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Граматичний матеріал: Минулий подовжений час. The Past Continuous Tense.

The Past Continuous Tense


I (he, she, it) was listening to music at 5 o’clock yesterday.

We (you) they were working when my friend came.


Was I (he, she, it) listening to music at 5 o’clock yesterday?

Were we (you) they working when my friend came?


I (he, she, it) was not listening to music at 5 o’clock yesterday. (wasn’t)

We (you) they were not working when my friend came. (weren’t)

Ex. 1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. We were working at 4 o’clock yesterday. 2. She was leaving the house at that time. 3. My friends were walking in the street at 10 yesterday. 4. When I came back my mother was cooking dinner. 5. I was having a bath when the phone rang.

Ex 2. Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. We (not to go) on a tramp last summer. 2. What you (to do) when your sister (to come) home yesterday? 3. He (not to go) to the shop yesterday. 4. Nick (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 5. Rick (to sleep) at eleven o'clock yes­terday. 6. We (to play) badminton from nine till eleven yester­day. 7. Kate (not to go) for a walk yesterday. She (to write) a composition the whole day yesterday. 8. When your father (to come) home yesterday? - He (to come) home at seven o'clock. 9. When my father (to come) home yesterday, my mother (to make) supper. 10. I (to feed) my cat with fish yesterday. 11. What you (to do) at four o'clock yesterday? - I (to feed) my cat. 12. He (to repair) his bicycle the whole day before yesterday. 13. You (to have) supper at nine o'clock yesterday? 14. I (to begin) re­pairing my camera at six o'clock yesterday. 15. At five o'clock yesterday Helen (to cook) soup. 16. When we (to play) in the yard yester­day, it suddenly (to start) raining heavily. 17. I (to see) Mike when he (to cross) the street. 18. He (to begin) repairing his bicycle in the morning yes­terday. 19. What your brother (to do) yesterday? - He (to play) computer games.

Ex 4. Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. The cat (to take) a piece of fish and then (to run) away. 2. I (to go) to bed at half past eleven. 3. Yesterday I (to get) up at seven o'clock. 4. At this time yesterday we (to have) dinner. 5. He (to write) a letter when I (to come) in. 6. He (to put) on his coat and cap, (to open) the door and (to go) out. 7. Yesterday he (to write) a letter to his friend. 8. When I (to look) at them, they (to smile) at me. 9. What you (to do) at six o'clock yesterday? 10. He (to come) back to St. Petersburg on the 15th of January. 11. Yesterday the lesson (to begin) at nine o'clock. 12. At this time yesterday I (to sit) at the thea­tre. 13. He (to read) a newspaper when I (to come) in. 14. I (to go) to the institute when I (to see) him.15. The train (to start) at fifteen minutes to ten. 16. He (to make) a report when I (to leave) the meeting.

Робота над текстом за профілем спрямування: Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was born May 6, 1856, in a small town Freiberg His father was a wool merchant (тор­говец шерстью) with a keen mind (с тонким умом) and a good sense of humor. His mother was a lively woman, her husband's second wife and 20 years younger. She was 21 years old when she gave birth to her first son, Sigmund. Sigmund had two older half-brothers and six younger siblings (братьев и сестер). When he was four or five the family moved to Vienna, where he lived most of his life.

A brilliant child, always at the head of his class, he went to medical school, where he became involved in research under the direction of a physiology professor Ernst Brucke. Brucke believed in reductionism: «No other forces than the common physical-chemical ones are active within the organism».

Freud concentrated on neurophysiology, but only a limited number of positions at the university were available. Brucke helped him to get a grant to study, first with the great psychiatrist Charcot in Paris, then with Bernheim. Both these gentlemen were investigating the use of hypnosis with hysterics.

After spending a short time as a neurologist and director of a children's ward (детское отделение) in Berlin, he came back to Vienna, married his patient fiancee (невеста) Martha Bernays, and set up a practice in neuropsychiatry, with the help of Joseph Breuer.

Freud's books and lectures brought him both fame and ostracism (остракизм, гонения) from the traditional medical community. He collected around him a number of very bright students who became the core (ядро) of the psychoanalytic movement. Unfortunately, Freud rejected people who did not totally agree with him. Some separated from him on friendly terms; others did not, and continued researd to found competing schools of thought.

Freud emigrated to England just before World War II when Vienna became an increasing dangerous place for Jews, especially ones as famous as Freud. Not long afterward, he died of the cancer of the mouth and jaw (челюсть) that he had suffered from for the last 20 years of his life.

Ex 1 Translate from English into Ukrainian.

Before World War II; a director of a children's ward in Berlin; with a keen mind and a good sense of humor; to become involved in research under the direction of; to set up a practice in neuropsychiatry; to become the core of the psychoanalytic movement; to be at the head of the class; to bring fame and ostracism ; to reject people who did not totally agree with; to concentrate on neurophysiology.

Answer the questions:

1. What is Freud famous for? 2. Where did he study and work? 3. What did he want to study? 4. Who helped him to get a grant to study? What were they investigating ? 5. Whay did Freud's books and lectures bring him? 6. Why did Freud emigrate to England?


1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповненею – Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ “ВП Логос-М», 2007. – 384с.

2. Л.В. Мисик, А.Л. Арцишевська, Л.Р. Кузнєцова, Л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. доц. Мисик Л.В. – Підручник. – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

Практичне заняття № 2

Тема: . Інтеграція України до Європейського Союзу.

Relations of Ukraine with the European Union

As you know Ukraine is a sovereign state, it establishes new relations with the countries throughout the world. It sets direct contacts with many foreign countries signing agreements and treaties. A lot of foreign Embassies have appeared in its capital lately. Ukraine is one of the founding members of the United Nations Organizations and participates in the work of many international organizations.

The topics of our radio and television talks are often Ukrainian-European relations and our viewpoints on the prospect of their development, and a wide range of other international issues.

A fundamental reshaping of foreign policy could only be effected on the basis of a strictly scientific and objective reassessment of the present-day realities. This evaluation the in-depth analysis of international affairs and the consideration of our national interests resulted in the new political thinking. Nowadays the political life is giving fresh grounds for the relations of mutual understanding between Ukraine and the countries of European Union. The new political thinking, as seen by the Ukrainian leadership and by foreign experts, is not something frozen and immobile. It is exceptionally creative process, receptive to innovation.

The reason for the new type of relations is that European Union wants to see broader economic ties with Ukraine. The exchanging of opinions with the delegations from the European countries are generally marked by goodwill and intense interest.

Ukraine not only strives to live in peace with the rest of the world community, but also to co-operate with other countries and participate in the European and the world structures. It is already a member of numerous international, political and economic associations and a founding member of the United Nations.

Граматичний матеріал: Майбутній неозначений час. Future Indefinite Tense.

Ex. 1. Translate into English using the Future Simple Tense.

1. Я буду пити апельсиновый сік. 2. Він зустрінеться з Джимом наступного тижня. 3. Він вивчить англійську в наступному році? 4. Я буду користуватися комп’ютером? 5. Що він буде робити наступного тижня? 6. Куди ви поїдете? 7. Що він буде читати? 8. Завтра я не буду грати в футбол. 9. Вони не поїдуть на море в наступному році.

If, when – clauses

Remember! You always use the Present Simple Tense instead of Future Simple Tense after the following conjunctions: if, when, as soon as, before, till, until, after, unless.

Ex. 2. Translate into Ukrainian. Name the tenses in English (Present Simple or Future Simple) and in Ukrainian translation (майбутній час).

1. We will go to the country if the weather is fine. 2. We won’t go outside when it rains. 3. They will wait until (till) you come back. 4. You will go to the sea after you pass your exam. 5. If the weather is fine we will go to the country. 6. After you pass your exams you will go to the sea.

Ex. 3. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Simple or Future Simple tenses.

