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Пензенский государственный педагогический университет

имени В. Г. Белинского

М. А. Светова

М. В. Разумова


Учебное пособие

Пенза 2011

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета

Пензенского государственного педагогического университета

имени В.Г. Белинского

УДК 41=20(075)

ББК 81.2 Англ я73

Данное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса Факультета иностранных языков, специальность «английский-немецкий», «английский-французский», а также для студентов отделения перевода и переводоведения, и в качестве дополнительной литературы для изучающих английский язык углубленно.

Пособие содержит аутентичные материалы для формирования и развития фонетических навыков, навыков монологической и диалогической речи, активизирует разговорные речевые формулы.

Пособие составлено в соответствии с требованиями программы для 1 курса.

Рецензент: кандидат филологических наук, доцент Т. А. Полукарова



Small Talk…………………………………………………………………………………………………………10

Geography Rap…………………………………………………………………………………………………27

Old Macdonald…………………………………………………………………………………………………28


Tone Group 1……………………………………………………………………………………………………36

Tone Group 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………39

Tone Group 6……………………………………………………………………………………………………41

Tone Group 7……………………………………………………………………………………………………43

“Mary Poppins”…………………………………………………………………………………………………46

“The Sound of Music”………………………………………………………………………………………48




“Tick”, the clock says,


What you have to do, do quick!

Little Bill, sit still.

Will you sit still, little Bill?

If you sit still, little Bill,

Jimmy Nill will bring you to a big hill.

Six little kittens lost their mittens.

It’s a pity, they were so pretty.


Father, mother, sister, brother

Hand in hand with one another.

If the thing is worth doing,

It is worth doing well.

Thirty thousand horsemen

Threading their way through the glen

Thought of the things beneath.


Good, better, the best.

Never rest!

Till good be better,

And better the best.

If many men knew, what many men know,

If many men went, where many men go,

If many men did, what many men do,

The world would be better,

I think so, don’t you?

Bless you, bless you, Burnie bee,

Tell me when my wedding be.

If it be tomorrow day

Take your wings and fly away

Fly to the East, fly to the West,

Fly to him(her) I love the best.


Little lady Lily lost her lovely locket.

Lucky little Lucy found the lovely locket.

Lovely little locket lay in Lucy’s pocket.

Lazy little Lucy lost the lovely locket.


That fish has a fat fin,

This fish is a fish,

That has a thinner fin,

Than that fish.


Ask Father or Aunt Margaret

Can`t you ask Father or Aunt Margaret?


Lots and lots of clocks and watches

Have gone wrong.

Give Polly coffee.

Molly`s got a spot on her frock.

I’m fond of our pond,

Of the superfine gloss on its moss.


Her work grows worse and worse.

An early bird catches the best worm.

I have a little cough, sir,

In my little chest, sir.

Every time I cough, sir,

It leaves a little pain, sir.

My servant was in Birmingham

On her thirty-first birthday,

Thirteen sturdy girls

Were overburden with work.

You will meet a little girl

In a dirty shirt and skirt.

For the work, she has been doing

Is a dirty sort of work.


Oh, no, don`t go home alone

In the unbroken snow.

Nobody knows,

How lonely the road is.




The green grasshopper,

Goes hip-hop-hop,



Hippity-hoppity, hoppity-hippity,



Paul snores worse than a horse.

We close the doors when he snores.

There ought to be laws to prevent such snores.


A black cat sat on a mat

And ate a fat rat.

A cat in gloves catches no mice.

A canner can can

Anything that he can,

But a canner cannot can a can,

Can he?

If you, Andy, have two candies,

Give one candy to Sandy, Andy,

If you, Sandy, have two candies,

Give one candy to Andy, Sandy.

As I was going to St.Ives,

I met a man with seven wives.

Every wife had seven sacks,

Every sack had seven cats,

Every cat had seven kits.

Kits, cats, sacks and wives…

How many were there going to St.Ives?


Rain, rain, go away

Come again another day,

Little Jane wants to play.


My kite is white, my kite is light,

My kite is in the sky.

Now left, now right.

I see the kite, we see it , you and I.

There was a young lady of Niger,

Who went for a ride on a tiger,

So they came from the ride

With the lady inside,

And a smile on the face of the tiger.


