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GREAT BRITAIN (без картинок).doc
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XVI. Express your opinion answering the questions:

1. What kind of climate do you like best: the climate in Great Britain or the one in your region? Why?

2. Do you like English character? Why?

3. Why is it said that Great Britain has a good geographical position?

4. What associations have you when hearing about Englishman's home?

5. Do you think that the English are a rather conservative nation? Enlarge upon your opinion.

6. What party is in office now in the UK?

7. Do you know that the speaker of the House of Commons sits on a sack of wool instead of a comfortable armchair? Can you explain why?

XVII. Learn the decimal values of some English measures. Give the decimal equivalents to the figures below:


yard [jRd] 91,44 centimetres - ярд

foot [fut] 30,43 centimetres - фут

inch [InC] 2,54 centimetres - дюйм

land mile [maIl] 1,609 kilometres - миля


ton [tAn] 1,016 kilogrammes - тонна

hundred-weight [weIt] 50,8 kilogrammes - центнер

stone [stqun] 6,35 kilogrammes - стоун

pound [paund] 453,59 grammes - фунт

ounce [auns] 28,35 grammes - унция


gallon ['gxln] 4,546 litres - галлон

quart [kwLt] 1,14 litres - кварта

pint [paInt] 0,57 litres - пинта

barrel ['bxrql] 159,0 litres - баррель

7 miles, 14 yards, 2 feet, 8 inches, 3 barrels, 5 tons, 11 hundred-weights, 4 stores, 1,5 pounds, 12 ounces, 7 gallons, 6 pints, 9 quarts.

XVII. Tell as much as you can about Great Britain.


The first to mention British Isles was Pytheas, a Greek explorer who landed in Kent in the 4th century BC. The popula­tion of the Isles consisted then mainly of Celts and Britts.

Surveying the history of the British Isles we may notice a curious fact. Until comparatively recent years the development of the British nation was limited to England. The main reason for that is the favourable geographical position of this part of the country. It has plain relief, rich soils, and deep navigable rivers. That is why England historically became the nucleus of the Uni­ted Kingdom, and London - its capital. On the other hand, Scotland and Wales, isolated from England by mountains, preserved most of their Celtic peculiarities. This and the independent and warlike spirit of their peoples were main reasons why the numerous in­vaders didn't even trouble to go any further into the country after the seizure of England.

The first to invade Britain was Julius Caesar himself. His troops landed in Dover in 55 ВС. He called the country “Albion” because of the majestic white cliffs lining the banks in that place. Staying in the United Kingdom you can still walk the roads paved by the Roman soldiers.

In the 5th century AD the Roman legions were called back, leaving behind a rather developed civilization. The country had practically no protection and was occupied by the migrating barbaric tribes (Anglo-Saxons).

From then on, the country remained split into different in­dependent states and greatly suffered from the raids of Vikings until it was conquered for the last time in 1066. This time it was Norman Barons, led by William the Conqueror. It was really a turning point in the history of the country, for it became a strong and united feudal state.

In those days the basis of the UK proper was laid with the invasion of Ireland in 1170 and Wales in 1283. Scotland was the last to be joined only some 4 centuries later in 1707. So we may call the 11th-12th centuries the birthday of the nation.

It was in Great Britain, that the power of the kings was tam­pered with for the first time. When in 1649 Charles I was executed, bourgeoisie, in person of the cattle-breeding squires, got some official rights. The UK became a prosperous state in the field of its industry, trade and agriculture. Great Britain was the greatest colonial power of the world though in 1783 it had to recognize the independence of its greatest colony - the USA.

The beginning of the general crisis of capitalism witnessed the rapid fall of the Empire. The first colony of England - Ireland won its independence in 1921. However, its northern province, Ulster, still remains a part of the UK, its greatest problem and national disgrace. With the loss of India in 1947 and Suez Chan­nel in 1956 the Empire was done with. At present, the range of the British influence is exercised mostly through the Commonwealth, the Queen of England is the head of.


Pytheas ['pITIqs] Питеас (Пифей), древнегреческий мореплаватель

Kent Кент средневековое королевство, распола­галось на территории Великобритании

Celts, Britts Кельты, Бритты

Julius Ceasar ['GHljqs 'sJzq] Юлий Цезарь (100-44 гг. до Н.Э. римский император, полководец)

Dover ['dquvq] Дувр (город)

Roman ['rqumqn] римский

AD = anno Domini лат. нашей эры

ВС = before Christ [kraIst] до нашей эры

Anglo-Saxons Англосаксы

Norman Barons ['bxrqnz] Нормандские Бароны

William the Conqueror ['kONkqrq'] Вильгельм Завоеватель

Charles I [CRlz] Карл I, английский король из династии Стюардов (казнен в ходе английской буржуазной революции 1649г.)

Ulster ['Alstq] Ольстер, провинция на севере Ирландии (в пе­чати используется как синоним Северной Ирландии)

Suez Channel ['sHIz 'Cxnl] Суэцкий канал, проложен в Егип­те, соединяет Красное и Среди­земное моря

Commonwealth ['kOmqnwFlT] Содружество (политическое и экономическое объединение, центром которого является Великобритания. Включает 49 независимых государств. В содружество входят также зависимые территории Великобритании, Австралии и Новой Зеландии.)

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