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4. Информативное чтение. 20 мин


There are nine main systems of the body: the skeletal, the muscular, the nervous, the circulatory, the digestive, the respiratory, the urinary, the endocrine and the reproductive systems.

The skeletal system consists of the bones of the body and ligaments and cartilages, which joint them. The chief function of the skeletal system is structural.

The muscular system consists of the skeletal muscles and their associated structures. The main function of this system is to move us about.

The nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord, nervous, ganglia and receptors. It is a complex information system with all necessary means for receiving, processing, and communicating information.

The circulatory system consists of the heart and blood vessels and the blood, which is pumped through the blood vessels by the heart. Its function is chiefly that of transportation system: the nutrients, oxygen, and special substances which are required by cells are carried by the blood stream; and the cellular wastes and sometime other materials produced by the cells are carried away by the blood stream.

The digestive system consists of the alimentary canal and a number of associated glands.

The respiratory system consists of the lungs, the air passages leading to them, and associated structures. Its main function is to convey oxygen to the lungs, where it can enter the blood stream, and to remove carbon dioxide, which escapes from the blood into the lung spaces.

The urinary system consists of two kidneys, which produce urine by removing nitrogenous and other wastes from the blood: the two ureters, which convey the urine away from the kidneys; the urinary bladder, where the urine is stored until it is discharged; and the urethra through which the urine is discharged.

The endocrine system consists of a number of glands throughout the body which produce regulatory substances called hormones. The endocrine system serves to regulate a large number of activities

1) Прочтите текст.

2) Составьте краткий план текста.

3) Найдите в тексте предложения, эквивалентные следующим русским предложениям:

1. Её (скелетной системы) основная функция - структурная. 2. Система пищеварения состоит из пищеварительного канала и нескольких желез. 3. Её (дыхательной системы) основная функция - переносить кислород в лёгкие и удалять CO … . 4. Эндокринная система служит для регулирования многообразных видов деятельности.

4) Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What are the functions of the skeletal and the muscular systems? 2. What is carried by the bloodstream? 3. What is the function of the respiratory system? 4. What does the endocrine system serve for? 5. Where are the hormones produced?

5. Письменный перевод текста со словарем. 40 мин

The Organism as a Whole.

The organism is a single system. In a complex organism cell and intercellular substance form tissues, tissues make up organs, and organs unite in systems. All the cells, tissues, organs and systems of organs are closely interconnected and affect each other.

The vital activities of the cells, tissues, organs and the whole organism are based on metabolism which consists of two interconnected processes - assimilation of nutritive substances (anabolism) and decomposition of organic substances (catabolism).

The complex substances of the cells and tissues continuously split into simpler ones: at the same time they are renewed from other substances delivered to the cells and tissues from outside. The catabolism in the cells and tissues is accompanied by liberation of energy which operates all the processes in the organs and tissues (muscular contraction, heart action, cerebral activity, etc.) including anabolism.

During the vital activities of the organism, which are based on metabolism, the various organs and systems of organs establish close connections and interactions. This may be readily demonstrated on a skeletal muscle. Metabolism takes place in the muscle, as it does in other organs. This naturally requires a continuous supply of nutrients and oxygen which are delivered by blood through the blood vessels. The nutrients enter the blood from the digestive system, and the oxygen from the respiratory system (through the lungs). The waste products formed in the process of metabolism pass from the muscles into the blood and are transported to the excretory organs and eliminated. The blood flows through the blood vessels because of the contractions of the heart whose work, like that of the other organs, is regulated by the nervous system.

The regulations between the various systems of organs can also be demonstrated by the coordinated changes in their activities. Intensification of the activity of one organ or system of organs is accompanied by changes in the other system. For example, physical work causes metabolism to increase sharply in the muscles.

This leads to a coordinated change in the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory, excretory and other systems.

The interdependence between the various organs and the entire organism manifests itself in a disease. Pathologic changes in one particular organ affect other systems of organs. The principle of integrity of the organism implies that the disease of any organ must not be regarded as a purely local disturbance, but as a morbid state of the entire organism

Формы проверки освоения темы.

Лексико-грамматический тест №4. 30 мин

1) Дайте английские эквиваленты:

1. содержать

2. мозг

3. лоб

4. щека

5. язык

6. дышать

7. пищевод

8. защищать

2) Дайте русские эквиваленты:

1. palate

2. kidney

3. to support

4. injury

5. knee

6. hip

7. wrist

8. spleen

3) Переведите следующие словосочетания с английского на русский язык.

1. The ear includes 3 principal parts.

2. The head is connected with the trunk.

3. The heart contracts…

4. The body is connected with skin.

4). Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского на английский язык.

1. Голова состоит из …

2. Мы дышим легкими …

3. Скелет поддерживает мягкие ткани.

4. Верхняя конечность соединяется с грудной клеткой.

Тема №6: The skeleton ”.

Время изучения темы: 8 часов (Занятия 9-10)

Цель: Научить использовать активную лексику и грамматику урока для построения устного высказывания на тему: “ The skeleton ”.


1. Тренировать лексический минимум.

2. Тренировать грамматический материал.

3. Тренировать навыки перевода текста.

4. Тренировать навыки краткого аннотирования текста

Материал для изучения:

1.Маслова А.М. “Essential English for Medical Students”

2. «Headway» Student`s Book. Pre-Intermediate

3. Michael Swan, Catherine Walter. How English Works. A Grammar Practice Book. – Oxford University Press, 1998.

4. Третьяк С.В., Вересина Л.П. English-speaking countries: history and geography. Книга для чтения

Этапы занятия:

1. Аудирование. 10 мин

Пособие “Headway”, Student’s book. Intermediate, стр. 31, упр.” Listening and Speaking”.