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Одобрено ученым советом гуманитарного факультета в качестве учебного пособия


Э.Г. Беззатеева, кандидат филологических наук,

доцент кафедры иностранных языков ГОУ ВПО ОмГТУ

И.В. Горшенина, кандидат педагогических наук,

доцент кафедры иностранных языков ФГОУ ВПО ОмГПУ

Сахань,Н.В. Абдыльманова, Р.Х.

Английский язык: Практикум / Н.В. Сахань. Р.Х. Абдыльманова. – Омск: Изд-во ФГОУ ВПО ОмГАУ, 2011. - 116с.

Практикум разработан в соответствии с требованиями ГОС ВПО к содержанию учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» (2000)и примерной программой по дисциплине, рекомендованной Министерством образования Российской Федерации.

Содержит тексты по 10 темам, изучение которых необходимо для освоения знаний по выбранной специальности. Издание предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по специальности 380301.65 – Инженерные системы сельскохозяйственного водоснабжения, обводнения и водоотведения, 280302.65 – Комплексное использование и охрана водных ресурсов, 280401.65 – Мелиорация, рекультивация и охрана земель, 280402. 65 – Природоохранное обустройство территорий.


Предисловие ……………………………………………………….. 4

Введение …………………………………………………………… 7

Unit 1. My Speciality ……………………………………………….. 8

Unit 2. Land Reclamation Work in our Country ……………………. 18

Unit 3. Fresh Water Resources ……………………………………… 27

Unit 4. Baikal’s Pure Water ………………………………………… 36

Unit 5. Water is Life ………………………………………………… 44

Unit 6. Canals ……………………………………………………… 54

Unit 7. Soil …………………………………………………………. 65

Unit 8. Irrigation …………………………………………………… 74

Unit 9. Drought …………………………………………………….. 86

Unit 10. Drainage …………………………………………………… 93

Лексический минимум ……………………………………………. 102

Заключение ………………………………………………………… 115

Библиографический список ……………………………………… 116


Практикум по английскому языку разработан в соответствии с примерной программой дисциплины «Иностранный язык», рекомендованной Министерством образования Российской Федерации, и требованиями Государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования по направлению подготовки дипломированных специалистов 280302.65 – Комплексное использование и охрана водных ресурсов, 280401. 65 – Мелиорация, рекультивация и охрана земель, 208402.65 – Природоохранное обустройство территорий, 280301. 65 – Инженерные системы сельскохозяйственного водоснабжения, обводнения и водоотведения.

Предназначен для студентов Водохозяйственного строительства 3-го и 4-го семестра обучения.

Основной целью разработки практикума является совершенствование практических умений и навыков, позволяющих студентам читать и переводить научную литературу по специальности, расширять кругозор. Повторяя грамматические структуры, наиболее часто встречающиеся в такой литературе, студенты учатся применять на практике свои знания.

Для достижения данной цели разработаны упражнения и задания к текстам. Применяются элементы изучающего и аналитического чтения. Вопросы к текстам отвечают коммуникативным потребностям специалистов данного профиля. Текстовой материал отобран по принципу значимости для будущих специалистов из оригинальной литературы и частично адаптирован, включает большое количество терминов.

Издание носит профессионально ориентированный характер, отвечая коммуникативным и познавательным потребностям будущих специалистов. Поможет студентам выбрать и исследовать нужную информацию по специальности в научной литературе, а также подготовится к сдаче экзамена по иностранному языку.

Авторы выражают благодарность Я. Л. Горшениной, кандидату педагогических наук, доценту кафедры второй специальности ФГОУ ВПО ОмГПУ, а также Э.Г. Беззатеевой, кандидату филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков ГОУ ВПО ОмГТУ за рецензирование рукописи.

Пособие разработано Сахань Натальей Владимировной, преподавателем иностранных языков, и Абдыльмановой Райхан Хаджимуратовной, заведующей кафедрой иностранных языков ФГОУ ВПО ОмГАУ (ул. Сибаковская, 4, учебный корпус, ауд. 346). При необходимости с авторами можно связаться по телефону 65-37-36 (кафедра иностранных языков).


