzing sounds of mobile telephones. The Queen was so fed up with the constant calls ringing at the wrong time, including the state receptions, that she issued a written decree that prohibit her servants to use mobile phones during their work. Time to time the country is shocked by scandals according one or another member of her family. Selflessly serving her country she more and more looks and speaks like a simple English woman from the London suburbs . Summing up we must say that the author’s attitude to the Queen and her reign quite positive and approve her actions.

Lesson 4



  1. In the V century AD the Romans left from Britain having left the island unprotected from the invasion s of Saxon tribes the leaders of which became hereditary rules – the kings and were always fighting against one another who is more important.

  2. Alfred who later deserved the title “Great” was 22 years old when he ascended to the throne. He ordered that the old customs and laws followed by the Anglo-Saxons should be collected in the first Code of English Law.

  3. The King Edward VII got a respectful nickname Edward Martyr because being a real heir of Alfred the great, took care of the prosperity of his country more than of the expanding of its boundaries.

  4. The Saxon royal line didn’t exist for a long time when Edward the Confessor won the English throne from Vikings. His heir, the King Harold, was killed at the Battle of Hastings, which begins the Norman Conquest of England.

  5. William I was very purposeful person and an outstanding organizer. The transformations that he carried out changed the country so much that it became a powerful country that since that time no one could conquer it.

  6. Few kings enveloped in a romantic fame as Richard the Lionheart, although in reality it does not fit in the ideal monarch, as it appears in the famous novel by Sir Walter Scott.

  7. Following the advice of his courtiers, King Richard the two agreed to meet the requirements of the rebels and told everyone to go home. Most did so, but some, led by Tyler Wahtom, not satisfied with promises of the king remained in London.

  8. Confiscated monastery lands and sold them to his supporters, Henry 7 received the support they created a class of the rural bourgeoisie. But in the memory of man he was as cruel and not discriminating in the media despot.

  9. The ship, which arrived William of Orange, was decorated with the proud inscription: "I will preserve liberties of England and the Protestant faith. " Thus ended the bloodless revolution, called the British glorious because it was based on the compromise, not violence.

  10. Having learned about the meeting of suffragists, Queen Victoria said: "These ladies should pubichno tear whip ... God created men and women are different, so let them remain so. Why deprive ourselves of his or her sex?"

  11. In January 1936, King George died in May. His eldest son Edward ascended the throne, but soon from him abdicated in favor of his younger brother. The conflict occurred due to the fact that the parliament has refused to recognize his right to marry an American Wallis Simpson, whom he loved.

  12. From time to time England shocking scandals, then with one, then another member of the royal family, and yet Elizoveta 2 - remains the most popular woman in the country. Her motto is - to serve his people, and she remains faithful to him all the fifty years of his reign


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