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Icao Offices

Not all aviation problems can be dealt with on a world-wide scale and many subjects are considered on a regional basis. ICAO, therefore, recognizes nine geographical regions, which must be treated individually for planning the provision of air navigation facilities and services required on the ground by aircraft flying in these regions.

In each of the regions, keeping in mind the objective of producing a seamless global air traffic management system, careful planning is necessary to produce the network of air navigation facilities and services upon which the airplanes depend the aerodromes, the meteorological and communications stations, the navigation aids, the air traffic control units, the search and rescue bases the thousands of facilities to be established and operated and the services to be rendered.

This planning is done at ICAO regional air navigation meetings, held from time to time for each of the regions, where the need for facilities and services is carefully considered and decided upon. The plan which emerges from a regional meeting is so designed that, when the States concerned implement it, it will lead to an integrated, efficient system for the entire region and contributes toward the global system.

When States require assistance in this regard, help is available through ICAO's seven regional offices each one accredited to a group of Contracting States. These offices have, as their main function, the duty of encouraging, assisting, expediting and following up the implementation of the Air Navigation Plans and maintaining them up to date. In addition, regional planning and implementation groups have been established in ICAO regions to assist the regional offices in keeping the regional plans up-to-date and in fostering their implementation.

As financial and technical resources vary widely between nations, and as air transport's demands involve some complex and costly equipment and well-qualified personnel for staffing and maintaining the facilities, there may be uneven implementation of parts of the Air Navigation Plans. ICAO can assist States through its technical assistance activities. It has succeeded, also, in a few cases, in arranging for "joint financing" certain facilities in the North Atlantic are financed by the States whose airlines make use of them: communication systems for transmitting messages of interest to aviation, and air navigation aids and meteorological and air traffic control facilities in Greenland and Iceland.

Exercise 1. Be ready to speak on the text.

Exercise 2.To enrich your vocabulary find in the dictionary all possible meanings of the following words and give their Ukrainian equivalents:

1) control; 2) management; 3) aid; 4) transmission.

Use these words in the sentences of your own.

Exercise 3.Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Це питання треба розглядати на світовому, а не регіональному рівні. 2. Наш аеродром забезпечує наземні засоби і служби, а також створює умови для польоту пасажирів без перешкод. 3. Ми повинні пам'ятати про необхідність створення єдиної глобальної системи керування повітряним рухом. 4. Якщо державам необхідна допомога у вирішенні цього питання, її можуть надати регіональні офіси ІКАО, що акредитовані для певних груп країн. 5. Основною функцією регіональних офісів є заохочування і допомога у впровадженні Аеронавігаційних планів. 6. Регіональні плани мають постійно поновлюватися. 7. Для авіаційної галузі дуже важливо мати новітнє, дороге обладнання та кваліфікований персонал. 8. Для повітряних перевезень великою перешкодою є митниці, еміграційні та інші формальності. 9. ІКАО не тільки зменшує процедурні формальності, а й спрямовує зусилля на забезпечення відповідних терміналів, обладнання та служб.

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