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Как отмечено выше, в рамках современной научной парадигмы исследование рассматриваемого феномена может быть только комплексным, использующим раз- личные подходы. Концепция региональной идентичности имеет междисциплинарное содержание и базируется на научном наследии ряда наук. При анализе процессов развития региональной идентичности в современной России необходимо использовать четыре подхода: культурологический (процессы современного культурогенеза в российских регионах и их политические последствия); полито-логический, включая этнополитологический (региональный политический процесс, его специфика и значение для общенационального политического процесса, соотношение регионального и общенационального в российской политике); электорально-географический (выявление политико-идеологических, ценностных различий между регионами с помощью анализа географии выборов); социологический (анализ соотношения регионального и общенационального в представлениях россиян в различных регионах) [23]. В целом соглашаясь с такой постановкой вопроса, на наш взгляд, следует еще добавить геополитический подход в анализе региональной идентичности.

Подводя итоги, важно подчеркнуть, что процессы регионализации и изменения политической карты мира привели к проблеме определения сущности феномена идентичности. Дискуссии, развернувшиеся вокруг интеграции мирового сообщества, появление транснациональных объединений, образование глобальных экономических корпораций, развитие телекоммуникационных технологий требуют переосмысления феномена идентичности.

Произошедшие политические трансформационные процессы сначала в СССР, а потом и в Российской Федерации имели основную цель – осуществление перехода к демократическому обществу. Между тем, изменения привели к расслоению общества и вызвали кризис, приведший к актуализации многих элементов, в числе которых региональная идентичность.

Изучение регионов сегодня ведется в разных направлениях: в геополитическом (в контексте проблем глобализации и регионализации), в социологическом (анализируется деятельность определенных социальных групп), в историческом (описываются специфические особенности жизни в данной территории), демографическом (рассматриваются проблемы расселения населения, размещения трудовых ресурсов, характера и динамики миграции). В этом перечне направлений региональных исследований в последнее время наметилась еще одна важная составляющая – анализ региональной идентичности.

Таким образом, региональная идентичность в системе стратегического анализа территории – фактор социально-экономического развития и элемент политического управления. Вместе с тем она является важным фактором российского политического процесса. Среди типов идентичности она занимает особое место и связана с определенными территориями, которые определяют особые формы жизненных практик, картины мира, символические образы. Сегодня правомерно говорить о том, что в стране повышается регионализация общественного сознания, которая стимулируется процессами, происходящими как в центре, так и в регионах. В трансформирующихся государствах идентичность является динамичной и зависит от новых социальных отношений и союзов, в том числе и на уровне регионов.


1. См.: Фадеева А. Федералистская модель Европейского Союза /А. Фадеева // Мировая экономика и международные отношения. – 2000. – № 6. – С. 26-28.

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4. См.: Геополитика. Популярная энциклопедия / Под общ. ред. В. Манилова. – М.: ТЕРРА – Книжный клуб, 2002. – С. 485.

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6. См.: Шадже А.Ю. Феномен кавказской идентичности // Научная мысль Кавказа. СКНЦ ВШ. – 2002. – №1. – С. 36-45;

Шадже А.Ю. Этнические ценности как философская проблема. / А.Ю. Шадже. – М.: РФО. – Майкоп: ООО «Качество»,2005.

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8. См.: Петров Н. Формирование региональной идентичности в современной России // Центр и региональные идентичности в России / Под ред. Гельман В., Хопф Т. / Н. Петров. – СПб.: Летний сад, 2003. – С. 125.

9. См.: КрыловМ.П. Региональная идентичность в историческом ядре Европейской России / М.П. Крылов // Социологические исследования. – 2005. – №3. – С. 13.

10. Губогло М.Н. Идентификация идентичности: Этносоциологические очерки / М.Н. Губогло. – М.: Наука, 2003. – С. 399.

11. См.: Ноженко Н.М. В поисках нового регионального сообщества: возможная перспектива рассмотрения федеральных округов // Политическая наука: Идентичность как фактор политики и предмет политической науки / Н.М. Ноженко, Н.Б. Яргомская. – М.: ИНИОН РАН, 2005. – С. 123.

