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Дубровина Н.А. Иностранный язык_210404.65_21040....doc
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Вариант 2.

1. Переведите текст на русский язык письменно. Ответьте на вопросы после текста.


International Business Machines Corporation is headquartered in Armonk, NY, USA. The company manufactures and sells computer hardware, software, and services. It is in operation since 1888. IBM's history dates back decades before the development of electronic computers — before that it developed punched card data processing equipment. It originated as the Computing Tabulating Recording (CTR) Corporation, which was incorporated on June 15, 1911 in Binghamton, New York. Thomas Watson Sr., the founder of IBM, became General Manager of CTR in 1914 and President in 1915. In 1917, the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company entered the Canadian market under the name of International Business Machines Co., Limited. On February 14, 1924, CTR changed its name to International Business Machines Corporation.

In the 1950s, IBM became a chief contractor for developing computers for the United States Air Force's automated defense systems.

IBM was the largest of the eight major computer companies through the 1960s.

IBM had over 330,000 employees worldwide and revenues of $96 billion in 2004. IBM is the largest information technology company in the world, and one of the few with a continuous history dating back to the 19th century. It has engineers and consultants in over 170 countries and development laboratories located all over the world, in all segments of computer science and information technology. As of 2005 it employs about 195,000 technical professionals. IBM Research has eight laboratories, all located in the Northern Hemisphere. IBM employees have won five Nobel Prizes.

In 2004, IBM announced the proposed sale of its PC business to Chinese computer maker Lenovo, which is partially owned by the Chinese government, for USD650 million in cash and USD600 million in Lenovo stock. The deal was approved in March 2005, and completed in May 2005.


To headquarter - устраивать штаб, штаб-квартиру.

Hardware - детали компьютера.

Software - компьютерные программы программное обеспечение.

Punched card - перфокарта.

Data processing equipment - оборудование для обработки данных.

Automated defense system - автоматизированные системы защиты.

Stock - основной капитал, доля акций.

Deal - сделка, договор.

In cash - наличные.

Revenue - доход, выручка.


  1. Where is IBM headquartered?

  2. Who is founder of IBM?

  3. How many employees worldwide worked in the company in 2004?

  4. When was IBM sold to Chinese computer maker Lenovo?

2. Перепишите предложения. Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где это необходимо. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) Lomonosov, … great Russian scientist, was born in … small village on …shore of … White Sea.

2) What … strange man, he is!

3) What would you like: … apple or … orange?

4) English was … my favorite subject at … school.

5) … Peter` brother is … student and we are workers.

3. Запишите следующие существительные во множественном числе существительных. Помните об исчисляемых и неисчисляемых существительных

- formula, sheep, shelf, lady, child, life, index, information, dormitory, book.

4. Раскройте скобки, используя правильную форму прилагательных и наречий. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) New communication means transmit massages (fast) than old ones.

2) The exam was (easy) than we expected.

3) You should work at your English (serious) to get a good mark at the exam.

4) Even (long) day has an end.

5) It is one of (important) question of our conference.

5. Постройте предложения от следующих слов, определите функцию каждого члена предложения: подлежащее, сказуемое, прямое дополнение, косвенное дополнение, обстоятельство.

1) Engineers, with, in, industry, work, only, also, people, not, machines, but, with.

2) Sound, transmission, digital radio, reception, is, and, of, the.

6. Перепишите предложения. Определите, по каким грамматическим признакам, какую функцию выполняет окончание –s-, служит ли оно:

а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Simple Tense.

б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного.

в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного.

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Modern energy requirements are very high.

  2. A cable consists of a number of wires.

Student`s task is to choose the right answer.