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_____Just to let you know.

_____Eli and Tina

_____Bring a friend if you want.

_____and tell me when you’d be free for dinner?

_____we’re having a little party

_____We must get together sometime.



_____P.S. RSVP Gust ring! before 5th October, please.

_____34, Park Street


_____25th September 19XX

_____We’d be very happy if you could come.

_____It’s so nice of you both to remember my birthday.


_____I’m writing to thank you for

_____Why don’t you call me

_____See you in two weeks we hope.

_____16, Sea Boulevard

_____26007 Copenhagen

_____10th August 19XX

_____Dear Paulina,

_____on 9th October at 9 pm

_____Dear Mary and James,

_____the lovely flowers you sent.

5) Прочитайте следующие правила и переведите их.

1.Answer all letters, telexes and faxes promptly even when the answer is negative.

2.Write a short letter to confirm matters that you have agreed on over the telephone, e.g. appointments.

3.Confirm all orders at once.

4.If you cannot send a confirmation or the information asked for right away, you should notify the other party of the delay.

5.Handle complaints and claims effectively and without delay. If the customer is satisfied, it may mean the beginning of a lasting business relationship.


6. Remember that a thank-you letter is one of the most important letters in business, too. Don’t postpone writing it. It should be written within a week at the latest after returning from a trip, or receiving a present or a favour.

6)Переведите на английский язык, давая все возможные варианты:

Будем Вам признательны, если Вы сможете ответить нам по возможности в кратчайшие сроки. Ввиду срочности вопроса мы были бы благодарны Вам за быстрый, по возможности, ответ.

Пользуясь случаем, благодарим Вас еще раз за оказанное содействие, надеемся на продолжение наших контактов.

Если мы сможем помочь Вам чем-либо, обязательно напишите нам, и мы будем рады оказать Вам всевозможную помощь.

Если у Вас есть вопросы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами, и мы сделаем вce, что от нас зависит в решении ваших проблем.

Благодарим Вас за письмо от 14 мая и рады сообщить Вам, что все вопросы урегулированы.

Просим обратить внимание на перенесение сроков семинара. Примите наши извинения за причиненное неудобство и надеемся, что это не вызовет каких-либо осложнений.

В ответ на Ваше письмо от 4 мая мы рады сообщить, что в соответствии с Вашей просьбой мы можем приложить новый проект контракта.

К сожалению, мы должны сообщить Вам, что мы до сих пор не получили Вашего подтверждения. Просим обратить внимание на то, что предельный срок для ответа не должен превышать 5 дней.

Напоминаем Вам, что в случае возникновения каких-либо осложнений, мы будем благодарны Вам, если Вы заранее известите нас о возникающих трудностях. Наилучшие пожелания... Надеемся на скорую встречу. Ваши...

7)Закончите это письмо, выбирая подходящие слова для каждого пропуска (из слов в колонке):

.Dear Mr

.... ,


to call on

Having recently … to Tokyo, I take this first to thank you for the...

to assist

… you ...

to Mr. Brown and me

when we were ... to … your ...





I … our meeting and discussion to be … and interesting, certainly us...

to extend

to achieve the … of our trip.








I very much … your … suggestion on our providing additional services.

to be honoured

As I explained during our meeting, we shall … this suggestion … . At the


same time, we … ask you to ... our ... proposal that you open a U.S. Dol-


lar account with our bank.

to find

I have heard that ‘Mr. Smith, your Deputy Chainnan, will be ... Japan this

to return

autumn. I ... to ... him again, and want to discuss the subjects of interest.


In ... ... personal regards, I look forward to ... of expanding business ac-


tivities we are .... to enjoy with your bank.


Please ... on my best ... to Mr. Collins, your Deputy General Manager.


Yours faithfully,

keep in mind

to consider


to look forward


to visit




to see








to be privileged


to offer




to pass





UNIT 1. NATIONAL LEGAL SYSTEMS 1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1.What does “the legal system” mean?

2.What legal systems can you name?

