- •Chapter I
- •Text 1 crude oil transportation
- •Text 2 pipelines
- •Text 3 natural gas pipelines
- •Text 4 pumps
- •(Liquefied natural gas)
- •Text 6 marine tankers
- •Text 7 automatic custody transfer
- •Text 8 Facility Layout
- •Text 9 Deeper water, moderate sea states
- •Petroleum Marketing
- •Chapter II
- •10.1 What is the main idea of the article?
- •10.2 Explain the following words or words-combinations.
- •10.3 Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence.
- •10.4 True, false.
- •10.5 Put up four questions of different types (general, special, disjunctive, alternative) to each sentence.
- •Text 11 Heavy-Oil Pipelines
- •11.1 Explain the following words or word-combinations.
- •11.2 Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence.
- •11.3 True, false.
- •11.4 Put the verbs in brackets into the proper grammar tense.
- •Text 12 Pipeline Project
- •12.1 What is the main idea of the article?
- •12.2 Explain the following words or word-combinations.
- •12.3 Transform the affirmative sentences into the negative and interrogative ones.
- •12.4 Put the verbs in brackets into the proper grammar tense and voice.
- •12.5 Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence.
- •Text 13 Moving Heavy Oil
- •13.1 Explain the following words and word-combinations.
- •13.2 What does this article focus on?
- •13.3 Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence.
- •13.4 False, true.
- •13.5 Make the sentences negative and interrogative.
- •Text 14 Coating Selection
- •14.1 What is the main idea of the article?
- •14.2 Explain the following words and world-combinations.
- •14.3 Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence.
- •14.4 False, true.
- •Text 15 Coating Qualification, Process
- •15.1 What is the main idea of the article?
- •15.2 Explain the following words and word combinations.
- •15.3 Choose the necessary word and complete the following sentences.
- •15.4 False, true.
- •Text 16 Construction Part I
- •16.1 What does this article focus on?
- •16.2 False, true.
- •16.3 Explain the following words and word-combinations.
- •16.4 Make the following sentences interrogative.
- •16.5 Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence.
- •Text 17 Construction Part II
- •17.1 What is this article about?
- •17.2 Explain the following words and word-combinations.
- •17.3 Choose the necessary word and complete the sentence.
- •17.4 False, true.
- •17.5 Put the verbs in brackets in a proper grammar tense and voice.
- •Text 18 fsu Oil Exports Through Iran Set to Increase
- •18.1 What does the article focus on?
- •18.2 Explain the following words and phrases.
- •18.3 False, true.
- •18.4 Choose the necessary word or word-combination and complete the following sentences.
- •18.5 Make the following sentences interrogative.
- •Text 19 More Movements
- •19.1 What is the article about?
- •19.2 Explain the following words and word-combinations.
- •19.3 Choose the necessary word or word-combination and put it in the sentence.
- •References
Івано-Франківський національний технічний
університет нафти і газу
Довзій С.В.
Малецька Т.В.
Transportation and Storage Facilities of Oil and Gas
Методичні вказівки З
Івано-Франківський національний технічний
університет нафти і газу
Кафедра англійської мови
Довзій С.В.
Малецька Т.В.
Transportation and Storage Facilities of Oil and Gas
Для студентів 3 - 4 курсів денної
форми навчання спеціальності ПС
Довзій С.В. Малецька Т.В. – Методичні вказівки з англійської мови “ Transportation and Storage Facilities of Oil and Gas ”. – Івано-Франківськ: Факел, 2005. – 64 с.
Методичні вказівки призначені для студентів ІІІ-ІV курсів денної форми навчання, спеціальності ПС, факультету НГП. Методичні вказівки спрямовані на розвиток навичок читання, перекладу і вдосконалення навичок професійно-спрямованого спілкування. Методичні вказівки складаються з 19 розділів. Розділи включають тексти, комунікативні та граматичні вправи, які сприяють розвитку та вдосконаленню навичок усного та письмового мовлення на базі автентичної науково-технічної літератури за спеціальністю. Методичні вказівки можуть бути використані для аудиторної та самостійної роботи, домашнього читання та на факультативних заняттях.
Рецензент: доцент кафедри англійської мови, Лабурець Т. О.
Дане видання – власність ІФНТУНГ.
Забороняється тиражування та розповсюдження.
Довзій С.В. Малецька Т.В. – Методичні вказівки з англійської мови “ Transportation and Storage Facilities of Oil and Gas”. – Івано-Франківськ: Факел, 2005. – 64 с.
Методичні вказівки призначені для студентів ІІІ-ІV курсів денної форми навчання, спеціальності ПС, факультету НГП. Методичні вказівки спрямовані на розвиток навичок читання, перекладу і вдосконалення навичок професійно-спрямованого спілкування. Методичні вказівки складаються з 19 розділів. Розділи включають тексти, комунікативні та граматичні вправи, які сприяють розвитку та вдосконаленню навичок усного та письмового мовлення на базі автентичної науково-технічної літератури за спеціальністю. Методичні вказівки можуть бути використані для аудиторної та самостійної роботи, домашнього читання та на факультативних заняттях.