12. См.: Шматко Н.А. Территориальная идентичность как предмет социологического исследования / Н.А. Шматко, Ю.Л. Качанов. // Социологические исследования. – 1998. – №4. –С. 94-101.

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15. См.: Региональное самосознание как фактор формирования политической культуры России. – М.: МОНФ, 1999.

16. См.: Мелешкина Е.Ю. Региональная идентичность как составляющая проблематики российского политического пространства // Региональное самосознание как фактор формирования политической культуры России / Е.Ю. Мелешкина. –М.: МОНФ, 1999. – С. 131.

17. См.: Гельман В. Региональная идентичность: Миф или реальность // Региональное самосознание как фактор формирования политической культуры России / В. Гельман, Е. Попова. – М.: МОНФ, 1999. – С. 188.

18. См.: Гельман В.Я. Стратегии региональной идентичности и роль политических элит (на примере Новгородской области) //Региональные процессы в современной России / В.Я. Гельман.

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19. См.: Орачева О. И. Региональная идентичность: миф или реальность? // Региональное самосознание как фактор формирования политической культуры России / О.И. Орачева. – М.: МОНФ, 1999. – С. 36-43.

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21. См.: Туровский Р.Ф. Региональная идентичность в современной России // Российское общество: становление демократических ценностей? / Р.Ф. Туровский. – М.: Гендальф, 1999. –С. 102.

22. См.: Бусыгина И.М. Политическая регионалистика / И.М. Бусыгина. – М.: РОССПЭН, 2006. – С. 162-165.

23. См.: Туровский Р.Ф. Региональная идентичность в современной России // Российское общество: становление демократических ценностей? / Р.Ф. Туровский. – М.: Гендальф, 1999. –С. 130.

UDC 327 (47)

BBK 66.4 (2P) 1

F 15

Z.A. Jade

Regional identity in terms of geopolitics

Abstract: Regional identity in the system of geopolitical analysis is a factor of social and economic development and an element of political management. At the same time, it is an important factor in the Russian political process. Among the types of identity, it occupies a special place and is associated with certain areas that define special forms of life practices, world pictures, symbolic images.

Today, it is legitimate to say that the regionalization of public consciousness is increasing in the country, which is stimulated by the processes taking place both in the center and in the regions. In transforming states, identity is dynamic and depends on new social relations and unions, including at the regional level.

Key words: Region, identity, geopolitics, regional identity, globalization, regionalism, regionalization.

In Russia, as in the world as a whole, the region becomes an important level of political action and dialogue, where national, supranational and global forces meet local demands. Regions play an increasingly important role in geopolitical processes.

Russian regions have entered the process of globalization, and these processes are extremely uneven and competitive, which means the emergence of new opportunities and challenges for Russia. The problems of regionalism are today at the center of political life in many countries. Back in 1998, the European Parliament, taking into account the acuteness of these problems, adopted the "Charter of Regionalism", according to which the region is understood as a homogeneous space that has a physico-geographical, ethnic, cultural, linguistic community, as well as common economic structures and a common historical destiny. It is important to note that not all these components must be present without fail, there will always be one or several dominant features. In each case, their combination gives a unique regional situation. There is no universal definition of the concept of "region"; The division of space into regions depends on the field of research and the task formulated. The definition of the boundaries of the region and its characteristics in most cases depends on the objectives and methodological basis of the study. The processes of regionalization occurring in different countries of the world are an object of study in political, sociological, historical, and philosophical literature. First of all, geopolitics, sociologists and economists turned to the problems of regionalization, since this phenomenon is closely connected with globalization and the changes taking place in connection with this in the socio-political and economic spheres. There are different approaches to the definition of the region, each of them emphasizing some aspect of regionalism. Its content depends on which specific section of life in the region is actualized by this or that science. At the same time, the most complete definition of the concept of "region" and its main features seems to suggest the doctrine of European integral federalism based on the principles of an integrated interdisciplinary approach. Its essence lies in the fact that the integrating political organism (for example, the European Union) interacts with politically organized territories, that is, with local, regional associations, self-governing and autonomous [1]. This approach does not require cultural, economic, linguistic homogeneity, unlike the American model. European federalism is based on the unification of different levels of identity, not contradictory, but complementary, that is, the unification of regions.

