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Практичне заняття № 4

Тема: Молодіжні організації України.

Student societies or student organizations

A student society or student organization is an organization, operated by students at a university, whose membership normally consists only of students. They are often affiliated with a university's students' union. Student societies often aim to facilitate a particular activity or promote a belief system, although some (explicitly) require nothing more than that a member is a (former) student. Some are not affiliated with a specific university and/or accept non-university students.

Typical examples are:

Faculty society - uniting students from one university faculty.

Regional society - uniting students from the same region or hometown.

Debating society - political debates.

Film society - often using lecture theatres to show films cheaply on campus.

Hiking club - organising trips.

International student society - introducing international students to one another.

Music society - student ensembles.

Civil Society - to encourage polite behaviour among future leaders.

Science fiction society - meeting to watch science fiction TV and films.

Taekwondo society, Karate club - meeting to learn martial arts.


The Alma Mater Society at Queen's University is the oldest such organization in Canada, and currently the most extensive in regard to student involvement. It is currently a multi-million corporation employing over 500 students.


In Germany, student societies are wide-spread and various, though by lack of support from the universities (and by force of variety); generally do not boast many members. Ireland

Student societies are widespread in Ireland's universities, with a wide range of activities catered for, including debating, role-play, gaming, faculty-based activities, and performing arts.

Граматичний матеріал: Числівник.

Numerals in English is a part of speech that defines the number or the order of items. There are simple numerals (1-12), derivative numerals (13-19) and composite numerals (for example: 21, 67, 147). There are cardinal and ordinal numerals in the English language.

1) Cardinal numerals show the number of certain items. They correspond to the interrogative word “How many?”

2) Ordinal numerals are used to show the order of items. They correspond to the question starting with the word “Which?”

Example: Such words as “a hundred”, “a thousand” and “a million” are nouns, not numerals. If these words are used in a singular form, they always go with the indefinite article “a” or the numeral “one”.

Ex.1. Write in words.

  1. 9.02.1997

  2. 22.06.1941

  3. 5.08.1975

  1. 7 + 5 = 12

  2. 7 + 25 = 32

  3. I live in Tverskaya street 25, flat 69

  4. 121600 square miles

Ex. 2. Put in ordinal and cardinal numerals.

  1. There are ________ months in a year.

  2. January is ________ month of the year.

  3. May is ________ month of the year.

  4. There are ________ months in winter.

  5. December is ________ month of the year and ________ month of winter.

  6. There are ________ days in a week: ________ one is Monday, ________ one is Tuesday, ________one is Wednesday, ________ one is Thursday, ________ one is Friday, ________ one is Saturday and ________ one is Sunday.

  7. Sunday is ________ day of the week in England and ________ one in Russia.

  8. Monday is ________ day in Russia and ________ in Great Britain.

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