Рецензент: доцент кафедри англійської мови, Лабурець Т. О.
Завідувач кафедри англійської мови |
Ф. М. Нізамутдінов |
Член експертно-рецензійної комісії університету |
В. М. Криштопа |
Нормоконтролер |
О. Г. Гургула |
Коректор |
Н. Ф. Будуйкевич |
Заступник НТБ з комп’ютеризації |
В.В. Бабійчук |
Дане видання – власність ІФНТУНГ.
Забороняється тиражування та розповсюдження.
............................ |
5 |
Text 1 Crude Oil Transportation |
........................... |
6 |
Text 2 Pipelines |
........................... |
8 |
Text 3 Natural Gas Pipelines -Pipe and Fittings |
........................... |
11 |
Text 4 Pumps -Compressors -Valves |
........................... |
Text 5 lng |
........................... |
15 |
Text 6 Marine Tankers - flow lines |
........................... |
17 |
Text 7 Automatic Custody Transfer |
........................... |
19 |
Text 8 Facility Layout |
........................... |
21 |
Text 9 Deeper Water, Moderate Sea States |
........................... |
25 |
........................... |
29 |
Text 10 New Operation Strategies in Heavy Crude will Increase Profit Margin |
........................... |
30 |
Text 11 Heavy-Oil Pipelines |
……………….. |
32 |
Text 12 Pipeline Project |
........................... |
35 |
Text 13 Moving Heavy Oil |
........................... |
Text 14 Coating Selection |
........................... |
42 |
Text 15 Coating Qualification, Process |
........................... |
46 |
Text 16 Construction Part I |
........................... |
49 |
Text 17 Construction Part II |
........................... |
53 |
Text 18 FSU Oil Exports Through Iran Set to Increase |
........................... |
57 |
Text 19 More Movements |
........................... |
60 |
Перелік посилань |
........................... |
64 |
Chapter I
1.1 Read and translate Text 1
Text 1 crude oil transportation
Crude oil can be transported from the producing field to the refinery in a variety of conveyances. For onshore production, tank trucks, railroad tank cars, and barges on inland waterways are used to some extent, but pipelines are the dominant mode of transportation. Pipelines are also used to bring production ashore from offshore fields located reasonably near to land.
Fields in very deep water-often employing subsea completions and FPSOs-typically use shuttle tankers to move the crude from the storage tanks in the FPSO hulls to shore. For most export operations around the world, marine tankers are the only choice available.The bulk of the enormous Middle East production, for example, is shipped to all parts of the world in tankers.
Crude oil pipelines have established an excellent environmental record. They are robust systems that seldom fail. When they do fail, the pumps are immediately shut down,holding escaped crude to a minimum.
Marine tankers do not have quite as good as environmental record as pipelines.One problem is simply the huge number of tankers that are on the high seas at any given moment. With an operation that large, some accidents are bound to happen. The most serious incident was the grounding of the EXXON Valdes, a very large crude carrier (VLCC), in Alaskan coastal waters.VLCCs, which haul much of the world’s crude, are essentially huge floating crude tanks that are extremely difficult to stop or maneuver.When they do hit something, the quantity of crude available for release is staggering. To minimize risk, VLCCs are routed as far as possible outside of heavy shipping lanes. Additional transhipment terminals are being constructed around the world for VLCCs to unload out to sea; then pipelines or small shuttle tankers handle the final shipment leg into congested ports. Also, many VLCCs are now being built with double hulls, which provide some protection against impact.
1.2 Сomprehension questions:
What is the dominant mode of crude oil transportation?
How is crude shipped to all parts of the world?
Where is a very large crude carrier situated?
Is it difficult to stop or maneuver the huge floating crude tanks?
What are additional transhipment terminals being constructed for?
1.3 Translate into Ukrainian in written form. Make all possible questions to the sentences:
Crude oil is shipped to the petrochemical plants from around the world in very large tankers and the refined products shipped back around the world in smaller tankers.
Since crude is so easy transported by marine tanker, in remote areas of the world the development of a new field generally includes building a pipeline connecting the field to a maring loading terminal.
An oil company may use its own tankers to ship to its refinery in Europe or the U.S., but more often it will sell at the terminal to the highly organized and efficient third-party market.
FPSO - Floating Production, Storage and Offloading- Vessel used to produce offshore fields.
the high seas - all parts of the seas and oceans beyond territorial waters.
1.4 Match the pairs:
shipping oil
offshore tankers
crude hull
marine lane
double field
1.5 Give Ukrainian correspondences:
crude oil; refinery; ashore; producing field; conveyance; subsea; maneuver; shuttle tanker; impact
1.6 Make 3 sentences of your own using the above mentioned words.
1.7 Retell Text 1
2.1 Read and translate Text 2