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9.3. Youth life.

9.3.1. Youth and youth movement are important factors in the life of Britain. Hundreds of voluntary youth groups and organizations play an active role in the moral and physical nurture of young people in Britain. There are thousands of Youth Clubs which are part of a highly organized national network. These can provide good all-round facili­ties for games, music, project development and other activities and encourage young people to take part in dramatic productions, resi­dential visits, community work or environmental projects.

9.3.2. The Scout Association, founded in Britain by Lord Robert Baden-Powell about a century ago (1908), is still popular. Girls were admitted to the Scouts for the first time in 1990. Boys and girls scouts organize outdoor activities such as camping and social responsibility. Scouts wear uni­forms. Their motto is "Be prepared". Young Farmers' Clubs embrace thousands of members in country areas. The clubs visit farms and research stations and enjoy social meetings as well. Most of them are directly involved in community activities such as programs to help in the protection of the local environment. Youth organization Greenpeace deals with most urgent ecological problems of today's world. It protests against nuclear weapon tests, water and soil pollution, etc. Religious organizations are the largest voluntary sector provider of accommodation training for young people, particularly those who are homeless, unemployed or otherwise disadvantaged.

9.3.3. The “youthful” image of Britain was consolidated in 1994 when the Labour Party elected Tony Blair, a 41-year-old lawyer, as its leader. Blair became the youngest person ever to lead the Labour Party, and he secured landslide victories for his party in the 1997 and 2001 general elections. He insisted that his party abandon its nearly century-old commitment to creating a socialist state. Blair benefited immediately from a series of scandals involving Conservative ministers and Members of Parliament, as well as the public spectacle surrounding Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

9.3.4. In the wake of the September 11 attacks on the United States in 2001, Blair proclaimed that the United Kingdom would stand “shoulder to shoulder” with the United States in the effort to root out global terrorism. More than 100 British citizens were among the thousands of people who died in the attacks. Blair began an intensive round of diplomatic negotiations that took him to European capitals and to a host of Muslim countries to build international support for action against the terrorists. The United Kingdom sent British forces to participate in the assault on Afghanistan’s Taliban regime, which was accused of harboring terrorists. Blair also offered to contribute British military forces to the attack on Iraq. In March 2003 British forces joined the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, despite a failure to secure a UN resolution explicitly sanctioning the action.