3.What legal system does Russia belong to?

4.What systems are there in the UK and the USA?

2.Прочитайте возможные определения существительного «system»,

ивыберите то, которое соответствует описанию понятия «правовая система».

a. System is a group of parts, facts, ideas, etc, that together form a whole. b. System is a number of things arranged to work well together.

c. System is a number of things dependent on each other and working as the unique complex.


3. Бегло прочитайте текст 1 и определите, в каком абзаце а) рассказывается о том, как классифицировались правовые

системы в прошлом; б) дается понятие «правовой семьи»;

в) дается перечень признаков, характеризующих правовую систему; г) дается представление о международном праве.


1. What is system of law? According to Russian scientists it is the internal structure of law defined by social relations. It is expressed by unity and


coordination of all acting legal norms and their implementation in branches and institutions of law.

The characteristics of legal system are:

reflection of the existing system of social relations;

unity and consistency of all norms of law;

dividing into relatively independent parts — branches, sub branches and institutions of law;

close connections between different elements of law system;

stability and dynamism.

2.When rules and laws become systematized inside one country they make national legal systems and these systems can be classified into families according to their main features.

There are about 200 hundred legal systems in the world. Throughout the history of mankind there were various attempts to classify them. In the past, legal systems have often been grouped by geography, history, culture, race, language, religion, or official ideology. Nowadays, scientists define the following legal massifs:

national legal systems;

legal families;

groups of legal families.

3.Although each modern system has its own individuality, it is possible to group many of them into legal “families”. The existing legal systems of nearly all countries are generally modeled upon elements of several main types:

civil law (Roman-Germanic legal family), including French law, the Napoleonic Code, Roman law, Roman-Dutch law, and Spanish law;

common law (Anglo-Saxon legal system), including United State law;

Slavonic law, including Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian law;

religious law, including Islamic and Hindu law;

customary law, including mostly African law systems;

mixed or pluralistic law.

4.Speaking about the additional type of legal system — international law, it can be referred as the law which governs the conduct of independent nations in their relationships. Its part, the law system of European Community, has become the first example of newly created supranational legal system.


4.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим русским словосочетаниям:

1.действующие нормы права

2.отрасли и институты права

2.существующая система общественных отношений

3.в соответствии с основными признаками

4.почти все страны

5.международное право

6.история человечества

7.наднациональные правовые системы

5.Найдите в тексте функциональные слова и словосочетания, обеспечивающие логическую связь и уточняющие мысль в пределах предложения. Прочитайте и переведите предложения с этими словами на русский язык.

throughout, although, nearly, generally, in the past, it is possible, which.

6.Найдите в тексте интернациональные слова и совместите их с предложенными словами, переведите получившиеся словосочетания на английский язык.


2.имеют свою собственную ____________________


4.попытки ____________________ их

5.have been ______________________согласно ____________,

___________, языку,

____________or ________________ _____________,

6.смешанное или ____________________право,

7.о нем можно ___________________ как о праве.

7.Внимательно прочитайте текст еще раз и письменно переведите первый абзац текста.

8.Работа в парах. Используя следующие ключевые слова, задайте друг другу 8–10 вопросов по тексту и ответьте на них.

hundreds of , various attempts, have been grouped, legal families, modeled upon, civil law, common law, religious law, customary law, mixed law, international law.



Повторение грамматики.

Причастие настоящего времени активного залога (причастие I).

Infinitive + ing (V+ing)

Переводятся на русский язык действительными причастиями настоящего времени с суффиксами –ущий, -ющий или деепричастиями настоящего времени, отвечающими на вопрос ”что делая?”

Example: including the French law — включая право Франции, speaking about the additional type — говоря о дополнительном виде, existing legal systems — существующие правовые системы

9. Переведите на английский язык:

классифицирующий принцип, существующие правовые семьи, управляя поведением людей, говоря о международном праве.

10. Образуйте причастие 1 от глаголов, данных в скобках, и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.Everybody looked at the (to speak) orator.

