2 курс, 1 семестр / ПЕРЕСКАЗ_MASSMEDIA
.docxMass Media
Mass media play an important part in the modern society. It gives us all kinds of information. The most important mass media are newspapers, radio, television and the Internet.
The first Russian newspaper was issued in 1702 on the initiative of Peter the Great. It was entitled “Vedomosty”. Now we have all kinds of newspapers – tabloids, quality and mass papers.
There are daily and weekly papers. Some of the Russian newspapers are issued in two formats: daily (from Monday to Friday) and weekly (Sunday issues).
Radio appeared much later than the first Russian newspaper. It was invented by A.S. Popov in 1895. In Russia regular radio broadcasting began in 1924. Today you can also listen to weather forecasts, sports news, radio theatre, daily horoscope, talk shows, etc. There are hundreds of radio stations in Russia, most of them broadcast music.
Next kind of mass media is TV. It gives people daily entertainment, top and breaking news, also talk show, and many others.
The Internet is the newest kind of mass media. Many peoples spent time in the Internet and share messages of all types of mass media, because newspapers, radio, and TV are having websites with them information.
All the mass media have their advantages and disadvantages. Some of disadvantages сhanged by increasing the role of the Internet in our lives. The most important thing is to save all kinds for ages