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Unit 4 my studies at the law faculty

Vocabulary notes

a judge

a counsel for the defence

a counsel for the prosecution

an investigator

a notary

a legal adviser

to enter the university, institute,


to take entrance examinations

to pass an exam

to have a good educational

background in a subject


a full-time student

an extra-mural student

to attend a course

to take a course

to provide a course

to complete a course

Business Law

Civil Law

Criminal Law

Financial Law

International Law

Family Law

Land Law

Immigration Law

Consumer Law

Commercial Law


адвокат, защитник





поступить в университет, институт,


сдавать вступительные экзамены

сдать экзамен

иметь хорошую подготовку по



студент дневного отделения

студент - заочник

посещать курс

проходить курс (обучения)

предоставить курс (обучения)

закончить курс (обучения)

право предпринимательской


гражданское право

уголовное право

финансовое право

международное право

семейное право

земельное законодательство иммиграционное право

потребительское право

торговое право

final exams

to specialize in (to major in)

to take notes

to prepare for an exam

to take a credit test

to pass an exam

to sit for an exam

to fail (in) an exam

to attend lectures and classes

to graduate from the university

to be a first (second, third, etc.) year


to get a legal education

выпускные экзамены

специализироваться в


готовиться к экзамену

сдавать зачет

сдать экзамен

готовиться к экзамену

провалиться на экзамене

посещать лекции и занятия

окончить университет

быть студентом первого (второго,

третьего и т. д.) курса

получить юридическое образование

I. Read the following text to learn about the Law Faculty. The law faculty of raj

Legal education is very popular and prestigious nowadays. Those who want to train as judges, counsels for the defence, counsels for the prosecution, investigators, notaries and legal advisers study at the Law Faculty of Russian Academy of Justice (RAJ). To enter the Faculty you have to take entrance examinations in Russian, Russian Literature and History. You need a good educational background in the Humanities to pass the exams.

Full-time students study for five yeas, as for extra-mural students, the study at the Institute for six years. The first and the second years give students a background in Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Statistics, Computers, Economic theory, and other subjects. Students also attend the language courses. The third, fourth and fifth-year-students take courses in different branches of Law. Students complete courses in Business Law, Criminal Law, Consumer Law, International Law, Land Law, Commercial Law, etc.

Studying at the Academy is hard work, but fun. Students have lectures, seminars, practical laboratory classes, class discussions, excursions, examinations, and tests. At the lectures students listen to the lecturers, take notes and ask questions, if necessary. At the seminars they speak on the subject, make reports, and take part in the discussion. At the end of each term students take examinations and credit tests. Each year students must present a course paper and make reports in class. At the end of the course of studies final-year students sit for their finals and present their graduation papers.

The Law Faculty has a full-time and an extra-mural department. If you want to get a legal education, you are welcome to the Law Faculty of RAJ.

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