1. We (to go) to the cinema tomorrow if we (to have) time. 2. Jane will look after her little brother till her mother (to come) back. 3. When we (to pass) our exams we will go to the sea. 4. When the teacher (to come) into the classroom the students will stand up.

Ex. 4. Combine the sentences as in the model. Model: He will come tomorrow. We will play basketball. – If he comes tomorrow we will play basketball.

1. We will not go to the cinema. We will watch TV. 2. The wind will blow from the West. It will rain. 3. You won’t wake me up. I will miss train. 4. He will not come in time. We will go without him. 5. It will rain on Sunday. The children will stay at home.

Ex. 5. Translate from Ukrainian into English.

1. Якщо він зателефонує мені, ми зустрінемось завтра. 2. Якщо ти будеш робити ранкову зарядку, в тебе буде гарне здоров’я. 3. Я піду в кафе, коли закінчу роботу. 4. Як тільки пролунає дзвінок, студенти здадуть роботи. 5. Як тільки прийде Джон, ми підемо на ділову зустріч. 6. Він поїде на південь, як тільки здасть екзамени. 7. Почекай тут, поки я прийду. 9. Він не піде до лікарні, поки не відчує себе погано. 10. Мы поїдемо в ліс, якщо погода буде гарна. 11.Як тільки прийде таксі, ми поїдемо на вокзал. 12. Якщо ти не будеш працювати старанно, ти не вивчиш англійську мову. 13. Якщо ти не встанеш о шостій, ти запізнишся на уроки.

Ex. 6. Finish the sentences in a suitable way.

1. He will arrive in Moscow as soon as… 2. They will go to London if… 3. Steve will find a new job before… 4. I will graduate from the university when … 5. He will forget you when … 6. You will be fat unless… 7. Your eyes will hurt… 8. When he leaves our town… 9. When they finish work at last… 10. If he comes in time… 11. If you don’t take an umbrella… 12. As soon as I see him … 8. As soon as the teacher comes into the classroom… 9. Unless you eat a lot of vegetables … 10. Unless you get a good night’s sleep… 11. Unless you stand up straight …

Робота над текстом за профілем спрямування: текст “Famous psychologists.Jung, Carl Gustav”.

He was born on July 26, 1875, in Kesswil, Switzerland, in the family of a Protestant clergyman (священника). After graduating in medicine in 1902 from the universities of Basel and Zurich, with a wide background in biology, zoologypalaeontology, and archaeology, he began his work on word association, in which a patient's responses to stimulus words revealed what Jung called «complexes»—a term that has since become universal. These studies brought him international fame and led him to a close collaboration with Freud.

With the publication of Psychology of the Unconscious (1912), however, Jung declared his independence from Freud's narrowly sexual interpretation of the libido by showing the close parallels between ancient myths and psychotic fantasies and by explaining human motivation in terms of a larger creative energy. He gave up (отказался от) the presidency of the International Psychoanalytic Society and founded a movement called analytical psychology.

During his remaining 50 years Jung developed his theories, drawing on a wide knowledge of mythology and history; on his travels to diverse (разнообразные) cultures in New Mexico, India, and Kenya; and especially, on the dreams and fantasies of his childhood. In 1921 he published a major work, Psychological Types, in which he dealt with the relationship between the conscious and unconscious and proposed the now well-known personality types—extrovert and introvert.

He later made a distinction (сделал различие) between the personal unconscious, or the repressed feelings and thoughts developed during an individual's life, and the collective unconscious, or those inherited feelings (унасле­дованные чувства), thoughts, and memories shared by all humanity. The collective unconscious, according to Jung, is made up of what he called «archetypes». These correspond to such experiences as confronting death or choosing a mate (выбор пары) and manifest themselves symbolically in religions, myths, fairy tales (сказки), and fantasies.

Jung wrote many works on analytical methods and the relationships between psychotherapy and religious belief. He died on June 6, 1961.

Answer the questions:

1. What is Jung famous for? 2. Where did he study and work? 3. What studies did bring him international fame? 4.Why did Jung declare his independence from Freud's views? 5. What movement did he found and why? 6. When did he publish his major work?6. When did he propose the well-known personality types? 7.What is the collective unconscious? 8. What did Jung call «archetypes»?


1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповненею – Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ “ВП Логос-М», 2007. – 384с.

2. Л.В. Мисик, А.Л. Арцишевська, Л.Р. Кузнєцова, Л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. доц. Мисик Л.В. – Підручник. – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

3. Гужва Т. М. Англійська мова: Розмовні теми: Навч. посіб. Для студентів фак. Інозем. Філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів. – Харків: Фоліо, 2005. – 414с.

Практичне заняття № 3

Тема: Херсон. Історія та сучасність.

Kherson is the southern Ukrainian city. It is built on the right bank of the river Dnieper. If you want to go to the Black Sea it will take you 1,5 hours by car or 2 hours by bus. The climate here is dry. Winters are cold and summers are hot, and the winds often blow. In summer many people go to the river bank or to the Black Sea, and there are many fruit and vegetables: apples, cherries, strawberries, peaches, grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, etc.

Population of Kherson is nearly 360, 000 people. Today it is a large sea- and river-port. There are two bridges over the Dnieper which join Kherson and a smaller town Tsurupinsk. There are wonderful views of the river and the countryside. There is fresh air and good climate, so many tourists visit Kherson in summer. Kherson is over 200 years old. Admiral Ushakov and his soldiers built many ships here in the 18th century and fought with Turkish army. Russian army won.

10 years ago the main branches of industry here were ship-building, textile and building of agricultural machines. But there is an economic crisis in Ukraine nowadays, so many factories closed down. Nowadays the main branches of industry are ship-building and tinned food factories, but there is not enough work for all people. Those who work don’t earn much. There are many good colleges and universities such as the Kherson State University, the Technical University, the Shipbuilding University and the Agricultural University.

There is a good drama theatre and a puppet-show. If you like painting you can go to the Art Museum. There are good pictures of the painters of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. There are also many bars, cinemas, clubs, gyms. People sometimes call Kherson «a green city» because there are many parks there.

Граматичний матеріал: Майбутній подовжений час. Future Continuous Tense.

Sandra: Where is Tim going to meet us?

Marcus: He (wait) for us when our train arrives. I am sure he (stand) on the platform when we pull into the station.

Sandra: And then what?

Marcus: We (pick) Michele up at work and go out to dinner.


Ted: When we get to the party, Jerry (watch) TV, Sam (make) drinks, Beth (dance) by herself, and Thad (complain) about his day at work.

Robin: Maybe, this time they won't be doing the same things.

Ted: I am absolutely positive they (do) the same things; they always do the same things.


Doug: If you need to contact me next week, I (stay) at the Hoffman Hotel.

Nancy: I (call) you if there are any problems.

Doug: This is the first time I have ever been away from the kids.

Nancy: Don't worry, they (be) be fine.

Робота над текстом за профілем спрямування:


By Joel F. Lubar

The autonomic nervous system is involved in the regulation of the visceral organs and their secretions and in the control of smooth muscles. It consists of two main divisions: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. Within each of these divisions there are both afferent (sensory) and efferent (motor) components. The sympathetic branch of the autonomic system arises from the thoracic and lumbar portions of the spinal cord. The parasympathetic division originates in the sacral division of the cord and in the brainstem. Thus, the term «parasympathetic» literally means next to or surrounding the sympathetic nervous system.

The Sympathetic System. Specifically arising from cell bodies located in the lateral horn of the gray matter of the spinal cord in the thoracic and lumbar regions, the sympathetic system is primarily an efferent or output system. Axons leave the cell bodies and exit through the ventral root of the spinal cord along with somatic fibers destined for striated muscles. The main difference between autonomic and somatic outflow is that in the case of the autonomic outflow there is a ganglion and ganglionic synapse. Thus, fibers exiting in the autonomic nervous system leave the ventral root a short distance from the cord via the white ramus and there enter a ganglionic chain known as the sympathetic par vertebral ganglionic chain. Once these fibers enter the chain they may ascend or descend in the chain and then exit at a difference synapse in the chain.