In political science, the region is considered as one of the units of the territorial structure of the national state, that is, the subnational level, the grid cell of administrative-territorial division, where regional power institutions operate with certain competencies and corresponding financial resources for their implementation, regional political life is taking place. In a broad sense, regions define as an institution or a system of institutions and organizations operating in a certain territory, which is a fragment of the territory of the state [2].

In regional studies, the concept of "region" is used in a narrow sense to denote the territorial community in the administrative boundaries of the subject of the Russian Federation, which is characterized by such features as integrity and controllability [3].

Geopolitical theory, based on the spatial factor, has an object of study not only the entire Earth as a whole, but also its individual parts. Under the region in geopolitics is understood, first, a part of the country's territory, which has a common nature, socio-economic, national-cultural and other conditions; secondly, a group of neighboring countries, which is a separate economic and geographical region, with common features that distinguish this region from others [4]. In this paper, we will adhere to this definition of the region.

Let us briefly consider the influence of geopolitical factors on the transformation of the regional structure of the Russian Federation. The process of transformation of regional relations is an integral part of the transformation of Russian society and represents a combination of various trends generated by a complex of geographical, socio-economic, political, ethno-cultural conditions. At present, it can be clearly stated that geopolitical factors have an increasing impact on the processes taking place within a particular country, including the Russian Federation. Accordingly, these factors influence the change in regional relations, and with the development of globalization processes, this impact is becoming increasingly significant.

The collapse of the USSR radically changed the political and legal status of regions, territories and autonomous entities. In the post-Soviet period there is a contradictory process of folding the regional structure of the country. It includes, on the one hand, trends

decentralization - the redistribution of powers from the federal government to the regional and, on the other hand, the opposite processes of strengthening the territorial integrity of the country and strengthening the administrative and management vertical. It cannot be said that at present the search for an optimal model of the regional structure of the country is close to its completion. And this search is conditioned not only by the specifics of the state and constituent regions, but also by geopolitical factors.

As is known, the process of regional development is characterized by a change in the tendencies of centralization, that is, consolidation and merging of regions and decentralization, respectively, their disintegration into parts, detachment of territories. Both these tendencies are logical, they have objective grounds.

In the states that have retained their territorial integrity, processes of autonomization of territories, an increase in the role of regions in the development of society are observed. In this respect, the disintegration of the USSR and the centrifugal tendencies in the Russian Federation can in part be viewed as a manifestation of the process of global development conditioned by historical regularity.

It should be noted that the processes of decentralization and regionalization are developing simultaneously and in parallel with the processes of integration that do not take place at an interstate level. Integration is expressed in the creation of supranational political, financial and other organizations, unions, blocs, as well as in the formation of a global economic system that subordinates national economies to its rules and institutions.

In this capacity, integration also contributes to the weakening of the territorial unity of states. For the growing processes of globalization, the destruction of political and economic integrity of territorial entities that are not integrated into the system of economic relations determined by transnational corporations, over state and financial institutions and political blocs is characteristic. Integral processes include the formation of a single global information space, as well as the spread of a mass culture that creates a system of universal meanings, ideals, practices. The influence of this factor on the processes of regionalization is contradictory. Because of the assimilation of universal meanings, ideals, practices, the person's identification as a representative of one or another state is destroyed. In addition, regional identity is being jeopardized, but at the same time, the processes of globalization and the spread of mass culture contribute to the growth of interest in local, ethnic characteristics.

Thus, the emerging geopolitical situation forms a whole range of problems related to the regional structure of the Russian Federation, the solution of which is possible when understanding the objective laws of the development of global processes and considering them in the implementation of regional policies. This policy should not prevent the formation of regional identity, the growth of the independence of the regions, their ability to solve their own internal problems independently.

Considering regional identity from the point of view of geopolitics, it is necessary to take into account the global political situation, which increased the degree of influence on the development of regional phenomena. In recent years, geopolitical changes have taken place on the European continent, which have had a significant impact on world political processes and touched the regions of Central and Eastern Europe and the territories of the former USSR. A new stage of the integration process has begun, and international relations have started to go beyond interstate relations and acquire a diverse and multilevel character. This leads to the formation of other contours of regional identity. In this regard, the analysis of the perception of oneself and each other by peoples, countries and various groups of the population of a particular region is of particular importance.