Известно, что с древних времен в любой стране ценились люди, владевшие несколькими иностранными языками. Знание иностранного языка является хорошим средством взаимопонимания и используется как в дружеском общении, так и в деловых отношениях. Не секрет, что современную жизнь невозможно представить без знания иностранного языка. В наше время для успешной карьеры молодые люди должны владеть хотя бы одним иностранным языком, поэтому интерес к овладению иностранными языками, особенно английским, усилился.

Иностранный язык относится к числу общеобразовательных дисциплин, однако, не являясь профилирующим предметом, он имеет важную практическую цель – формирование умений и навыков пользования языком как средством общения и приобщения к опыту, средством передачи и приема информации, а также деловым языком и языком своей специальности. Ему отводиться значительная роль в выполнении общеобразовательных и воспитательных задач, повышении общеобразовательного и культурного уровня личности студента и его дальнейшем развитии. Иностранный язык объективно является общественной ценностью, поэтому его включение в программу высшего образования – социальный заказ. Иностранный язык тесно связан со всеми сферами жизнедеятельности общества: экономикой, политикой, искусством, образованием и другими, отражая менталитет, культуру страны, которую представляет.

Программа по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык» в вузе является продолжением программы средней школы и направлена на формирование навыков чтения и понимания литературы по будущей специальности, а также на формирование терминологического словарного минимума.



  1. Learn new words and set-phrases:

artificial – искусственный

areas with excessive humidity – районы с избыточным увлажнением

to control soil erosion – бороться с эрозией почвы

intensification – усиление, интенсификация

livestock – домашний скот

the main lines – основные направления

marshy lands – болотистые земли

to make better use – лучше использовать

obtain – получать, приобретать

reclamation engineers – инженеры мелиораторы

to be responsible for - быть ответственным за

reservoirs – бассейн, водохранилище, водоем

utilization – использовать

  1. Read and translate text A:

Text A

My Speciality

I study at the Land Reclamation Faculty of the Omsk State Agricultural University. Our University trains qualified reclamation engineers for melioration work in our country.

Land reclamation is an important factor in the intensification of agricultural production. Due to land reclamation work favorable conditions are created for obtaining high and stable yields of grain, cotton, vegetables and for other crops and for increasing livestock production.

The main lines of land reclamation are irrigation of arid regions and drainage of areas with excessive humidity. The total area of irrigated and drained land is over 30 million hectares. Thousands of hectares of marshy lands are drained and become fertile every year. The total length of the irrigation network exceeds 700.000 kilometers.

Reclamation engineers take part in the construction and reconstruction of large-scale irrigation projects. Their task is also to make better use of the existing irrigation system. They bring water to deserts by building new canals and artificial water reservoirs. Reclamation engineers are responsible for the rational utilization of the natural resources and the protection of the environment. They must help collective farms control soil erosion. Irrigators must know very well water requirements of crops, principles of operation of irrigation equipment, types of drainage and methods of irrigation.

In order to become qualified specialist students of the Land Reclamation Faculty study many theoretical subjects such as physics, mathematics, hydrology, hydraulics and other subjects and have their practice on training farms and on large irrigation projects.

  1. Answer the questions:

  1. At what faculty do you study?

  2. Are you a second-year student?

  3. What specialists does the Land Reclamation Faculty train?

  4. What are the main lines of land reclamation?

  5. What is the total area of reclaimed land in our country?

  6. What regions is it necessary to irrigate?

  7. What regions is it necessary to drain?

  8. In what work do reclamation engineers take part?

  9. Do crop yields increase due to land reclamation?

  10. What subject do students of the Land Reclamation Faculty study?

4. Say in Russia:

- agricultural production

- livestock production

- the total area

-favorable conditions

- the total lengths

- to obtain stable yields

- to irrigate arid lands

- to drain marshy lands

- to become fertile

- irrigation network

- to build artificial water reservoirs

- rational utilization

- to protect the environment

- water requirement

- irrigated regions

- drained regions

5. Compete these sentences with the words from the text:

1. Land reclamation is an important factor in …

2. Arid lands need …

3. Areas with excessive humidity need …

4. Favorable conditions are created for obtaining …

5. Reclamation engineers take part in …

6. They must make better use of …

7. They are responsible for …

8. Students must know the principles of operation of …

6. Fill in the gaps with words in the list. Use the phrases to make sentences:

stable, qualified, important, natural, irrigation, water, rational, arid, favorable, marshy