In some cases a sympathetic fiber, after synapsing in the ganglionic chain, can re-enter the main spinal nerve by means of the gray ramus.

The portion of the sympathetic outflow lying between the spinal cord and the ganglionic synapse is termed the preganglionic fiber. The portion beginning at the synapse and traveling toward the target organ is called the postganglionic fiber. All preganglionic fibers utilize acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter and hence are called cholinergic fibers. Almost all postganglionic fibers that enter visceral organs utilize noradrenalin as the neurotransmitter at their terminals and are called adrenergic fibers Postganglionic sympathetic fibers that innervate blood vessels and the sweat glands, however, are cholinergic.


1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповнене – Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ “ВП Логос-М», 2007. – 384с.

2. Л.В. Мисик, А.Л. Арцишевська, Л.Р. Кузнєцова, Л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. доц. Мисик Л.В. – Підручник. – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

3. Гужва Т. М. Англійська мова: Розмовні теми: Навч. посіб. Для студентів фак. інозем. філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів. – Харків: Фоліо, 2005. – 414с.

4. Бессонова І. В. Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням). Навчальний посібник для дистанційного навчання. – К.: Університет «Україна», 2005. – 263с.

Практичне заняття № 4

Тема: Херсон. Історія та сучасність.

__The most outstanding events of history of Kherson happened in the 18th century. In 1737 on the right coast of Dnipro-Slavutych there was constructed Russian field fortification Oleksandr-Shants which became the predecessor of present Kherson. In 1778 on a place of fortification there was started building of a new city. It was the first sign, a touchstone in development of the South, large steppe zone. Probably, for this reason a city has been named Kherson in honor of prospering Ancient Greek city of Chersonese in which Kyiv Prince Volodymyr was baptized in 988 year. It has arisen by order of Empress Katherine the Great and became not only a fortress of Northern Black Sea Coast, but also a cradle of the Black Sea fleet, the economic and political centre, southern capital of the big empire.

__The history of establishment of Kherson is connected with outstanding historical figures. Prince Hryhory Potyomkin - governor general of Novorosiya is the city founder. According to his will he was buried in Katherine Cathedral in Kherson. Fortress and city construction was put on general master to I.A. Hannibal, and later this mission was carried out by colonel general M.I. Korsakov. The future outstanding naval commander, admiral F.F. Ushakov took part in building of the ships. Outstanding military figure, the generalissimo O.V. Suvorov supervised strengthening of the Kherson fortress and intrigues to the city. Under his influence there was formed commander talent of M.I. Kutuzov and the future admiral, one of the founders of Odessa, Spaniard O.M. Derybas. In Kherson the English humanist, philanthropist, public figure, sheriff of a county Bedford in the Great Britain John Howard was also buried; fulfilling humanistic mission he studied in Kherson a condition of hospitals and hospitals for poor, prisoners in prisons and helped with typhus epidemic control.

__In the city there are constructed monuments to H.O. Potyomkin, O.V. Suvorov, F.F. Ushakov, John Howard and many other outstanding people. Streets and squares are named after their names.

__Many citizens of Kherson are known in the world. Our fellow countrymen: N. Durova, the glorified heroine of Patriotic War of 1812, writers: A.A. Fet, M. Kulish, B. Lavrenyov; outstanding historian E.V. Tarle. The creative talent of Soviet film director S. Bondarchuk, the film director, the national actor of the USSR E. Matveev, the Ukrainian actor and director H. Deliev was developed here.

__Kherson people are known in the sports world. L. Latynina - the first Olympic champion on art gymnastics; M. Startsev - the goalkeeper of national football team; S. Vsevolodov - the world champion, honored coach of Ukraine, the president of the Ukrainian union of kyokushin karate; Moshe Sharet - the second prime minister of Israel; Serhiy Stanishev - the present prime minister of Bulgaria.

  1. Граматичний матеріал: Граматичний матеріал: Повторення видо-часових форм Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous Tenses

Ex. 1. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous).

1. The teacher usually (to explain) grammar rules in the middle of the lesson. 2. I (to play) in the yard after 3 o’clock every day. 3. My father (to drive) the car very well. 4. I get at 6 o’clock every morning. 5. My brother (to sit) in the arm-chair now. 6. Look! The boys (to ride) bicycles. 7. The pupils (to visit) the Art gallery last week. 8. My relatives (to buy) a car yesterday. 9. They (to learn) Spanish next year. 10. She (to go) to school 6 days a week? 11. They always (to spend) their winter holidays in the Carpathians? 12. You (to dance) in the club on Saturdays? 13. Peter and Mary (to dance) now? 14. You (to read) a detective story at the moment? 15. Mike (to have) a good time now? 16. The pupils (to write) a composition last week? 17. The children (to go) to the forest tomorrow? 18. They (not to discuss) texts at the English lessons. 19. He (not to listen) to classical music. 20. Where’s father? He (not to work) in the garden. 21. George (not to prepare) for examination last week.

Past Continuous.

Ex. 2. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. We were working at 4 o’clock yesterday. 2. She was leaving the house at that time. 3. My friends were walking in the street at 10 yesterday. 4. When I came back my mother was cooking dinner. 5. I was having a bath when the phone rang.


By Joel F. Lubar (2part)

The Parasympathetic Nervous System. In the parasympathetic nervous system, fibers from the sacral portion of the spinal cord exit through the ventral roots but do not pass through a specific chain of ganglia. Instead they head directly toward the target organ in the sacral spinal nerves and synapse in parasympathetic ganglia located in its vicinity. Para-sympathetic fibers exit from the brainstem within cranial nerves.

Generally the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system, sympathetic and parasympathetic, act in opposition to one another. The sympathetic division is primarily active during periods of stress or emergency. The parasympathetic system predominates during quiet, restful periods. The latter is involved in homeostatic mechanisms - that is, the normal regulation of organ systems. Both the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system are represented in the hypothalamus. The anterior portion of the hypothalamus is primarily parasympathetic, whereas the posterior portion of the hypothalamus is primarily sympathetic. Stimulation of the posterior portions of the hypothalamus often results in increased metabolism, papillary dilation, rage, and other sympathetic activities. Stimulation of the anterior portion of the hypothalamus may induce sleep, increase digestion, and lower metabolic rate

to be involved in, with быть задействованным, вовлеченным в чем-либо

visceral organs внутренние органы secretion выделение

smooth muscles гладкие мышцы sympathetic симпатический

parasympathetic парасимпатический afferent центростремительный

efferent центробежный thoracic portions грудной отдел

thorax грудная клетка lumbar поясничный

spinal cord спинной мозг to originate брать начало, происходить, возникать

sacral division of the cord крестцовый отдел спинного мозга

brainstem ствол мозга next to or surrounding соседние или окружающие

lateral боковой gray matter серое вещество striated muscles полосатые мышцы

ramus ветвь, ответвление ganglionic ганглиозный

fiber ткань neurotransmitter медиатор,трансмиттер

hence отсюда innervate иннервировать

sweat glands потовые железы restful periods периоды спокойствия


1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповненею – Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ “ВП Логос-М», 2007. – 384с.

2. Л.В. Мисик, А.Л. Арцишевська, Л.Р. Кузнєцова, Л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. доц. Мисик Л.В. – Підручник. – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

3. Гужва Т. М. Англійська мова: Розмовні теми: Навч. посіб. Для студентів фак. Інозем. Філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів. – Харків: Фоліо, 2005. – 414с.

Практичне заняття № 5

Тема: Подорож рідним містом. Види транспорту.


Topical words:

to get about town пересуватися містом

to get on the bus сідати на автобус

to get off the bus виходити з автобуса

to go by tube / subway (Am) їхати на метро

to go on foot йти пішки

to change a bus пересідати на інший автобус

fare платня за проїзд

to cross the street переходити через вулицю

traffic lights світлофор

rush hours години пік

parking place місце для стоянки

How could I get to ...? Як мені дістатися до ...?