Accordingly, the concepts of "identity" and "identification" have become one of the main themes of political science and practice. If earlier these categories were used mainly by psychologists, philosophers, sociologists and ethnologists, the political and socio-cultural transformations at the beginning of the XXI century that require systemic awareness, actualize identity as a political science problem and a condition for choosing a survival strategy and answering new challenges. The growing political and economic globalization inevitably presents Russia with the problem of finding a new regional identity in a changing world.

In any country in the world, the regional self-awareness of the population is one of the important factors in the allocation of regions as single territorial systems. Of particular importance is the degree of development of regional self-awareness for polytechnic countries with a federal type of state structure. Even in many unitary states of Europe, there is a phenomenon of a high level of self-identification of the population to one or another internal region, which is a consequence of the historical process of development of each state.

The processes of regionalization in the consciousness of society take place in the Russian Federation. In fact, the phenomenon of regional identity for Russia is quite a new phenomenon. The disintegration of the USSR, the formation and development of the federal system, and a whole series of phenomena connected with the transformation processes, contributed significantly to the isolation of the Russian regions from each other in the socio-economic, political and mental planes.

Obviously, the formation of regional self-consciousness has become a characteristic feature of the post-Soviet transformation of society. Two opposite tendencies have been identified in society. On the one hand, Russia's common citizenship identity is gradually forming with its set of consensus values. On the other hand, there is a regionalization of public consciousness, which has become a reaction to the crisis of the national identity that arose as a result of the collapse of the USSR. Modern researchers interpret this process differently. Some believe that regional values, along with ethnonational ones, replace the complex of values ​​of the Soviet period in the public consciousness. As a rule, they perceive regionalization as a temporary phenomenon, characteristic for the transition period of the modernization of Soviet society. Others see it as a global process, since the revival of regional identity is actively going on in European countries, where a united, but diverse and polycentric "Europe of regions" is formed on the site of national states [5].

In fact, the political changes in Russia with their consequences led to an identification crisis. Before the society and, first, in the sociocultural environment, the basic issues that characterized the periods of transformational changes rose: "Who are we?" Moreover "Where are we going?" The lack of clear unambiguous answers to these questions led to a differentiation within Russian society that caused the disintegration of the previous model of the identification system. This disintegration, actualized the whole set of existing types of identities that fastened the framework of the previous identification system, which led to the emergence of increased scientific interest in the problems of regionalization of the country and the mechanisms for identifying regional communities.

In this regard, the actualization of regional identity is understood as the process of formation of the identification of the region, in the situation occurring in it of a transformation in order to stabilize the functioning of the socio-political system at the regional level.

The urgency of the problem is also determined by the fact that it is explored at the junction of political science disciplines political regionalists, political sociology, geopolitics and ethno political conflict ology, within the framework of which a comprehensive analysis of regional identity as an element of the political transformation of Russian society is carried out. This allows us to identify the mechanism of action of this process in development country and determine its role in consolidating the system of state power in Russia. Proceeding from this, the claimed problem can be attributed to the number of the most theoretically and practically significant scientific topics within the framework of modern political discourse.

The process of regional identification is expressed not in the replacement of some formal institutions of society by others, usually going during the period of political transformation in most countries of the transitional type that carry out democratic transit, but in their complete demolition, the introduction of informal rules and traditions, myths, customs and customs in sociocultural experience of regional space.

This problem can best be analyzed by the example of the North Caucasus region, in which a number of problems are being imposed that exerts a strong influence on the regional political process. First, these are the problems and contradictions that arise in the relationship of the main political actors, which, in general, is typical for the process of regionalization occurring within the Russian Federation. Secondly, it is difficult to overcome past Soviet experience, as many social issues that have a significant impact on its contemporary political development have become acute in the North Caucasus in this region. Thirdly, about 150 ethnos live here, representing almost the entire Russian ethno-community, and in this sense the region is polytechnic and poly-confessional. Fourthly, the region is subject to the influence of both the western and eastern cultural waves, which makes the Caucasus multicultural, fragmenting its single socio-cultural stratum. In the North Caucasus, certain geopolitical realities have emerged, which should be understood in the context of global transformations taking place in the world and in Russia. After all, it is part of the global and Russian geopolitical space, which has a significant impact on the nature of the phenomena occurring here. The region occupies the territory of 335 thousand square meters. Km. and includes 10 constituent entities of the Russian Federation: the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the Rostov Region, Adygea, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Ingushetia and Chechnya.

