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300 g of red cabbage

200 g tomatoes

200 g of cucumbers

200 g Bulgarian pepper

100 g radish

leek or onions

herbs to taste


vegetable oil

The recipe of preparation of

All the vegetables thoroughly wash and dry.

Shred cabbage.

Radish cut into plastics.

Cut onion into half-rings.

Cucumbers cut into strips.

Tomatoes cut into cubes.

Pepper clear from the seeds and cut into strips.

Greens finely chop.

Mix cabbage, radishes, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens.

Season With Salt.

Fill with vegetable oil.

Шагиахметова (Orange miracle)


Mix of salad leaves 200g

Fresh cucumbers 2 pieces

Swiss cheese 100 г

Welded abrupt eggs 2 pieces Natural yogurt 100 г Salt to taste


1Salad leaves to wash up, dry and small to cut. Cucumbers to wash up and cut thin straws. To combine all in a salad dish, to season with salt and pepper. To mix. In this dish it is possible to use any set of green salads: латук, a frieze, korn-salad etc

2.Cheese to rub on a large grater. Eggs to clear and chop a knife in a large crumb.

3.To lay out on salad yogurt, from above to strew cheese, then eggs. Without mixing, a tax to a table

Bon appetit

Сафиуллина Лейсан (Crab Salad)


2 Tablespoon Lemon juice

2 Tablespoon Mayonnaise

2 Tablespoon Natural yogurt

450 Gram Crab meat (1 lb)

1 Cucumber, diced

4 Tomatoes, skinned and cubed

110 Gram Pasta shells, cooked (4 oz)

1 Lettuce, shredded

Cucumber and lemon slices, to garnish


Mix together the lemon juice, mayonnaise and yogurt.

Combine the dressing with the remaining ingredients except the lettuce.

Serve the crab salad on a bed of shredded lettuce.

Garnish with cucumber and lemon slices and accompany with brown bread and butter.

If you are using fresh crabs in their shells you will need two large crabs to produce the weight specified. The dish looks good garnished with crab claws.

Матвейчук (Escalope of veal.)


Veal 159 g Vegetable oil 10g Preparation:

From the loin cut portions of meat thickness of 10 - 15 mm (1 - 2 per serving), slightly beat out, sprinkle with salt and pepper and fry on both sides of 5 - 7 minutes. At holiday escalope put on toast, garnished with meat juice and pour.

Мухаммадиева (A julienne with a hen and mushrooms)


- the Basis (field mushrooms and крица) in number of 500 г

- 2 large bulbs

- 200 г cream

- 4 items of l. Torments

- 300 г firm cheese

- Vegetable oil

- Parsley

- Salt and pepper to taste

the recipe of preparation of a julienne


1. Cut thin straws mushrooms and chicken meat.

2. Slightly roast them on vegetable oil, with small cut onions.

3. The roasted basis with onions spread out on cocottes that the dish has been filled on 2/3.

4. Fry thoroughly 4-5 items of l. Torments to golden color.

5. A flour place in small кастрюльку, and fill in with cream, throw a slice of oil, spice to taste, boil thoroughly, constantly stirring slowly, on weak fire within 5-10 minutes your sauce the Béchamel is ready.

6. Fill in with ready sauce of a cocotte, and from above strew grated cheese so that the surface has been completely covered by it.

7. Bake in an oven of 5-10 minutes on the maximum fire, the golden cheese crust isn't formed yet.

8. Strew a ready julienne with a hen and mushrooms parsley.

9. Submit to a table.

Сергеева(Mandarin Orange Cheese)

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