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Пособие по английскому (1).doc
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9. Use "much," "many," "little," "few":

1. I am busy now. I have ... time: 2. We know ... English and American songs. 3. There is not ... milk in the fridge. 4j There are ... rooms in the house. 5. Does she read ... ? 6. Are there ... bedrooms in your house? 7. ... people know Chinese. 8. ... people learn English. 9. Nick has ... English books but very ... Russian books. 10. There is... light in that room, because there are... windows in it. 11. She talks ..., but does.... 12. Is there ... or ... furniture in your new flat?

10. Use "few", "little," "afew," "a little":

  1. There is ... light in the bathroom. It is dark. 2. We have ... relatives, only a grandmother and an uncle. 3. I know ... people who like to stay at home. 4. We have very ... time. 5. There are... rooms in their flat. 6. He speaks Chinese... and knows ... words in Japanese. 7. Wait ... . 8. Has he got many English books? — No, only....

11. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Я живу в большом новом доме. 2. Перед домом есть небольшой сад. 3. Дом мне нравится, а сад - не очень. Мне нравятся большие сады с фруктовыми деревьями. 4. Наша квартира хорошая. Она большая и уютная. 5. Отрава стоит большой диван. 6. В центре комнаты — большой круглый стол. 7. Слева стоят пианино, два кресла и торшер. 8. На стене три картины и большие настенные часы. 9. Мы обедаем в столовой. 10. Рядом с пианино стоит большой книжный шкаф с русскими и английскими книгами. 11. В гостиной два больших окна. 12. На столе ваза с цветами. 13. Комната вашего друга большая? - Нет, она маленькая, но очень светлая. 14. Какого цвета стены в вашей гостиной? - Они желтые. 15. Где ваш стол? — Он у окна. 16. На каком этаже ваша квартира? — На третьем. Мне не нравятся первый и последний этажи. 17. Окно моей комнаты и балкон выходят на южную сторону. Я наслаждаюсь прекрасным видом на сад. 18, Разве ты не знаешь, что Джек уехал из Лондона в Нью-Йорк? - Нет, Когда он уехал? - На прошлой неделе. 19. В какой из комнат вы обычно принимаете гостей? - В гостиной. Там уютно, светло и удобно, так как в этой комнате имеется все необходимое. 20. На столе около окна стоят часы. 21. В моём столе ничего нет. А на твоём столе есть что-нибудь? 22. Все картины, которые вы видите в этой комнате, написаны моим другом. Он художник. Он дарит мне свои картины в каждый день моего рождения. 23. В мире существует множество различных домов и строений на любой вкус. 24. Вам нравятся многоэтажные дома? — Что касается меня, я предпочитаю небольшой одноэтажный домик на окраине города любому многоэтажному дому в центре. 25. Большинство англичан живет в маленьких домах, расположенных близко друг к другу.

12. Read and retell the stories

Why was She Angry?

A young man was in love with a beautiful girl. One day when they were working in the park near the girl's house, she said to him, "Tomorrow is my birthday, will you come and have dinner with me?"

"Of course, I shall," said the young man, "and I'll send you red roses, one rose for each year of your life."

The same evening the young man went to a florist's. As the girl was twenty years old, he paid for twenty roses and asked the florist to send them to the girl's house the next day.

He left her address and a letter full of love.

The florist knew the young man very well because he often bought flowers in his shop. The florist thought, "The young man is a good customer, my price for the roses is too high, I'll send thirty roses instead of twenty.". And he did so. In the afternoon when the young man came to see his girlfriend, she didn’t want to speak to him. He was very unhappy and went back home. But he never knew why she was so angry with him.

As Cool as Cucumber

In 19611 was spending my summer holidays in Oxford. It was 15 years since 1 had last been there and I was dying to find out how the English way of life had changed since the end of the war.

It was with great pleasure that I accepted the invitation of an Oxford professor to go and see him at his house just outside the town.

Knowing how curious I was, he showed me into his kitchen, bathroom, lounge, sitting-room, dining-room, and study, where there was one of the biggest collections of books I had ever1 seen. Next we took a walk round the garden and then we went upstairs.

He showed me into his bedroom, running water and electric heater inclusive, and to other bedrooms intended for casual visitors.

- And that's the door to my wife's bedroom - he said - walk right in.

I did. What I saw there made me take a step back, but it was too late... The professor had followed me and presently he was looking at his wife in the arms of a bullnecked fellow... About 30 seconds passed and then he said -

- This is my wife, and mis is Mr. Nipper, a friend of the family.

As I was shaking hands with the professor's wife I kept looking at my host. He was as cool as cucumber, though a trifle pale...

Next the professor and I went downstairs to the sitting-room, and as I watched him fill the glasses, I could not help thinking about the chap upstairs,

- But what about Mr. Nipper? -1 burst out at last. The professor raised his glass and said icily -

- My dear fellow, Mr. Nipper doesn't drink...

( from Shaggy Dog Stories)