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английский / Миральда Ивановна / 7. Occupation Profession interest

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The rules for succeeding in business are changing daily. Yet people are still asking for the magic formula that contributes to a successful organization. Self-development is the key. Actually, there are two types of development: hard skill and soft skill. The hard skllls contain anything that might includes such areas as science, financial reporting, procedures in a company, ect. It is essential that people have the hard skills to do their job. But what keeps people from getting where thev want to go at work? Its rarely the lack in theoretical knowledge, but rather bad self-management abilities. More and more corporations around the world recognize that they also need to make sure their people know how to handle themselves at work and how to relate with their customers and managers. Most schools don’t teach you how to cultivate your soft skills. In a number of profession soft skills are more important than hard skills. The legal professions is one example where the ability to deal with people can datermine more than his order technical skills.