Could you show me the way to ...? Покажіть мені дорогу до ...

Am I right for ...? Чи я правильно йду до ..?

go straight [streit] йдіть прямо

turn round the corner поверніть за ріг

turn to the right / left поверніть праворуч / ліворуч

is it far from here? Це далеко звідси?

How long will it take me to get there? Скільки часу необхідно, щоб дістатися туди?

1. Read the text Put questions to the text and retell it:

In the streets, roads and squares of the town we see people walking and vehicles driving. The vehicles are: trams, buses, trolley-buses, taxis and motor-cycles, motor-scooters and bicycles.

Along the streets there are street lamps, at the corners of the streets there are traffic lights. The street lights are switched on when it gets dark; they are switched off when it gets light. When the red traffic light is switched on, the traffic stops: when the green light is switched on, the vehicles drive on.

Along the streets we also see bus, trolley-bus and tram stops. This is where get on and off. People wait for buses at the stops. They get on and of public transport there. In the streets there are also Tube stations where people get on and off the underground electric railway.

At big crossroads in large towns and cities there are subways for pedestrian, and fly-over for vehicles. There are sometimes subways for traffic too. At nearly all street corners there are pedestrian crossings for people to cross the road.

In England vehicles drive on the left. In Ukraine the traffic drives on the right.

Outside the towns, we travel from one place to another by train, plane or boat

2 . Ask your friend:

  1. what means of transport he prefers:

  2. where one should cross the street:

  3. what he thinks of the underground in Kyiv/ Moscow?

  4. If he has ever used the underground in London or other towns abroad:

  5. If he is fond of sightseeing in new towns/ports

Ex 3 Translate into English:

1. Вибачте, будь ласка, де мені пересісти на автобус № 49? 2. Ти взяв квиток? 3. Цей автобус довезе вас прямо до музею. 4. Я їду до станції метро "Дарниця". 5. Ми виходимо на наступній зупинці. 6. Автобус був переповнений, і ми не змогли ввійти. 7. Подивись, чи у тебе є дрібні гроші? 8. Ви виходите на наступній зупинці? 9. Мені здається, що ми сіли не на той тролейбус. 10. Якщо ви поїдете туди на метро, то будете на місці за 5 хвилин.

4. Read and dramatize the dialogues:

A: What tram are you waiting for?

B: I take either the Nine or the Ten.

A: The tram should be here in a short while.

(The tram rolls up to the stop, but it is overcrowded)

B: Shall we wait for the next one?

A: Let's better walk to another tram halt, shall we?

B: That will be a pleasure. A: Let's get on the Thirty-Nine, Boris. B: I hope there are vacant seats there. A: Oh, yes, I see some. Just over there.

(They find vacant seats and take them.)

B: (To Ann who is about to open her purse). Don't bother. I'll pay your fare. Here you are, conductor.

A: You'll have to change to the trolley-bus next stop, Boris, so you'd better move up.

B: Yes, I'll go as far as Pobyeda Square.

( The tram begins slowing down. B. says Good-bye to A. and gets off.)

5. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for the following:

"No Let Turn", "Cross Here", "Parking", "No Parking'', "Slow Down", uNo Passage", "Horns Forbidden", "No Admittance", "Keep Left", "Admittance Free", "Used Tickets", "Bus Stop Request", "Station Full" (at the parking lot), "One Way Only", "Filling Station", "No Stopping", "Private", •'Beware of Cars", "Two Line Traffic", "Look Out When Crossing", "Road Under Construction", "Wet Paint", "Taxi-stand", "Keep Off the Grass", "Tickets and Trains" (in the London Tube), "For Litter", "Obey Pak Regulations", "Keep Our Town Clean".

Граматичний матеріал: Звороти there is, there are.

Exercise 1 Insert much, many, little, a little, few, a few:

f. I'd like to say ... words about my traveling. 2. She gave him ... water to wash his hands and face. 3. He had ... English books at home, so he had to go to the library. 4. After the lesson everybody felt... tired. 5. Let's stay here ... longer. I like it here. 6. There were ... new words in the text and Igor spent... time learning them. 7. There was ... sugar in the bowl, and we had to put... sugar there. 8. My mother knows German ... and she can help you with the translation of this text. 10. When we walked ... farther down the road we met another group of pupils. 11. Have you got ... time before the lesson?

Exercise 2 Translate into English:

Много тетрадей, много молока, много воды, много дней, много газет, много мела, много снега, много лет, много картин, много музыки, много сахара, много чая, много лимонов, много мяса, много комнат, много учителей, много работы, много воздуха, много птиц, много машин.

Exercise 3 Insert much or many:

l. Please don't ask me ... questions. 2. How ... money have you got? 3. I never eat... bread with soup. 4. Why did you eat so ... ice-cream? 5. She wrote us ... letters from the country. 6. ... of these students don't like to look up words in the dictionary. 7.... in this work was too difficult for me.8. He spent... time writing his composition in Literature, 9. There were... plated on the table. 10. Thank you very ...1l. ... of my friends are preparing for their entrance examinations now. 12. I don't like ... sugar in my tea.

Exercise 4 Translate into English:

1. В стакане есть немного молока. 2. В тетради оста­лось мало чистых страниц. 3. У тебя много кофе? - Нет, очень мало. 4. Немногие из англичан говорят по-русски. 5. У них здесь очень мало друзей. 6. У него очень мало времени для чтения. 7. У Пола много русских книг и мало английских книг. 8. У меня есть немного времени вечером, чтобы закончить эту работу. 9. Я провожу мно­го времени в библиотеке, потому что я готовлюсь к экза­менам.

Робота над текстом за профілем спрямування: Brain

The brain is the organ of the central nervous system responsible for the processing and coding of sensory and motor information, for the control of regulatory processes in the body, and for the mediation of complex processes, such as motivation, emotion, learning, and memory.

For anatomical convenience, the brain may be subdivided into three major divisions: the hindbrain, midbrain, and forebrain. The hindbrain contains the cerebellum, the pons, and the medulla oblongata. The midbrain stands as a separate portion of the brain responsible for the integration of eye movements and vestibular functions. The forebrain consists of the telencephalon, which is further subdivided into the neocortex, the basal ganglia, and the limbic system. The forebrain also contains the diencephalon, which is further subdivided into the thalamus and hypothalamus.

Research Techniques. The brain is studied primarily through three basic methods: ablation, stimulation, and recording. All three methods are used in conjunction with one another by brain researchers in order to obtain a picture of how various systems in the brain function dynamically in the mediation of specific behaviors.

Ablation, an experimental technique used for animals, involves selectively removing portions of the brain and trying to determine what the sum total of remaining parts can or cannot do. In this way it is possible, for example, to map out regions of the cortex responsible for auditory or visual functions or to determine which portions of the thalamus are involved in sensory or motor functions. The stimulation technique essentially involves placing small electrodes in specific portions of the brain and electrically activating them to observe the effect on some behavior or performed task. An alternative method of stimulation is through the implantation of small tubes that can carry chemicals to specific regions of the brain. Stimulation in certain portions of the hypothalamus with cholingeric drugs will elicit drinking, whereas stimulation of the identical regions with an adrenergic substance (norepinephrine) will elicit eating. As is the case m ablation, stimulation also produces an alteration in the normal functioning of the brain.

