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6. Complete the sentences with the words in ex. 1

1. Please, take this as a __________________ of my love and respect.

2. Eliza, a plain girl, was ____________________like a real lady for the first time in her whole life.

3. By and by I got really __________________to this cheerful and kindly woman.

7. Write an essay on one of the following topics:

  1. Dwell on Jerusha’s words: “I've discovered the true secret of happiness, and that is to live in the now. Not to be for ever regretting the past, or anticipating the future; but to get the most that you can out of this very instant.”

  2. Do you agree that ‘any woman is fundamentally and always interested in clothes’?

  3. Compare the McBrides and the Pendletons.

8. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the words from ex.1

1. Когда Вы подаете заявление о приеме на работу, Вы должны указать Вашу биографию.

2. Единственный недостаток летней погоды - это то, что погода жаркая и часто льет как из ведра.

3. Когда Вы привязываетесь к какому-либо человеку, очень сложно не видеть его долгое время.

4. - Вы знаете, как обращаться с маленькими детьми? - Не лишайте их Вашей заботы и любви.

5. В нашем мире сейчас так много гнетущих проблем, что нет времени подумать о нас самих и нашем будущем.

6. Не будь такой тщеславной, и ты сможешь достичь цели.

7. - Где ты был? - На дискотеке. - Кто тебя туда отпустил? - Ты, молчание - знак согласия, а ты не сказала мне ни слова.

8. Это сердце - символ нашей дружбы и хороших отношений.

9. Когда я хочу пойти в магазин, я предпочитаю идти в центр города, так как там много хороших магазинов.

10. Как вам это нравится? Моя мама говорит, что мне не следует выходить замуж за этого тщеславного и эгоистичного человека.

11. Никогда не пытайтесь сроднить весь мир, все люди разные и вкусы у них тоже разные.

9. Answer the following questions:

1. What did Judy go downtown for?

2. Where was she invited for Christmas? Did she want to go there?

3. How old did Judy become?

4. Tell the group about the Founder’s dance.

5. Do you remember the dresses the girls were wearing at the dance? Why did Judy describe them?

6. What “secret” did she discover?

7. What Christmas presents did she get?

8. Tell about her visit to the Pendletons, their house, people, and conversations.

9. What political views did Judy have? Where did they originate from?

10. What did Judy think of college?

11. What was the true secret of happiness to Judy’s mind?

12. What did President Cuyler think of new generation? Do you agree with him?

13. What were Judy’s news about the college?

24Th April

Dear Daddy,

Spring has come again! You should see how lovely the campus is. I think you might come and look at it for yourself. Master Jervie dropped in again last Friday – but he chose a most unpropitious time, for Sallie and Julia and I were just running to catch a train. And where do you think we were going? To Princeton, to attend a dance and a ball game, if you please! I didn't ask you if I might go, because I had a feeling that your secretary would say no. But it was entirely regular; we had leave-of-absence from college, and Mrs. McBride chaperoned us. We had a charming time – but I shall have to omit details; they are too many and complicated.


Up before dawn! The night watchman called us – six of us – and we made coffee in a chafing dish (you never saw so many grounds!) and walked two miles to the top of One Tree Hill to see the sun rise. We had to scramble up the last slope! The sun almost beat us! And perhaps you think we didn't bring back appetites to breakfast!

Dear me, Daddy, I seem to have a very ejaculatory style today; this page is peppered with exclamations.

I meant to have written a lot about the budding trees and the new cinder path in the athletic field, and the awful lesson we have in biology for tomorrow, and the new canoes on the lake, and Catherine Prentiss who has pneumonia, and Prexy's Angora kitten that strayed from home and has been boarding in Fergussen Hall for two weeks until a chambermaid reported it, and about my three new dresses – white and pink and blue polka dots with a hat to match – but I am too sleepy. I am always making this an excuse, am I not? But a girls' college is a busy place and we do get tired by the end of the day! Particularly when the day begins at dawn.



15th May

Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,

Is it good manners when you get into a car just to stare straight ahead and not see anybody else?

A very beautiful lady in a very beautiful velvet dress got into the car today, and without the slightest expression sat for fifteen minutes and looked at a sign advertising suspenders. It doesn't seem polite to ignore everybody else as though you were the only important person present. Anyway, you miss a lot. While she was absorbing that silly sign, I was studying a whole car full of interesting human beings.

The accompanying illustration is hereby reproduced for the first time. It looks like a spider on the end of a string, but it isn't at all; it's a picture of me learning to swim in the tank in the gymnasium.

The instructor hooks a rope into a ring in the back of my belt, and runs it through a pulley in the ceiling. It would be a beautiful system if one had perfect confidence in the probity of one's instructor. I'm always afraid, though, that she will let the rope get slack, so I keep one anxious eye on her and swim with the other, and with this divided interest I do not make the progress that I otherwise might.

Very miscellaneous weather we're having of late. It was raining when I commenced and now the sun is shining. Sallie and I are going out to play tennis – thereby gaining exemption from Gym.

A week later

I should have finished this letter long ago, but I didn't. You don't mind, do you, Daddy, if I'm not very regular? I really do love to write to you; it gives me such a respectable feeling of having some family. Would you like me to tell you something? You are not the only man to whom I write letters. There are two others! I have been receiving beautiful long letters this winter from Master Jervie (with typewritten envelopes so Julia won't recognize the writing). Did you ever hear anything so shocking? And every week or so a very scrawly epistle, usually on yellow tablet paper, arrives from Princeton. All of which I answer with business-like promptness. So you see – I am not so different from other girls – I get letters, too.

Did I tell you that I have been elected a member of the Senior Dramatic Club? Very recherche organization. Only seventy-five members out of one thousand. Do you think as a consistent Socialist that I ought to belong?

What do you suppose is at present engaging my attention in sociology? I am writing (figurez vous!) a paper on the Care of Dependent Children. The Professor shuffled up his subjects and dealt them out promiscuously, and that fell to me. C'est drole ca n'est pas?

There goes the gong for dinner. I'll post this as I pass the box.



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