Six selfish shellfish.

She sells seashells

By the seashore.

The shells she sells

Are seashells, I`m sure.

So if she sells seashells

By the seashore,

I’m sure she sells seashore shells.


Why do you cry, Willy,

Why do you cry,

Why, Willy, why, Willy,

Why, Willy, why?

Whenever I see you,

There is a tear in your eye.

Why, Willy, why, Willy,

Why, Willy, why?

William always wears

A very warm woollen vest in winter,

Victor, however, will never wear

Woollen underwear, even in the Wild West.

Oh, what a tangle web we weave

When first we practise to deceive.

From Wibbleton to Wobbleton is fifteen miles.

From Wobbleton to Wibbleton is fifteen miles.

From Wibbleton to Wobbleton, from Wobbleton to Wibbleton,

From Wibbleton to Wobbleton is fifteen miles.

Swan swam over the sea,

Swim, swan, swim!

Swan swam back again,

Well swum, swan!

We wonder whether the wether

Will weather the weather, or whether

The weather the wether will kill?

Whether the weather be fine

Or whether the weather be not,

Whether the weather be cold

Or whether the weather be hot.

We’ll weather the weather

Whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not.


It’s a fine thing.

It’s a fine thing to sing.

It’s a fine thing to sing in the spring.

It’s a fine thing to sing in the spring

And to linger in the field.

Thomas thinks of terrible things

And to the troubled teacher brings

Things that sing and things that sting,

Things which swing and things which cling,

Things that ping and ring and fling,

And of all these things thinks nothing.


Robert Roller rolled a round roll around.

A round roll around Robert Roller rolled.

If Robert Roller rolled a round roll around,

Where`s the round roll Robert Roller rolled around?

Never trouble troubles

Till troubles trouble you,

It only doubles troubles,

And troubles others, too.


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck,

If a woodchuck would chuck wood?

He would chuck as much wood,

As a woodchuck could chuck.

If a woodchuck could chuck. wood.


Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall,

All the king`s horses, and all the king`s men,

Cannot put Humpty-Dumpty

Together again.

There was an old man of Perue,

Who dreamt he was eating his shoe.

He woke in the night,

In a terrible fright,

And found it was perfectly true.

In the capital-city of Perue

Everyone walked two by two.

They all asked each other,

“Are you my brother?”

And it ended with “How do you do!”

There was once a man who was bitten

By twenty-two cats and a kitten.

Cried he: “It’s clear, my end is quite near!

No matter, I’ll die like a Britton”.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked,

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

Where`s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Passion, prejudice and propaganda

Impregnate public opinion.

A man of words and not of deeds

Is like a garden full of weeds.

Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water.

Jack fell down and broke his crown,

And Jill came tumbling after.

A big black bug bit a big black bear,

A big black bear beat a big black bug.

Betty Boughter bought some butter

But she said: “This butter’s bitter

But a bit of better butter will make my batter better.”

So she bought a bit of butter better than the bitter butter

And it made her batter better.

So it was better Betty Boughter bought a bit of better butter.

There was a little girl,

And she had a pretty curl

Right in the middle of her forehead.

When she was good,

She was very, very good,

But when she was bad,

She was horrid.

Shoes have tongues but cannot talk.

Tables have legs but cannot walk.

Needles have eyes but cannot see.

Chairs have arms but can’t hug me.

Without your feet you cannot walk,

Without your tongue you cannot talk,

Without your eyes you cannot see,

Without your heart you cannot be.

A wise old owl lived in an oak;

The more he saw, the less he spoke.

The less he spoke, the more he heard:

Why can`t we all be like that wise old bird?


Small talk. More jazz chants by carolyn graham. Unit 1. Greetings.

  1. Hi, how are you?

Fine. How are you?

Hi, how are you?

Fine. How are you?

Hi, how are you?

Hi, how are you?

Hi, how are you?

Fine. How are you?

  1. Hi, how are you?

Fine. How are you?

I’ m fine. How’ s Bill?

He’ s fine.

How’s Mary?

She’ s fine.

How’ re the children?

They’ re fine.

How’ s your job?

It’ s fine.