2.(To enter) the room he addressed the public.

3.(To look) thought the newspaper he learnt about the news.

4.The students have to work hard (to learn) the Theory of state and law.

5.(To travel) in Central Africa, the explores got acquainted with customs of its peoples.

6.(To classify) national legal systems scientists also define legal families and groups of legal families.

7.(To speak) about the existing legal systems we should mention the international law as a comparatively newly made legal community.





1. Бегло прочитайте текст. Назовите имя римского императора и основные источники гражданского права.


Civil Law (Roman-Germanic legal family) is the most widespread type of legal system in the world, applied in various forms in approximately 150 countries. Also referred to as European continental law, the civil law system is derived mainly from the Roman ‘Corpus Juris Civilus’, (Body of Civil Law), a collection of laws and legal interpretations compiled under the Roman Emperor Justinian I between A.D. 528 and 565.

The major feature of civil law systems is that the laws are organized into systematic written codes. The main sources of civil law are principally legislation, especially codifications in constitutions or statutes enacted by governments, and secondarily, custom. The civil law systems in some countries are based on more than one code.

2.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим русским словосочетаниям:

1.правовые системы основываются,

2.наиболее распространенный тип,

3.основной источник,

4.во-первых, во-вторых,


6.основная черта,

7.римский император,

8.называемое европейским континентальным правом.

3. Найдите в тесте слова, дефиниции которых приводятся ниже.

1. Laws or written rules which are passed by Parliament and implemented by the courts.


2.An official set of laws or regulations.

3.To come from something, to appear somewhere and then to develop into something.

4.What someone thinks about the meaning of a law or precedent.

5.Used, are in force in different ways.

4. Напишите отсутствующие производные формы частей речи от следующих слов.

(Noun, Verb, Adjective or Participle(

a)сode, codify ________________

b)_____________, civilize _______ , _________

c)base, ________ , ________ , ____________________

d)__________ , ________ , ________ , legislative

e)______________ , collect, _________ , ____________

f)application, ________ , __________ , ___________

5.Работа в парах. Обсудите с коллегой по группе, соответствуют ли данные утверждения тексту 2.

1.Civil law is the most widespread legal system of the world.

2.Approximately 300 countries use civil law nowadays.

3.European continental law and civil law is the name of the same phenomena.

4.Civil law was derived from court judgments.

5.The date when the Body of Civil Law was compiled is known precisely.

6.Organizing the law into two written codes is the main feature of civil law system.

7.The main source of civil law is custom.


6. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

1.Why is common law called “English”?

2.Why are so many countries influenced by common law?



Common Law (Anglo-Saxon legal family) is a type of legal system, often synonymous with “English common law,” which is the system of England and Wales in the UK. It is also in force in approximately 80 countries which were a part of or greatly influenced by the former British Empire. English common law reflects Biblical influences as well as systems imposed by early conquers including the Romans, Anglo-Saxons, and Normans.

Some legal scholars attribute the formation of the English common law system to King Henry II (r. 1154-1189). Until the time of his reign, laws customary were administered locally. Henry II, having established the king’s court, designated that laws were “common” to the entire England.

The foundation of English common law is “legal precedent” — referred to as ‘stare decisis’ (Lat), meaning “to stand by things decided.” In the English common law system, court judges are bound in their decisions in large part by the rules and other doctrines developed by the judges of earlier English courts. These rules were supplemented or amended over time.

7.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим русским словосочетаниям:

1.дополнены и исправлены со временем,

2.основа общего права,

3.доктрины, созданные судьями,

4.ограничены в своих решениях,

5.вся Англия,

6.некоторые ученые-юристы,

7.часто является синонимом,

8.приписывают создание системы общего права,

9.бывшая Британская империя.

8. Найдите в тексте слова, дефиниции которых приводятся ниже. a) ____________ the country which was running half of the world during

several centuries.

b)_____________the religious book of Christians.

c)_____________group of people or military troops who attack foreign territories in order to join them to their lands.