    1. … utilization

    2. … lands

    3. … conditions

    4. … factor

    5. … reservoirs

    6. … resources

    7. … equipment

    8. … specialists

    9. … regions

    10. … yields

7. Agree or disagree:

1. The main lines of land reclamation are irrigation of arid regions and drainage of areas with excessive humidity.

2. Thousands of hectares of marshy lands are irrigated and become fertile every year.

3. The total length of the drainage network exceeds 700.000 kilometers.

4. Reclamation engineers must not help collective farms control soil erosion.

5. Reclamation engineers take part in the construction and reconstruction of the large-scale irrigation projects.

8. Discussion:

Your friend who is 20 years old works as a mechanic. He wants to continue his education in order to become a reclamation engineer. He doesn’t know which department to choose day-time or tuition by correspondence. Help him to solve his problem. Give your reasons.

a) Your friend has already made up a list of pros and cons. Look through it and think of some more:

Day-time Institute

Tuition by Correspondence



1. The course is a year shorter.

1. Your practical experience makes it easier for you to study special subjects.

2. You have more time for self-study and entertainment.

2. You have prospects of promotion.

3. You study more subjects and become a better specialist in your field.

3. You no longer depend financially on your parents.

b) Discuss the problem in group of 3-5 students in order to make a decision.


Времена группы Simple

Глаголы в формах Simple относят действие к настоящему, прошедшему или будущему, не уточняя, как оно протекает во времени.

Present Simple

Формы глагола в Present Simple совпадают с инфинитивом без частицы to, лишь в 3-м лице единственного числа добавляется суффикс s.

Это время употребляется для выражения действия происходящего обычно, регулярно, или для обозначения вневременных фактов и явлений.

E.g. My friends study French. He speaks English.

Do your friends study French. Does he speak English?

My friends don’t study French. He doesn’t speak English.

Past Simple

Стандартные глаголы образуют формы в Past Simple путем прибавления к инфинитиву (без частицы to) суффикса –ed(d), для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа.

to ask – asked

to translate – translated

Нестандартные глаголы следует запомнить (таблица неправильных глаголов 2ая форма)

to go – went

to write – wrote

Past Simple употребляется:

а) для выражения ряда последовательных действий в прошлом:

E.g. My friends studied French at school. He spoke English at the conference.

Did your friends study French at school? Did he speak English at the conference?

My friends did not study French. He didn’t speak English at the conference.

в) когда действие соотносится с обстоятельственными словами, точно обозначающими прошедшее время ago - тому назад, yesterday – вчера, last month/week/year – в прошлом месяце/ на прошлой недели/ в прошлом году

Future Simple

Формы глагола в Future Simple образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола will и инфинитива глагола без частицы to.

E.g. My friends will study French at the University. The teacher will speak about our

English exam.

Will your friends study French at the University? Will the teacher speak about

our English exam.

My friends won’t study French. The teacher won’t speak about English exam.

9. Complete the memo write the Present, Past, Future Simple forms:

1. Siberia …(to extend) from the Ural Mountains on the west to the Pacific Oceans on the east and southward from the Arctic Ocean to the hills of north-central Kazakhstan.

2. The Russian occupation … (to begin) in 1581 with a Cossach expedition.

3. Regions with the most uniform type of river regime … (to be) most favorable for water-power development.

4. Excess application of water … (to reduce) crop yields.

5. Irrigation … (to be) extensively practiced by the earliest civilizations known.

6. The Jenisei River … (to have) great power resources.

7. Rivers … (to be) well fed by snow fields and glaciers.

8. These plant seed … (not to grow) in this area.

  1. a) Write the Past Simple of the regular verbs, then read them out:

study – …

create – …

drain – …

exceed – …

train – …

obtain – …

b) Write the Past Simple of the irregular verbs and read them out:

to be – was/were - …

take - … - taken

make – made - …

begin - … - begun

bring – brought - …

know – knew - …

become – became - …

11. Read text B and answer the question: Which is greater in Britain – evaporation from leaves of plants or the rainfall?