A third method, recording, is passive and produces the least change in ongoing cerebral activity. Recording involves placing recording electrodes in specific brain structures and observing the electrical activity of these regions as a function of different activities. It has been found, for example, that the electrical activity of the brain is markedly different during the various stages of sleep and certain aspects of learning and that it is related to attention state.

coding кодирование, шифрование complex комплексный, смешанный

hindbrain задний мозг midbrain средний мозг

forebrain передний мозг, прозэнцефалон cerebellum мозжечок

pons (варолиев) мост (тж. pons Varolii) medulla oblongata продолговатый мозг

vertebrates позвоночные relative size относительный размер

as one ascends the phylogenetic scale спускаясь no филогенетической лестнице

primates приматы rind кора

relegated ад. передано, отдано whereas несмотря на то, что

ablation ампутация, удаление stimulation стимуляция

recording запись (сигналов)

conjunction соединение, сопряжение, сцепка

removing удаление auditory слуховой

visual зрительный chemicals вещества

elicit извлекать,вытягивать markedly different заметно отличающийся

stages of sleep стадии сна processing обработка данных

carnivore плотоядное


1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповненею – Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ “ВП Логос-М», 2007. – 384с.

Модуль самостійної роботи:

1. Модальні дієслова.

2. Написати твір «Україна сьогодні: падіння та злети».

3. Індивідуальне читання за фахом.

Модальні дієслова.


  1. Що таке модальні дієслова? Які модальні дієслова ви знаєте? Як утворюються питальна та заперечна форма теперішнього та минулого часу модальних дієслів?

  2. Після яких модальних дієслів інфінітив вживається без частки to, а після яких – з цією часткою?

  3. Яке словосполучення вживається у майбутньому часі замість дієслова can?

  4. Як за допомогою модального дієслова can можна виразити сумнів, здивування (невже?), невіру (не може бути)?

  5. За допомогою якої форми з модальними дієсловами can, may можна виразити, що дія могла відбутися, але не відбулася?

  6. За допомогою якого модального дієслова виражають можливість, припущення?

  7. За допомогою якого модального дієслова можна виразити обов’язок, необхідність?

  8. Які дієслова виражають пораду, рекомендацію?

  9. В яких ситуаціях вживаються модальні дієслова to have і to be? Як утворюються часові форми цих модальних дієслів?

  10. Що ви можете сказати про модальні дієслова need i dare?

Вправа 1. Оберіть потрібне модальне дієслово:

  1. (Can, may, must) you play the piano?

  2. (Can, may, should) I watch TV before going to bed?

  3. I am sure I (can, may, need) do the work myself.

  4. Mary (can, must) finish the work at once.

  5. (Have, may, can) you start working immediately?

  6. I (can, am, may) to come to the examination at 9 o’clock.

  7. (must, can, may) I trouble you for a glass of water?

  8. He (have, has, must) to learn English.

  9. You (must, can, may) follow my advice. There is no way out for you.

  10. (Am, must, may) I have a look at your painting?

  11. (Have, can, may) you play the piano?

  12. You (can, may, must) stay a little longer if you like.

  13. I (may, can, have) not hear you. Speak louder.

  14. You (have, must, can) return this book to the library. We all need it.

Вправа 2. Перефразуйте речення, вживаючи Perfect Infinitive (дивись модель):

a) Model: I could prepare the report but I didn’t do it. – I could have prepared the report.

  1. They could help him but they didn’t do it.

  2. She could pass her examination in chemistry but she failed.

  3. She could buy this book but she didn’t buy it.

  4. Our football players could win the match but they lost it.

  5. I could learn the poem by heart but I had no time for it.

b) Model: I nearly lost my way. – I might have lost my way.

  1. He nearly broke the window.

  2. I nearly forgot about it.

  3. She nearly fell asleep.

  4. The news nearly killed him.

  5. I nearly caught cold.


  1. Верба Л.Г., Верба Г.В. Граматика сучасної англійської мови. Довідник: Київ, ТОВ «ВП Логос», 2002. – 352 с.

  2. Голицынский Ю.В. Граматика: сборник упражнений. – СПб.: ИПЦ «Каро», 2000. – 506 с.

Індивідуальна робота за семестр:

1. Підготувати доповідь «Відомі люди країни» .

  1. Індивідуальне читання за фахом.

3. Словник-мінімум (за професійним спрямуванням).

Індивідуальне читання за фахом. Робота над текстом за профілем спрямування:


Habit is any instrumentally learned response that occurs with regularity and in response to specific environmental cues.

The concept of habit has a long history in experimental psychology. In the learning theories of Clark Hull and Kenneth Spence, for example, it played a central role as an established response tendency. Interacting with drive to produce behavior, habit was the know-how and drive the motivation. Learning was viewed as the accumulation and organization of response habits.

This concept of habit has received less attention in recent years because it has been recognized that habits can better be understood by means of a more operational analysis. This emphasizes their acquisition, modification, and generalization.

Although habit became less and less central to theories of human and animal learning as an intervening variable, it has remained an important aspect of all behavior theory. The questions that researchers put about habit have changed, with modern interest focused on the factors that influence habit, especially the role of environmental cues in the establishment of habit.

One by-product of this change in emphasis has beeh a growing understanding of habitual behaviors.

An important aspect of this change in focus is a growing concern about how behavior patterns became habits and how habits can be eliminated or modified.

Робота над текстом за профілем спрямування: HABIT (part2)

Building good habits is an essential part of the socialization process. Parents, teachers, and others have as one of their goals the teaching of good work habits, study habits, manners (which are social habits), and a variety of other habits that are valued by the culture. This can be expressed in slightly more technical terms by saying that parents and teachers are concerned with establishing a set of relatively permanent work behaviors, study behaviors, and social behaviors. Typical study habit behaviors would include concentration, memorization, efficiency, neatness, and verbal skills. The goal is to establish these behaviors as virtually automatic responses to a set of stimuli associated with studying.

Acquiring these behaviors is essentially a two-part process. First the behavior in question must be learned. The individual must learn to concentrate, memorize, and attend to his or her work. These responses must become so well established, in fact, that they require little or no effort. In terms of operant conditioning, the establishment of a habit is entirely dependent upon the reinforcement of appropriate behaviors and the extinguishing or punishment of inappropriate behaviors. But this acqu-isitory stage may not be as obvious as it first appears..

The second aspect of habit acquisition is the pairing of the appropriate response with specific environmental cues. All of us have thousands of well-learned responses that cannot be considered habits because they are not tied to any specif ic external cues. To be considered a habit, such a response must occur when and only when a particular stimulus or set of stimuli are present. In this stage of habit building, the previously learned response is said to be brought under discriminative control of environmental epes; the habit becomes tied to events in the environment that determine when the response will occur. In building the study habit, for example, the responses of concentra­tion, memorization, and so on, become conditioned to a set of discriminative stimuli, such as a study hall, library, desk, open notebook, and so on.

Робота над текстом за профілем спрямування: HABIT (part 3)

The most common problem in establishing a habit is that the environmental cues often are not strong enough or salient enough to elicit the habit behaviors. Thus, school counselors of ten suggest that a student should haye a room or small area that serves as a cue exclusively* for studying. If the environment becomes a cue for only one habit, the probability that the desired behavior will occur is increased.

An even greater problem in the establishment of a habit may arise when the behaviors to be cued by the environmental stimuli are not sufficiently strong to be consistently emitted. The response may be so weak, in fact, that the environmental cues elicit an entirely different or even incompatible habit. Many otherwise good programs to build useful habits have failed because an inadequate amount of attention was given to streng­thening the desired behaviors before getting them under strict control.

The elimination of habits can be more of a problem than their acquisition. Old habits such as smoking, overeating, and unsafe work practices are difficult to eliminate, but they can be extinguished by applying the same principles used to build habits.

First; the responses that the habit comprises may be weakened through punishment or extinction. In the case of overeating, the individual may deprive himself of some reward when he overeats, or he may joia a weight-control group to provide external punishment.

Important environmental cues must also be eliminated; so that the habit will no longer be elicited by external factors. Smoking or eating cues, for example, can Ш catalogued by an individual „and then systematically eliminated. Usually the weakest cues are eliminated first, followed by the more difficult. In one experimental program individuals learned to refrain from smoking in a variety of situations; the final step in the program was attendance at several no-smoking cocktail parties. Since cocktail parties serve as very strong smoking elicitors, this cue was an important one to eliminate. Such programs must be individually tailored to fit individual environ­mental hierarchies.