It is difficult to compare any other corner of the world in terms of its geopolitical position with the North Caucasus. It is no coincidence that the Caucasus is called the "solar plexus of Eurasia" (YA Zhdanov) and "the crossroads of geopolitical goals" (AGZdravomyslov), it has a number of unique features that distinguish it from many other regions of the world. Today we have to state that at the geopolitical level its strategic importance cannot be overestimated. Therefore, it is an attractive geopolitical object - a place of rivalry between many states.

The Caucasus is a zone of active interethnic and inter-confessional contacts. Because of these relationships, groups with complex identities were formed, the study of which is important both for revealing the mechanisms of their existence and for revealing the patterns of the course of certain ethnic, political and for confessional processes in the region.

The problem of the Caucasian identity was studied in sufficient detail in the works of A.Yu. Shadzhe, according to which it is a form of being of the peoples of Caucasian society, which is formed on the basis of a certain way of life, in which there is a geographical constant [6]. Under the Caucasian identity, the author understands "the ability of the Caucasian peoples to realize their sociocultural unity, their belonging to the common and whole Caucasian world" [7].

To study the phenomenon of regional identity, it is necessary to present an analysis of explanatory models and conceptual approaches aimed at understanding and revealing its essence. In the world science there are many conceptual results of understanding this phenomenon, which is a fairly traditional phenomenon for Western science. However, for a long time it was practically outside the field of view of the national thought and is still poorly understood.

Apparently, this is due to the "novelty of the plot" [8]. Without going into the analysis of foreign experience, we will briefly dwell on Russian discourse. Specificity of the formation of the regional community in Russia, presented in the works of domestic authors, makes it possible to trace the features of regional identity. Thus, for some, regional identity is a set of cultural relations associated with the notion of "small homeland" [9] or "the attitude of a person to his small homeland, to the land on which he was born, or who lives and works" [10]; for others - the socio-psychological sense of belonging to the regional community, while the boundaries of the region as a concept of the mental coincide with the boundaries of the community [11]. The study of "territorial identity" is engaged NA. Shmatko and Yu.L. Kachanov, according to which identity is the result of identification "I am a member of the territorial community." It is assumed that for each individual with a fixed set of images of territories the identification mechanism is constant. The authors point out that each individual has an image that, together with the way of relating (comparing, evaluating, distinguishing and identifying) the image of the "I" and the images of territorial communities forms a mechanism of territorial identification. An important point here is the "scale" or boundaries of the territorial community to which the individual feels involvement: it can be a limited area - a specific place (city, village, and region) or much wider areas - Russia, CIS [12]. In the context of the problem being studied, three collections of scientific papers are also of interest. The first - "Central Europe in search of a new regional identity" is devoted to the problem of the formation of a new regional identity of the countries of Central Europe. Relying on concrete material, the authors have identified a trend towards a new intra-regional identification, and besides analyzing the region's common aspects of the emergence of a new regional identity in the political, economic and cultural-ideological aspects, labor also includes an analysis of the situation in individual countries of the region [13].

In the second, "The Center and Regional Identities in Russia" examines the role of regional identity in Russian politics and public life, the emergence of post-Soviet regional identity, its relationship with other manifestations of identity and the mechanisms for the development of regional identity [14].

Within the framework of the interdisciplinary research approach - the third - "Regional self-consciousness as a factor of the formation of political culture in Russia" - on the border of political science, regional studies, political geography and geopolitics [15]. Analytical review of existing research in the Russian science allows concluding that the analysis of this phenomenon is carried out mainly within the framework of two main approaches: sociocultural - the study of differences in the identity of national entities and political - the study of differences in political development of territories and electoral preferences of their population.

The essence of the sociocultural approach boils down to the fact that the formation of this type of identity occurs "from below" and is a consequence of the crisis of "the system of political identification at the national level" [16]. This view implies that regional identities are temporary and transient, since, according to the authors, after the revival of civil identity in the mass consciousness, regional communities will cease to play a significant role [17].