Text B

You know water to circulate between earth and air due to physical causes. But water circulates also due to physiological causes.

The due and rain saturating the soils are drunk in by the roots of the growing plants. The green leaves of the plants are constantly evaporating water from their numberless pores into the dry air. The drier the air, the greater the evaporation from the leaves of plants. The greater the surface of the leaf, the more water it can evaporate.

Having been evaporated, water as invisible vapour rises up again into the atmosphere and takes part in the endless process of circulation.

It is estimated that from three to five million pounds of water are evaporated per year from the leafy surface of an acre in crop in Britain while only two and half million fall in rain.

12. Speak about your Speciality.



  1. Learn new words:

acidic – кислотный, кислый

alkali – щелочь

in addition to – в добавок, кроме того, к тому же

application – применение

considerable – значительный, важный

to create – производить, создавать

to drain – дренировать, осушать (почву)

drought – засуха

to exceed – превышать, превосходить

to exist – существовать, находиться, быть

to expand – расширять(ся), распространять(ся)

frequent – частый (часто встречающийся)

fodder – фураж

to guarantee – гарантировать, ручаться

gypsuming – гипсование

to lie – лежать

liming – известкование

maize – кукуруза

means – средство, способ

network –сеть

to occur – случаться, происходить

to obtain – получать

output – продукция, выпуск, выработка

particularly – в особенности

recent – недавний, последний

to reclaim – проводить мелиорацию, поднимать (заброшенные земли)

to secure – охранять, обеспечивать

stable – постоянный, прочный

  1. Read and translate text A into Russian:

Text A

Land Reclamation Work in Our Country

During the recent decades effective measures were taken to increase the output of agricultural produce.

One must take into account1 the fact that agricultural work in our country is done under difficult climatic conditions. Nearly 60 per cent of arable land is located in arid areas. Droughts occur frequently here. A considerable part of arable land lies in areas where the soil is too moist. The land in the Non-Black-Earth-Zone in Blorussia and the Baltic republics is particularly over moist. 100 million hectares of arable land are affected by salt.2 66 million hectares are so-called acidic soils. So almost all the land in the country either requires watering, drainage or some other measures to improve its fertility and guarantee high crop yields.

Land improvement on the large scale began about 20 years ago. In 1980 the area of irrigated and drained land was 17 million hectares.

During this time the area of reclaimed land increased to 33 million hectares. Land reclamation work is now being done in all the main crop farming regions of our country. 75 per cent of the vegetables about 50 per cent of fruit and grapes and 40 per cent of the maize grain are produced on both irrigated and drained lands. An irrigated hectare is five times more productive than a non-irrigated one. A hectare of drained land yields 50 per cent more produce. At present the total length of irrigation network exceeds 700.000 kilometers. In the next decade the area of irrigated land will expand to 30-32 million hectares and the area of drained land to 19-21 million hectares.

Now the main tasks are to rises the effectiveness of the use of reclaimed lands, and to secure high returns3 from them, to improve the state of existing irrigation systems and to introduce progressive irrigation methods.

In addition to irrigation and drainage land improvement work includes liming acidic soils, gypsuming alkali soils, erosion control, correct application of fertilizers and means of protecting plants and some others measures. Land reclamation creates favorable conditions for highly productive crop farming, for obtaining high and stable yields of grain, fodder and other crops.


1 to take into account – принять во внимание

2 are affected by salt – засолены

3 high returns – большая отдача

  1. Read the text again and answer the questions:

  1. Under what climatic conditions is farm work done in our country?

  2. What part of arable land lies in arid regions?

  3. In what regions is the soil particularly over moist?

  4. When did land improvement on a large scale begin?

  5. What was the area of improved land in 1965?

  6. What is it at present?

  7. What will the area of reclaimed land be by the end of the century?

  8. What are the main tasks now?

  9. What ways of reclaiming land do you know?

  10. What measures does arid land require?

  11. What measures do acidic soils require?

  12. What measures does over moist land require?

  1. Choose words from the list to fill in the gaps. Translate these phrases:

Soil, conditions, changes, measures, yield, network, drainage, crops, application, droughts, rains, irrigation, situation, weather