As with the building of habits, both the behavior and the environmental cues controlling the behavior must be effectively dealt with. Successful habit elimination ideally should also provide an alternative response for the old cues. The foreman concerned with unsafe work practices, for example, will be more successful if he trains the correct response at the same time that he tries to eliminate an inappropriate old habit.

environmental cues раздра­жители среды . to interact взаимодейство­вать

acquisition приобретение modification изменение

generalization обобщение intervening variable влия­тельная переменная

by-product побочный про­дукт essential необходимый

socialization process процесс социализации work habits навыки работы

study habits навыки учебы social habits общественные навыки

concentration концентрация memorization процесс запо­минания

efficiency эффективность neatness аккуратность, оп­рятность

verbal skills вербальные (словесные) навыки

virtually automatic re­sponses практически ав­томатические реакции

to memorize запоминать effort усилие

reinforcement усиление extinguishing гасящий

pairing спаривание, ассоци­ация external cues внешние раз­дражители

to occur случаться

Підсумкова тека:

Контроль засвоєння граматичного матеріалу.

Ex. 1. Choose the word (a, b, c, d) that best completes the sentence. Write the number of the sentence and the letter of the answer, e.g. 1 dc, 2 ab, 3 ab.

1. Look at Ann! She ... on interesting book (a) is reading; b) reads). She ... every day (c) is reading; d) reads). 2. Listen! John ... in his room (a) sings; b) is singing). He ... very well (c) sings; d) is singing). 3. Usually girls ... tea in the morning (a) drink; b) are drinking). Now they ... coffee (c) are drinking; d) drink).

Exercise 2. Put the verb in brackets into the Present, Past or Future Continuous Tense.

1. He (to take) a bath now. 2. I (not to laugh) at you. 3. He (to come) here next week. 4. If I (to sleep) when he comes, please, wake me up. 5. What journal you (to read) when I came to the library? 6. The whole family (to have) dinner when the telephone rang. 7. Where he (to go) when the rain started? 8. She (to sing) over the radio at 5 o'clock tomorrow. 9. They will not go on excursion with us. They (to have) a lecture at 2 o'clock. 10. What you (to do) from 2 till 3 o'clock tomorrow? 11. The children (to play) when we return home. 12. Look! It is getting dark. It (to rain) in a minute.

Exercise 3. Form questions with the question words given.

1. The expedition is returning next week. (When) 2. We are doing grammar exercises now. (What) 3. The mother is teaching her little son to read. (Who) 4. I am reading a book on modern art. (What) 5. They were still arguing when I entered the room. (Who)

  1. Our group was staying in Vitebsk for some days. (For how long)

  2. We were talking and he was listening to the radio. (What)

  3. They will be moving to a new flat this month, (When) 9. We shall be listening to Petrov at the concert. (When) 10. He is coming tomorrow. (When)

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1. Что вы обсуждаете? — Мы обсуждаем план будущей экскурсии. 2. Вы идете в кино с нами? 3. О чем вы сейчас думаете? 4. Автобус уже отправлялся, когда я подошел к остановке. 5. Что он делал, когда вы зашли к нему? 6. Идет дождь, и мы не можем поехать за город.

Практичне заняття № 4

Present (Past, Future) Simple.

2. Робота з граматичним матеріалом. Виконання вправ. Future Simple , Past Simple

Ex. 1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. He opened the window before classes. 2. Ann translated a lot of foreign letters at the office last week. 3. I finished work at five o'clock yesterday. 4. He lived in Kyiv five years ago. 5. They returned home in the evening. 6. They translated a lot of articles from these French magazines last week. 7. We repeated the rule on Monday. 8. They answered a lot of letters last month.

Ex. 2. Change the following sentences into Past Simple.

Model: My working day lasts eight hours. - My working day lasted eight hours yesterday.

1. I often get letters from my friends. 2. Do you repeat this rule every day? 3. They don’t often stay at the factory after 6 o'clock. 4. I return home in the evening every day. 5. I translate a lot of articles every day. 6. The boys usually play football in the afternoon. 7. They ask me this question every day. 8. He often changes his friends. 9. I like the weather today.

Ex. 3. Translate into English using the Past Simple Tense.

1. Вчора вони дивились дуже гарний фільм. 2. Вчора він почав роботу пізно. 3. Минулого тижня він розмовляв з Майклом. 4. Він загубив паспорт. 5. Він взяв книги? 6. Він ходив у кіно вчора? 7. Ви залишалися в офісі після роботи? 8. Де ви подорожували? 9. Що ви написали? 10. Яку книгу ви читали минулого тижня? 11. Він не їздив туди. 12. Він не бачив цієї телеграми.

Ex. 4. Make the sentences interrogative and negative.

1. I will give you a book. 2. He will go to the university tomorrow. 3. I will stay at home in the evening. 4. They will go to the country next summer. 5. He will visit his friends tomorrow.

Ex. 5. Translate into English using the Future Simple Tense.

1. Я буду пити апельсиновый сік. 2. Він зустрінеться з Джимом наступного тижня. 3. Він вивчить англійську в наступному році? 4. Я буду користуватися комп’ютером? 5. Що він буде робити наступного тижня? 6. Куди ви поїдете? 7. Що він буде читати? 8. Завтра я не буду грати в футбол. 9. Вони не поїдуть на море в наступному році. . 10Я не буду дивитись цей фільм.

3. Робота з граматичним матеріалом: Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Continuous

Ex. 1. Make up the negative sentences. Model: She is reading now (to write a letter). – She is not reading. She is writing a letter.

1. I am asking you questions (to answer your questions). 2. Student Popov is sitting at his desk (to stand at the blackboard). 3. She is learning new words (to read the text). 4. We are having a meeting (to have an English class).

Ex. 2. Answer the questions.

1. What are you doing now? (to learn English). 2. Whom are you speaking with? (my friend). 3) What is the teacher speaking about? (the rules) 4. Who is asking you questions? (my teacher). 5. Whose questions are the students answering? (the teacher’s). 6. Are you sitting when answering the questions? (yes) 7. Where are you sitting? (in class). 8) What class are you having now? 9) Which lesson are you studying? (an English lesson). 10. Are you looking at the blackboard or at the teacher? 11. What (whom) are you looking at? (the blackboard). 12. What is your neighbour doing? (to dream). 13. Where is your friend going after classes? ( to the cafe).

Ex. 3. Use the Present Continuous or the Present Simple Tense.

1. Is mother in the kitchen? Yes, she is. She (to cook) something. 2. We never (to play) football in the gym. 3. The Dynamo (to play) football very well today. 4. I'd like to see Smith. He (to give a lecture). 5. Sometimes he (to give a lecture) in English for the students. 6. Where are the children? I suppose they (to walk) in the garden. 7. Our teacher (to speak) two languages. 8. Hello. This is Brown speaking. - Sorry, I don't hear you well. Who (to speak)? 9. Is Nick in the lunchroom? - Yes, he (to have) lunch.

Ex 4. Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. Yesterday he (to write) a letter to his friend. 2. When I (to look) at them, they (to smile) at me. 3. What you (to do) at six o'clock yesterday? 4. He (to come) back to St. Petersburg on the 15th of January. 5. Yesterday the lesson (to begin) at nine o'clock. 6. At this time yesterday I (to sit) at the thea­tre. 7. He (to read) a newspaper when I (to come) in. 8. I (to go) to the institute when I (to see) him.9. The train (to start) at fifteen minutes to ten. 10. He (to make) a report when I (to leave) the meeting.

4. Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням:

In your discussion use the following:

In my opinion ..;

As for me ..;

I can't agree that ...

