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английский / Миральда Ивановна / 6. Belarus in the modern world

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Belarus in the modern world

Belarus is my home country. I will try to tell you how I, the Belarusian, feel about it. Belarus is situated in the centre of Europe. The population of Belarus is about 10 million. Towns are the most tensely inhabited. The most important centers are Minsk, the capital, Grodno, Gomel, Brest, Mogilev and Vitebsk. The mineral resources of the country are: peat, oil, underground fresh and mineral waters, building materials. Agriculture, manufacturing, industry and commerce are the most developed branches of the economy. The most developed branched of manufacturing, instrument-making, radio-electronic, wood-working, oil-refining and food industries. Belarus has to import oil, gas, coal, metal, chemicals and cotton. Our country exports heavy lorries, tractors, motorcycles, biesycle. The active national economic policy alloved for stabilization and some growth in the economy in 1995. Currently, large-sized industrial interprises serve as a pillar of the Belarusian economy. The government provides a sizable support to them. Free economic zones are created in Belarus to attract domestic and foreign investments, increase export develop advanced technologies. Belarus has good trade relations with Russia, the Ukraine, Bulgaria, Austria, Germany and Poland. The country is connected with its neighbors by its wide network of rail-, high- and waterways. Belarus is presidential republic. The highest executive power is vested in a President. The Parliament is a representative and legislative body of the consist of to chambers. The executive power is performed by a Council of appointed by the President. It contributes to the world peace, friendship and cooperation among nations. That is how I see my Motherland country that is situated in the heart of Europe where all roads meet.