  1. effective … … …

  2. favorable … … …

  3. frequent … … …

  1. Find English equivalents:

- в течение последних десятилетий

- принять эффективные методы

- площадь мелиорированных земель

- общая длина оросительных сетей

- улучшить состояние существующих оросительных систем

- внедрять прогрессивные методы

- средства защиты растений

- известкование кислых почв

- борьба с эрозией

- большая отдача

  1. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences, then translate them:

  1. Frequently, in, droughts, arid, occur, regions.

  2. Need, most of, drainage, areas, over most.

  3. Utilized, one, means of, must, plants, protecting.

  4. It is necessary, the use of, to rise, the effectiveness of, the reclaimed lands.

  5. Very, for improving, control, fertility, erosion, is, soil, important.

7. Say if the statements are right or wrong according to the text. Use the following conversational formulas:

- that is absolutely right …

- as far as I remember …

- if I am not mistaken …

- to tell the truth …

- to my mind …

- in my opinion …

- I am not sure that …

1. A considerable part of arable land lies in areas where the soil is too dry.

2. 100 thousand hectares of arable land are affected by salt.

3. Land improvement on a large scale began about 20 years ago.

4. An irrigated hectare is as productive as a non-irrigated one.

5. At present the total length of irrigation network does not exceed 7000.000 kilometers.

6. Now the main tasks are to rises the effectiveness of the use of reclaimed lands, and to secure high returns from them, to improve the state of existing irrigation systems and to introduce progressive irrigation methods.

8. Complete these sentences with the words from the text:

  1. Effective measures were taken … .

  2. Nearly 60 per cent of arable land is … .

  3. Almost all the land in the country either …, or … .

  4. Land reclamation work is … .

  5. At present the total length of irrigation network … .

  6. Land reclamation creates … .

Word – Building

Form the words according to the model and translate them:

Model – 1

Основа глагола + -tion, -sion, -ion = существительное

to include – включать inclusion- включение

to continue – continuation -

to produce – production -

to absorb – absorption -

to consider - consideration -

Model – 2

Основа прилагательного + -ly = наречие

free- свободный freely - свободно

possible - possibly -

deep – deeply -

safe – safely -

easy – easy -

simple - simply –

Model – 3

Основа существительного + - ic = прилагательное

cube – куб cubic - кубический

atmosphere – atmospheric -

metal – metallic -

base - basic –

Model – 4

Основа глагола + - ment = существительное

to attach - прикреплять attachment – прикрепление

to assess – assessment -

to move – movement -

to establish – establishment -

to replace – replacement -

to develop - development –

Model – 5

Глагол um-, in-, ir -, il -, im -, + основа прилагательного = прилагательное с отрицательным значением

known - известный unknown – неизвестный

stable - unstable –

sufficient - insufficient –

possible - impossible –

rational - irrational –

necessary - unnecessary –

9. Read the Text B:

a) Suggest a suitable title for the text

b) Make a text’s plan.

c) Give characteristic of each zone

Text B

The Russia is a vast country spreading over 29.400.000 square kilometers, or one-sixth of the world’s surface. It is stretches for over 5.000km from the seas of the Arctic Oceans to the Pamir Mountain ranges, and nearly 10.000km from the coast of the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean.

The territory of our country is characterized by different natural conditions. In the north vast areas are covered by tundra, a treeless region where snowy winter is changed by short cool summer.

Southwards a wide forest belt with a total area of about 7.000.000 square kilometers stretches across the country. It is a zone of excessive humidity where the amount of rainfall is much higher than evaporation. There are a lot of lakes and swamps there. Effective farming requires drainage and other reclamation measures.

Vast steppes lie to the south of the forest belt. In spite of very fertile soils, crop yields are low and unstable because of frequent droughts. Therefore irrigation is necessary for effective cultivation of most agricultural crops.

The south-eastern part of the country is located in the desert zone. This region is characterized by insufficient rainfall. Agricultural work is impossible without irrigation.

In the South, on the coast of the Black and Caspian Seas there are some regions characterized by subtropical humid climate favorable for cultivation of citrus and tea.