One of the most influential schools of psychology abroad is that of Jean Piaget, a most prolific writer. He is considered by more and more psychologists and educators to be «Mr. Child Psychologist». He was preoccupied especially with nature of cognitive and intellectual development in the growing child. His theory affirms the development of new cognitive structures in a series of age-related stages. Summarized, these are: the period of sensory - motor intelligence (0-2 years); the period of preoperational thought (2-7 years) characterized by the development of language and concept-development, the period of concrete operations (7-11 years), and the period of formal operations (11-15 years) in which the individual's cognitive structures are most highly developed (enabling the adolescent ( под­росток) to apply logic to abstract as well as concrete thinking).

Though Piaget does believe the role of the environment in developing is strategic, he assumes that the child's intellectual potential is determined biologically. In other words, certain functions must mature and development must reach a certain stage before the school can begin teaching knowledge and skills effectively. In the relationship between learning and development it is learning that lags behind.

According to Vygotsky, the prominent Soviet psycho­logist, the founder of the Cultural-Historical theory of a person's psychological development, the mental develop­ment of the human being continues right through his education and rearing as a universal form of assimilating the socio-historical abilities of his time. Vygotsky believed that school learning contributes something qualitatively new to the child's development, that it stimulates processes of development which would not occur without it.

Traditionally, in non-socialist countries, the child must do tests to evaluate mental development without help from others. But Vygotsky believed that what the child can do with help to-day, he will be able to do indepen­dently to-morrow. Vygotsky stressed potential and called the difference between what the child knows and what he can learn with help «the zone of proximal develop­ment». In the matter of the relationship between learning and development Vygotsky differed from other learning theorists in that he believed that development «results» from learning.

Development of higher mental functions doesn't just happen maturationally. It is built into school learning.

Список літератури:

1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповненею – Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ “ВП Логос-М», 2007. – 384с.

2. Л.В. Мисик, А.Л. Арцишевська, Л.Р. Кузнєцова, Л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. доц. Мисик Л.В. – Підручник. – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

3. Гужва Т. М. Англійська мова: Розмовні теми: Навч. посіб. Для студентів фак. Інозем. Філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів. – Харків: Фоліо, 2005. – 414с.

4. Бессонова І. В. Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням). Навчальний посібник для дистанційного навчання. – К.: Університет «Україна», 2005. – 263с.

5. Куликова Н.В, Мельник Л.А., Зенкевич Е.Б. Английский язык для психологических факультетов. Серия «Учебники МГУ». Ростов н/Д: «Феникс», 2003. – 288с.

6. Коваленко П.И. Английский для психологов. Серия «Учебники и учебные пособия». Ростов н/Д: «Феникс», 2002 – 320с.

Revision: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous Tenses

Ex. 1. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous).

1. I often (to read) books in the evening. 2. Ann (to watch) television now. She (to watch) television every day. 3. Tom (to go) to work by car. 4. He (to play) computer games yesterday. 5. We (to buy) a new hi-fi system last week. 6. He usually (to begin) work at 8 o’clock. 7. We (to go to the cinema) tomorrow. 8. Our family (to visit) our friends next Sunday. 9. You usually (to speak) much on the telephone ? 10. Mike (to play) basketball on Thursdays ? 11. Mary (to play) the piano at this moment ? 12. You (to go) to the country last month ? 13. Mother (to cook) dinner yesterday ? 14. They (travel) next summer ? 15. We (not to meet) every day. 16. He (not to work) at this firm. 16. John (not to come) the day after tomorrow.

Ex. 2. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous).

1. He (to work) in the garden every day. 2. He (to play) the guitar now. 3. My friend (to know) two languages. 4. This shop (to open) at 9 a.m. and (to close) at 7 p.m. 5. I (to play) basketball on Wednesdays and Saturdays. 6. Silence! The students (to write) control work. 7. My mother (to go) to Kyiv next summer. 8. She (to work) at school last year. 9. He (to get up) at 6 a.m. the day before yesterday. 10. I (to have) a party the day after tomorrow. 11. John (to go shopping) last Saturday? 12. Your father (to work) at this plant in 1998? 13. Stephen (to live) here? 14. John and Mary often (to go) to the cinema? 15. She (to clean) her room now? 16. You (to spend) your summer holidays in the Crimea a year ago? 17. You (to listen) to rock music in the evening tomorrow? 18. My sister (not to read) newspapers every evening. 19. I usually (not to buy) food in this shop. 20. They (not to sleep) now. 21. He (not to make) any mistakes in his last dictation. 22. My friends (not to come) to me tomorrow.

Ex. 3. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous).

1. The teacher usually (to explain) grammar rules in the middle of the lesson. 2. I (to play) in the yard after 3 o’clock every day. 3. My father (to drive) the car very well. 4. I get at 6 o’clock every morning. 5. My brother (to sit) in the arm-chair now. 6. Look! The boys (to ride) bicycles. 7. The pupils (to visit) the Art gallery last week. 8. My relatives (to buy) a car yesterday. 9. They (to learn) Spanish next year. 10. She (to go) to school 6 days a week? 11. They always (to spend) their winter holidays in the Carpathians? 12. You (to dance) in the club on Saturdays? 13. Peter and Mary (to dance) now? 14. You (to read) a detective story at the moment? 15. Mike (to have) a good time now? 16. The pupils (to write) a composition last week? 17. The children (to go) to the forest tomorrow? 18. They (not to discuss) texts at the English lessons. 19. He (not to listen) to classical music. 20. Where’s father? He (not to work) in the garden. 21. George (not to prepare) for examination last month.

Ex. 4. Translate into English using the Present Simple Tense.

1. Я часто працюю вдома. Мій друг працює в селі. Він їздить туди машиною. 2. Він звичайно слухає рок-музику. 3. Петро хоче вивчити англійську. 4. Я навчаюсь в університеті. Моя сестра вчиться в школі № 9. 5. Коли ти приходиш додому? 6. Які програми він дивиться? 7. Куди вони їздять влітку? 8. Він знає про це? 9. Він не грає в баскетбол. 10. Вони не читають англійські журнали.

Ex. 5. Translate into English using the Past Simple Tense.

1. Він взяв машину та поїхав (поїхати – to go away). 2. Вона любила всіх дітей, але особливо Роберта. 3. Мої друзі відвідали мене минулого тижня. 4. Він закінчив роботу позавчора. 5. Він знайшов твій зошит. 6. Коли він змінив роботу? 7. Що він написав? 8. Куди вони їздили? 9. Петро не став лікарем. 10. Сергій не одержав ніяких листів. 11. Він не жив у цьому домі.

Ex. 6. Translate into English using the Future Simple Tense.

1. Я візьму сумку. 2. Він допоможе тобі. 3. Наступного тижня ми підемо в ресторан. 4. Які книги він буде читати? 5. Куди вони поїдуть влітку? 6. Я не буду жити в цій квартирі. 7. Мої батьки не поїдуть до Львову на автобусі. 8. Майкл не буде тебе слухати.

3) Перевірка словника-мінімума (словника термінології)


The object of the American Psychological Association shall be to advance psychology as a science and profession and as a means of promoting health and human welfare by:

• the encouragement of psychology in all its branches in the broadest and most liberal manner;

• the promotion of research in psychology and the improvement of research methods and conditions;

• the improvement of the qualifications and usefulness of psychologists through high standards of ethics, conduct, education, and achievement;

  • the establishment and maintenance of the highest standards of professional ethics and conduct of the members of the association;

  • the increase and diffusion of psychological knowledge through meetings, professional contacts, reports, papers, discussions, and publications ;

  • thereby to advance scientific interests and inquiry, and the application of research findings to the promotion of health and the public welfare.

as a means of promoting health and human welfare — как средство содействия здоро­вью и благополучию лю­дей

encouragement - поощрение

improvement of research me­thods — улучшение методов исследования

conduct - поведение

achievement - достижение (поставленных целей)

maintenance - поддержание (на уровне)

diffusion— распространение, рассеивание



1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповненею – Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ “ВП Логос-М», 2007. – 384с.