Some authors propose to consider the emergence and development of political (including regional) identity because of strategies of political actors, by virtue of which the existing identities in society are "broadcast" on the political agenda [18].

Within the framework of the second approach, the focus is on purposefully constructing regional identity "from above" and the "regional identity policy", as well as "agents of regional identity formation", is at the center of consideration [19].

Based on the existing understanding of identity, regional identity can be seen as a key element in the design of the region as a socio-political space; it can serve as a basis for a special perception of national political problems. It can be assumed that regional identity arises as a result of the crisis of other identities and largely reflects the historically emerging center of peripheral relations within states and macro regions. Regional identity is a kind of key to constructing the region as a socio-political and institutional space. So, regional identity is a part of social identity, in the structure of which two main components usually stand out: cognitive - knowledge, ideas about the peculiarities of one's own group and awareness of oneself as a member; and affective - an assessment of the qualities of their own group, the importance of membership in it. In the structure of regional identification, in our opinion, there are the same two main components - knowledge, ideas about the peculiarities of one's own "territorial" group and self-awareness of its member and assessment of the qualities of its territory, its significance in the world and local coordinate system.

What does this mean for the population aggregated by a common place of residence? The answer is obvious-there is a regional community. It is necessary to realize one more important aspect of the essence of the region, which determines the specificity of identification. Usually, the "naturalness" of a given region is proved by similar geographical or cultural parameters that "naturally" separate this region from neighboring territories.

It should be noted that the declaration of a set of territories as a "region" is possible only if there are certain features: the commonality of historical destinies, peculiar to this group of features of culture (material and spiritual), geographical unity of the territory, some general type of economy. In other words, for regional identification, a concept of territorial connections arising based on joint or neighborly residence of members of social groups of different scale and cultural identity is a fundamentally important concept. Analyzing the components of this type of identity, in addition to the indicated factors, scientists distinguish the dichotomy "we-they" [20]. On the basis of this opposition, two main components are distinguished in the structure of identity: auto stereotypes - a set of attributive attributes about the actual or imagined specific features of one's own group; and hetero stereotypes are a set of attribute attributes about other groups.

Analysis of the literature allows us to assert that the selection of types of regional identity remains controversial. A sufficiently complete and large-scale classification proposed by RF is represented. Turovsky. The author distinguishes six types: the republican identity, which is characteristic of the titular ethnic groups of the republics and clearly dominates the all-Russian one; supranational republican identity uniting the titular people, the Russian population and other peoples living in the republics; Russian regional identity, which is attached to the subjects of the federation is double, i.е. is combined with the all-Russian identity; Russian regional identity, which is associated with sub ethnic communities; Russian regional identity tied to large geographical communities (for example, Siberia); regional-ideological identity, which is determined by the political-ideological, electoral orientation of the regions [21].

The next important aspect of the problem is the realization that the formation and development of regional identity presupposes the existence of three kinds of premises. The first is of a cultural nature: identity can be rooted in a particular regional history, traditions, myths, language, religion, etc. The second is a socio-economic one: identity can be rooted in inter-regional disparities in levels of economic and social development. The third is the geographical factor: the degree of periphery or sharp differences between the macro-regions of the country (North-South, East-West) [22].

Characterizing the national identity, as a rule, distinguish its external and internal functions. The first lie in its ability to delineate the territorial space and to justify economic and political institutions. The latter are manifested in the fact that it serves as the basis for socialization, the link between individuals and classes, the way and means of localizing oneself in the world. It seems that these arguments can be fully applied to regional identity. Moreover, in our opinion, regional and national identities can be mutually complementary because of the complexity and plurality of political identities. At the same time, they are also capable of opposing each other, so that regional identity under certain conditions can grow into a national one.

As noted above, within the framework of the modern scientific paradigm, the study of the phenomenon in question can only be complex, using different approaches. The concept of regional identity has interdisciplinary content and is based on the scientific heritage of a number of sciences. When analyzing the development of regional identity in modern Russia, four approaches should be used: cult urological (the processes of modern cultural genesis in Russian regions and their political consequences); Political-logical, including ethno political (regional political process, its specificity and significance for the national political process, the ratio of regional and national in Russian politics); Electoral-geographical (identification of political-ideological, value differences between regions by means of analysis of the geography of elections); sociological (analysis of the ratio of regional and national in the representations of Russians in different regions) [23]. In general, while agreeing with such a statement of the issue, in our opinion, it is necessary to add a geopolitical approach in the analysis of regional identity.

