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Абрамова И.Е. "Вводно-фонетический курс английс....doc
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/tw/: When a Twister twisting will twist him a twist,

For the twisting of his twist, he three twines doth intwist,

But if one of the twines of the twist do untwist,

The twine that untwisteth, untwisteth the twist.

/w/: Oh that I were where I would be,

Then would I be where I am not;

But where I am there I must be,

And where I would be I can not.

Graphic Equivalents of the // Phoneme

Ur fury, pure, Nureyev

oor moor, boor

our tour, tourist

ual habitual, punctual, punctually

ue fuel, cruel, puerile

uous virtuous, tempestuous, tempestuousness

Ewer fewer, newer

uer bluer, truer

Упражнение А71.


p sı'kjrıti

m 'kjrıs

t 'fjrıs

dl ∫u — ∫

flnt tu — t

kj kju — kj

pj pju — pj

Graphic Equivalents of the // Phoneme

a came, save, hapenny, canebrake, negation, gate

ai main, rail, Cain, Caicos, faith, mayonnaise

ate advocate, delegate

ei weight, veil, neigh, neighbour

ey they, prey, Feyman

ea great, break

ay day, May, Jayne, mayonnaise, Mayhew, naysayer

Упражнение А72.


deı keıt seıv — seıf deı — d

seı weıst reız — reıs meı — m

neım keıp weıd — weıt weı — w

reım keıp pleıg — leık peıd — pd

beıd t∫eınd eıd — eıt∫

teıp reınd



/e/: Rain, rain, go to Spain, never show your face again.

Graphic Equivalents of the /ı/ Phoneme

oi oil, boil, negroid, soil, noise-maker, poignancy

oy toy, boy, soybean, soy, Noyes

Упражнение А73.


bı vıs

tı t∫ıs

kın dınt

nız pınt


Упражнение А74.

// // /ı/

b — bg — bı

k — kd — kın

ks — bs — t∫ıs

ld — lt — lınz

n — nd — nız

Graphic Equivalents of the // Phoneme

o so, roll, bold, most, numero uno, hotel, Novosibirsk

oa toast, oath, boat, Noakes

ou shoulder, although, soulful, soulless

ow know, fellow, own, sown, nowhere

oe toe, roe, Noel

au chauffeur, chauffeurs, chauvinism, chauvinist, chauvinistic

Упражнение А75.


s k 'pıl

n bt 'fel

 kp '∫æl

hl hp 'ft

hm mst h'tel

kl rp 'eısıs

Упражнение А76.

// — // // — //

fз — f s — s tı — t

зn — n bld — bld bı — b

зl — l pz — pz

зθ — θ nız — nz

Упражнение А77.

// — // — // — //

kt — kt — kt — kt

kd — kd — kd — kd

pk — pk — pk — pk

stk — stk — stk — stk

Упражнение А78.


si — sз — s

fist — fзst — fost

bin — bзn — bn

wik — wзk — wk

wid — wзd — wd

Упражнение 24.

Правильно прочитайте слова, обращая внимание на разницу в произношении.

Site — sight, costume — custom, decent — descent, dessert — desert (n) — desert (v), later — latter, loose — lose, principal — principle, quiet — quite — quit, stationary — stationery, than — then, weather — whether, accept — except, access — excess, advice — advise, innocence — in essence — in a sense, debauch — debouch.

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