2. Л.В. Мисик, А.Л. Арцишевська, Л.Р. Кузнєцова, Л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. доц. Мисик Л.В. – Підручник. – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

3. Гужва Т. М. Англійська мова: Розмовні теми: Навч. посіб. Для студентів фак. Інозем. Філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів. – Харків: Фоліо, 2005. – 414с.

4. Бессонова І. В. Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням). Навчальний посібник для дистанційного навчання. – К.: Університет «Україна», 2005. – 263с.


В отрицательных предложениях используется либо местоимение any и его производные,

I cannot find this book anywhere.

либо отрицательное местоимение по

There is nobody in that room.

There isn't anybody in that room.

Различия между местоимениями any и some - в степе-ни неопределенности, поэтому иногда местоимение аny можно встретить и в утвердительных предложениях:

You can find this book anywhere. - Эту книгу вы може­те найти где угодно.

Ex 1 Form 16 pronouns from the parts in two columns. Translate them into Russian:

Образец: some + body = somebody — кто-то, кто-нибудь

some body

any one

no thing

every where

Ex 2 Fill in somebody, anybody, nobody or everybody:

l.The question was so difficult that ... could answer it. 2. ... left his bag in our classroom yesterday. 3. Has ... in this group got a dictionary? 4. I am afraid there is ... in the office now. It is too kite. 5.... knows that water is necessary for plants. 6. Is there ... here who knows English? 7. You must find ... who can help you. 6. ... knew anything about our home task. 9. ... can answer this question. It is very easy. 10. There is ... in the next room. I don't know him. 11. Please tell us the story. ... knows it. 12. Is there ... in my group who lives in the hostel? 13. Has ... here got a red pencil?

Ex 3 Translate into English:

1. Тут есть кто-нибудь? 2. В саду никого нет. 3. В на­шей комнате есть кто-нибудь? 4. В классе есть кто-то. 5. Там никого нет. 6. В саду есть кто-нибудь? 7. На столе есть что-нибудь? — Нет, там ничего нет. 8. В сумке что-то есть. 9. В этой книге есть что-нибудь интересное? 10. На стене есть какие-нибудь картины? -Да, там есть несколь­ко. 11. В кабинете директора есть кто-нибудь? - Нет, там никого нет. 12. В нашей библиотеке есть какие-то книги на английском языке. 13. В вашей библиотеке есть ка­кие-нибудь книги на английском языке? 14. Мой друг не хочет мне ничего сказать. 15. Я хочу провести летние ка­никулы где-нибудь на берегу Черного моря. 16. Если вы голодны, поищите что-нибудь в холодильнике. 17. Рас­скажите нам всё о вашем путешествии. 18. Никто нигде не помог ему.

Ex. 4. Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. We (not to go) on a tramp last summer. 2. What you (to do) when your sister (to come) home yesterday? 3. He (not to go) to the shop yesterday. 4. Nick (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 5. Rick (to sleep) at eleven o'clock yes­terday. 6. We (to play) badminton from nine till eleven yester­day. 7. Kate (not to go) for a walk yesterday. She (to write) a composition the whole day yesterday. 8. When your father (to come) home yesterday? - He (to come) home at seven o'clock. 9. When my father (to come) home yesterday, my mother (to make) supper. 10. I (to feed) my cat with fish yesterday. 11. What you (to do) at four o'clock yesterday? - I (to feed) my cat. 12. He (to repair) his bicycle the whole day before yesterday. 13. You (to have) supper at nine o'clock yesterday? 14. I (to begin) re­pairing my camera at six o'clock yesterday. 15. At five o'clock yesterday Helen (to cook) soup. 16. When we (to play) in the yard yester­day, it suddenly (to start) raining heavily. 17. I (to see) Mike when he (to cross) the street. 18. He (to begin) repairing his bicycle in the morning yes­terday. 19. What your brother (to do) yesterday? - He (to play) computer games.

Робота над текстом за профілем спрямування: INSTINCT

by Gerald W. Walker

This term has been used and misused. Instinct has been both hailed as an explanation of behavior and condemned as a meaningless hangover from the scientific dark ages. Even today it is common to label as instinctive unconscious or habitual acts (as when someone says, «John instinctively avoided hitting the other car»). But since the time of Darwin, two other interpretations of instinct have predominated. The first view emphasizes the urge, energy, drive, impetus, or motivation behind behavior. Thus, one reads about the «maternal instinct,» «territorial instinct,» or «sex instinctA Influential adherents of this view, such as Freud, JameSt and McDougall were impressed by the fact that while the behavior used to attain a goal or satisfaction could vary greatly, similar motivations and the discharge of some kind of internal tension or energy were involved.

The second interpretation restricts the term «instinct» to instinctive behavior. It emphasizes specific motor patterns, such as prey killing, courtship, and nest buil­ding, as well as the stimuli that trigger them. In many animals highly stereotyped behaviors (called species-specific behavior) common to all members of the species often appear in virtually complete form in the absence of any obvious opportunities to learn them. For example, ducklings reared apart from their parents walk, peck, swim, and recognize the maternal call. This more objective use of «instinct,» unlike the first, could not deal ade­quately with the variability and modifiability of behavior seen in many mammals, including monkeys and humans.

Робота над текстом за профілем спрямування: INSTINCT (Part 2)

Both of these approaches have come under heavy criticism - not only because they are contradictory but also because the idea of behavioral energy seems removed from scientific study. Furthermore, the view that complex behavior of animals could be based on innate-heredity processes was incompatible with the learning-environment emphasis of behaviorism. Thus, when ethology first came to the attention of American psychologists, largely through Tinbergen's The Study of Instinct, scientists considered instinct a dead issue.

But ethologists like Nobel laureate Konrad JLorenz presented evidence that many animals are able to perform complex natural behaviors—termed fixed action patterns — often in the absence of any opportunity for learning and that the evolutionary history of the species cannot be ignored. Moreover, they made a distinction between two phases of instinct: appetitive behavior is the highly variable and modifiable «search» for a specific stimulus situation, such as food or a mate; the consummately act is the stereotyped specific movements involved in prey killing, copulating, or nest building. Although this distinction is far from absolute, it does help resolve the motivating and behavioral conceptions of instinct. Today much evidence has accumulated that shows that «instinct» encompasses an enormous range of mechanisms underlying behavior and its development. Although all behavior is to some extent influenced and shaped by innate (genetic) and environmental factors, «instinct» is more and more used today to connote the natural behavior of animals (from sea slugs to humans) upon which natural selection must have acted. Popularizers of ethology have brought instinct back into the social sciences in general, often in a speculative manner. But the result has been the reconsideration of the evolutionary heritage behind the motivations and behavior of our species.

to be hailed as приветствоваться в качестве

.to be condemned as a meaningless hangover from the scientific dark ages гд. быть осужденным как пережиток научного мракобесия (средневековья)

unconscious or habitual acts бессознательные или действия, совершаемые по привычке

influential adherents влиятельные сторонники (по-борники)

to attain a goal or satisfaction достигать цели или удовлетворения

to emphasize акцентировать, придавать значение

motor patterns стереотипы моторного поведения

prey killing, courtship and nest building убийство добычи, ухаживание за особями противоположного пола и посторойка гнезда

to trigger запускать, вклю­чать

virtually complete form практически завершенная форма

ducklings утята

to walk ходить

to peck клевать

recognize the maternal call узнавать материнский зов

mammals млекопитающие underlying behavior and

scientists considered instinct its development включа- a dead issue зд. ученые ет в себя огромный мас- считали инстинкт темой сив механизмов, лежа- снятой с повестки дня (дос- щих в основе поведения ловно - мертвой темой) и его развития

distinction is far from ab- to connote ассоциировать,

solute различие, далекое связывать

от идеального sea slugs морские слизняки

...encompasses an enormous reconsideration переосмыс-

range of mechanisms ливание