To sum up, it is important to emphasize that the processes of regionalization and changes in the political map of the world led to the problem of determining the essence of the phenomenon of identity. Discussions that unfolded around the integration of the world community, the emergence of transnational associations, the formation of global economic corporations, and the development of telecommunications technologies require a rethinking of the phenomenon of identity.

The political transformation processes that took place first in the USSR, and then in the Russian Federation, had the main goal - the implementation of the transition to a democratic society. Meanwhile, the changes led to the stratification of society and caused a crisis that led to the actualization of many elements, including regional identity.

The study of regions today is conducted in different directions: geopolitical (in the context of the problems of globalization and regionalization), in the sociological (the activity of certain social groups is analyzed), in the historical (the specific features of life in the given territory are described), demographic (problems of population settlement, placement of labor resources, nature and dynamics of migration). In this list of areas of regional research, one more important component has recently emerged the analysis of regional identity.

Thus, regional identity in the system of strategic analysis of the territory is a factor of social and economic development and an element of political management. At the same time, it is an important factor in the Russian political process. Among the types of identity, it occupies a special place and is associated with certain territories that define specific forms of life practices, pictures of the world, symbolic images. Today, it is legitimate to say that the regionalization of public consciousness is increasing in the country, which is stimulated by the processes taking place both in the center and in the regions. In transforming states, identity is dynamic and depends on new social relations and alliances, including at the regional level.


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5. See: Turovsky, R.F. Regional identity in modern Russia // Russian society: the formation of democratic values? / R.F. Turovsky. - M .: Gandalf, 1999.-C. 87-88.

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9. See: Krylov, M.P. Regional identity in the historical nucleus of European Russia / M.P. Krylov // Sociological research. - 2005. - №3. - P. 13.

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12. See: N. Shmatko. Territorial identity as a subject of sociological research / NA. Shmatko, Yu.L. Kachanov. // Sociological research. - 1998. - №4. -FROM. 94-101.

13. See: Central Europe in Search of a New Regional Identity / Sat. articles. Otv. Ed. Yu.S. Novopashin. - Moscow: Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000.

14 See: Center and Regional Identities in Russia, Ed. Gelman V., Hopf T. - St. Petersburg .: Summer Garden, 2003.

15. See: Regional self-consciousness as a factor in the formation of Russia's political culture. - Moscow: MONF, 1999.

16. See: Meleshkina E.Yu. Regional Identity as a Component of the Problems of the Russian Political Space // Regional Self-Consciousness as a Factor of the Formation of Russia's Political Culture / E.Yu. Meleshkina. -M .: MONF, 1999. - P. 131.

17. See: Gelman V. Regional Identity: Myth or Reality // Regional consciousness as a factor in the formation of Russia's political culture / V. Gelman, E. Popova. - Moscow: MONF, 1999. - P. 188.

18. See: Gelman V.Ya. Strategies of regional identity and the role of political elites (on the example of the Novgorod region) // Regional processes in modern Russia / V.Ya. Gelman.

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19. See: Oracheva OI Regional identity: myth or reality? // Regional self-consciousness as a factor in the formation of Russia's political culture / O.I. Oracheva. - Moscow: MONF, 1999. - P. 36-43.

20. See: Drobizheva L. Russian, ethnic and republican identity: Competition or compatibility // Center and regional identities in Russia / Ed. Gelman V., Hopf T. / L. Drobizheva. - St. Petersburg .: Summer Garden, 2003. - P. 47-76.

21. See: Turovsky, R.F. Regional identity in modern Russia // Russian society: the formation of democratic values? / R.F. Turovsky. - M .: Gandalf, 1999.-C. 102.

22. See: I. Busygina. Political regionalistics / I.M. Busygina. - Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2006. - P. 162-165.

23. See: Turovsky, R.F. Regional identity in modern Russia // Russian society: the formation of democratic values? / R.F. Turovsky. - M.: Gandalf, 1999.-C. 130.

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