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State Power Institutions in Ukraine: The System of Judicial Authority

The activities of the judicial power are outlined by the Constitution. The judicial power is represented by the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court. They watch over the executive and legislative powers and are nominated by Supreme Rada. Legal proceedings are carried out by the Constitutional Court and courts of general jurisdiction. The supreme authority of the system of courts of general jurisdiction is the Supreme Court of Ukraine. Legal proceedings may be carried out only by courts. Courts’ jurisdiction covers all legal relationship in the state. The system of courts of general jurisdiction is based on the principles of territorial and special jurisdiction.

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine is a separate entity, independent from the courts of general jurisdiction. It cannot be used as a cassation, appeal or supervisory authority for the courts of general jurisdiction. The activities of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine promote constitutional control in all spheres, stabilization and strengthening of constitutional order, establishment of principle of primacy of law and the supreme legal force of the Constitution, promotion of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens.

Part 1 General Foundations of Ukraine’s Political System State Power Institutions in Ukraine: The President of Ukraine

1. Answer the questions:

1. What defines the general foundations of the political system of Ukraine? 2. What type of a state is Ukraine? 3. What branches is the state power in Ukraine divided into? 4. What does the social character of Ukrainian state result in? 5. What provisions of the Constitution support the jural essence of the state?

6. The main task of the state is to establish and promote human rights and freedoms, isn’t it?

2. Match the political terms listed up in column A with the definitions provided in column B.



1. executive

a. relating to a legislature, having the power to make laws;

2. inviolable

b. pertaining to the body of ideas, reflecting the social needs and aspirations of a group or culture;

3. organic

c. constituting the essential part of something, constitutional;

4. jural

d. incapable of being violated;

5. legislative

e. pertaining to the law;

6. ideological

f. the branch of government charged with putting into effect the country’s laws.

3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

Основа політичної системи; згідно з; основний закон; правова держава; сутність; бути захищеною конституційними положеннями; правоздатність; законодавча влада; виконавча влада ; судова влада; передбачати принцип політ. різноманітності суспільного життя; право власності; рівність перед законом; збереження екологічної безпеки; правова сутність; верховенство права; встановлювати та підтримувати людські права; унітарна держава; неподільна та непорушна територія.

4. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and expressions:

The foundation of political system; jural state; competence; maintenance of ecologic safety; the supremacy of law; in accordance with; organic law; an essence; to be enshrined by the constitutional provisions; the legislative, executive and judicial branches; to envisage the principle of the political diversity of the social life; property right; equality before the law; jural essence; to establish and promote human rights; unitary state; an integral and inviolable territory.

5. Develop the idea.

1) State power is divided … . 2) Constitution envisages the principle of … . 3) The social character of Ukrainian state results in … 4) Ukraine is a unitary state which … 5) The state has a single … 6) The main task of the state is …

6. Translate into English.

1. Згідно з основним законом, Україна є суверенною, незалежною, демократичною та правовою державою. 2. Демократична сутність України захищена конституційними положеннями щодо її форми правління як суверенної республіки. 3. З соціальної точки зору такі конституційні положення України, як захист суб’єктів власності та їх рівність перед законом, є врегульованими.