How’ s Jack?

He’ s sick.

Oh, no.

  1. Hello, how’ve you been? It’ s so good to see you!

It ‘s good to see you! How’ve you been?

Just fine.

Hello, how’ve you been?

Hello, how’ve you been?

Hello, how’ve you been?

Just fine. Just fine.

It’ s so good to see you!

It’ s good to see you.

It’s good to see you. How’ve you been?

Just fine.

  1. Hello? Hello?

Hi, Sue,this is Bill.

Bill? Bill who?

Bill Brown.

Oh, hi! How are you?

  1. Jack! You’ re back! I haven’ t seen you for a long time. How’ ve you been?

Just fine. It’ s been a long time.

How’ve you been?

Just fine. It’ s been a long time.

I’ m so glad you’ re back, Jack!

So am I.

I ‘m so glad you’ re back, Jack!

So am I.

I’ m so glad you’ re back. I’ m so glad you’ re back. I’ m so glad you’ re back, Jack.

So am I.

I haven’ t seen you for a long time.

Unit 2. Introductions. Identifying self and others.

  1. Harry, this is Mary.



Harry, this is Mary.

How do you do?

How do you do?

Harry, I’d like you to meet my sister Mary.

How do you do, Mary? I’m very glad to meet you.

Thank you. I’m glad to meet you.

  1. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you. I’m so glad to meet you.

Thank you. I’m glad to meet you.

  1. I’m glad to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.

I’m glad to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.

I’m glad to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.

Thank you. I’m glad to meet you.

I’ve heard so many nice things about you.

I’ve heard so many nice things about you.

So many nice things.

I’ve heard so many nice things.

I’ve heard so many nice things about you.

I’m glad to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.

Thank you. I’m glad to meet you.

  1. What’s your name? Where are you from?

What’s your name? Where are you from?

What’s your name? Where are you from?

How long have you been here?

How long have you been here?

How long have you been here?

What’s your name? Where are you from? How long have you been here?

  1. What’s your first name?


How do you spell it?



How do you pronounce it?


How do you spell it?


How do you pronounce it?



  1. Good-bye, good-bye. See you tomorrow.


Good-bye. See you tomorrow.

Good-bye. See you tomorrow.

Bye-bye. See you tomorrow.

Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

So long, see you tomorrow.

So long, see you tomorrow.

So long, see you tomorrow.


  1. Have a nice weekend.

Thanks, you too.

Have a nice weekend.

Thanks, you too.

Have a nice weekend. See you on Monday. Have a nice weekend.

Thanks, you too.

Have a nice weekend. See you on Monday. Have fun.

Thanks, you too.

  1. It’s getting late. It’s getting late.

It’s getting late, and I really hate to say good-bye.

Please, don’t go.

It’s getting late, and I really hate to say good-bye.

Please, don’t go.

It’s getting late.

Please, don’t go.

It’s getting late.

Please, don’t go.

It’s getting late.

Please, don’t go.

I’ve got to go home.

Please, don’t go.

It’s getting late, and I really hate to say good-bye but I’ve got to go home.

Oh, no. Please, don’t go.

Oh, no. Please, don’t go.

I’ve got to go home.

Oh, no. Please, don’t go.

Oh, no. Please, don’t go.

  1. It was nice seeing you again.

Thanks. It was nice seeing you.

I enjoyed seeing you again.

Thanks. I enjoyed seeing you.

It was so nice.

I enjoyed it too.

It was so nice.

I enjoyed it too.

It was nice seeing you again.

Thanks. It was nice seeing you.

  1. Good-bye, Harry! Say hello to Mary.

I will. Say hello to Bill.

Bye-bye, Jack! Say hello to Jill. Tell her I miss her.

I wil.l

So long, Mary! Say hello to Harry. Tell him I miss him.

I will.

  1. We’re gonna miss you. We really are.

We’re gonna miss you. We really are.

We’re really gonna miss you.

We’re really gonna miss you.

I’m gonna miss you too.

I’m gonna miss you too.

I’m really gonna miss you.

We’re gonna miss you. We really are.

I’m gonna miss you too. I really am.

We’re gonna miss you. We really are.

I’m gonna miss you too. I really am.

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