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.pdfThe British Press.
There are two main types of national papers – the popular papers and the quality papers.
The popular papers are created for mass and for advertiser. The popular papers or tabloids are smaller in size with lots of pictures, big headlines and short articles. They are easy to read and often contain little real information. They do not report important world events. His success based on sensational information about politicians and pop stars. The aim of the popular press is to entertain its readers. Examples of this type of newspapers are the Daily Express, the Daily Mirror, the Sun and the Daily Mail.
Quality papers was invented for serious reader who wants to read about politics and foreign affairs. The quality papers based the information on national and international news, on business, economics. It’s bigger in size, with longer articles and a wider coverage of events. Most of these newspapers have a circulation of only between 100,000 and 300,000. The quality papers are more expensive than the popular ones. Examples of quality papers are The Daily Telegraph, The Times and The Guardian.
Also there are provincial or local papers, which gives information about towns and areas outside London. Nearly every area in Britain has one or more local newspapers reporting local news and advertising local business and events. The total circulation of all provincial daily newspapers is around 8 million. The truly local papers are weekly. The most famous provincial newspapers are The Scotsman, the Glasgow Herald, the Yorkshire Post and the Belfast Telegraph.