10. Speak about Land Reclamation Work in Our Country using the questions from exercise – 3 as a plan.



  1. Learn new words:

annual – годовой, ежегодный

arable lands – пахотные земли

amount – количество, сумма

arid – сухой, засушливый

artificial – искусственный

basin – бассейн, резервуар, водоем

to consume – потреблять, расходовать

cubic – кубический

communal – коллективный, коммунальный, общественный

to develop – развивать

desert – пустыня

discharge – вытекание, спуск, сток, слив

to distribute – распределять

domestic – домашний

fertile – плодородный, изобильный

fast – скорый, быстрый

favorable – благоприятный

to flow – течь, протекать

to include – включать

industrial – промышленный, индустриальный

moist – сырой, влажный

output – продукция, выпуск, выработка

to pollute – загрязнять

pure – чистый

protection – защита

rapid – быстрый

shallow – мелкий

source – источник

sufficient – достаточный

therefore – поэтому, следовательно

tributary – приток

total- весь, целый, полный

toxic – ядовитый, токсичный

uniform – однообразный, однородный

waste – отбросы, отходы

to wash out - вымывать

  1. Read and translate text A:

Text A

Fresh Water Resources

The Russian Federation has the largest fresh water resources in the world. The need for fresh water is growing rapidly now. Much water is utilized for economic and domestic purposes in cities and for industrial needs. The faster industry develops, the more water is needed.

Agriculture is one of the biggest consumers of water. Great attention is paid1 to the development of irrigated crop farming. Over 60 per cent of the arable land in the Russia is situated in arid regions with insufficient natural moistening. Therefore we cannot farm without artificial irrigation.

Rivers are the main source of fresh water. They satisfy the needs of population, agriculture and industry for fresh water to a large extend2. There are about 775.000 rivers in our country (including rivers no less than 10 kilometers long) with total length of over 5.000.000 kilometers. The average annual discharge of the Russian rivers is 4.700 cubic kilometers. The Amur, with its tributary Argun, is the longest river – 4.440 kilometers. The largest river basin is that of the Ob. The Yenisei, Lena, Ob and Amur carry the largest amount of water.

But the water resources are not uniformly distributed – the better developed areas, which produce 80 per cent of industrial and agricultural output, have only 20 per cent of the total water resources. In a number of 3 southern regions of Russian Federation which have fertile land and a favorable climate there is a great need of water. The biggest rivers flowing across the Central Asian deserts, the Amudarya and Sydarya, are now becoming shallow.

There are about 3.5 million lakes in the Russian Federation. They are also an important source of fresh water for people, plants and animals. At present4 many small and large rivers and lakes are polluted by industrial wastes, fertilizers and toxic chemical washed out of the soil. The protection of water against pollution is one of the main problems of today. Water must remain pure, suitable for drinking and satisfying man’s communal needs.


1 to pay great attention – уделять большое внимание

2 to a large extend – в большей степени

3 a number of – несколько

4 at present – в настоящее время

  1. Answer the questions:

  1. What is water utilized for?

  2. Is agriculture a great consumer of water?

  3. Can we farm without irrigation?

  4. What part of arable land is situated in arid areas?

  5. What is the main source of fresh water?

  6. What river is the longest in the Russian Federation?

  7. What rivers becoming shallow?

  8. How many lakes are there in our country?

  9. By what are rivers and lakes polluted?

  1. Find English equivalents in the text:

  • потребность в пресной воде

  • экономические цели

  • крупнейший потребитель воды

  • орошаемое земледелие

  • недостаточное естественное увлажнение

  • основной источник

  • годовой средний сток

  • плодородная земля

  • благоприятный климат

  • в настоящее время

  • промышленные отходы

  • ядовитые химические вещества

  • защита воды от загрязнения

  • вода, пригодная для питья

  • сельскохозяйственная продукция

  1. Match the column, then translate the sentences:

Many rivers are polluted

- flows across the desert

Where is the water

- by toxic chemicals

Agriculture consumers

- there is life

The Sydarya

- is rapidly growing

We cannot farm

- great amount of water

The need for fresh water

- without irrigation

  1. Form a group of antonyms:

Moist, natural, shallow, fresh water, favorable, with, small, long, deep, sufficient, slow, big, short, artificial, salt water, dry, rapid, without, insufficient, unfavorable.


Degrees of Comparison









the smallest

the biggest

E.g. This building is high.

That building is higher.

That is the highest building in the city.