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What is a constitution задание

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What is a constitution?(video)

Ok, so before we will talk about “What a constitution is”, let’s first explain why we need one. Let’s start by looking at the ………. ……….we all need as ….. …... These are : .. …… in the decisions that affect our lives, ……. …. …. ……, such as food, shelter and education, ……… AND ………from violence or discrimination, and ………. and ………. as individuals and communities. To help meet these needs people create ………. and delegate ……. to them, to exercise for the common good of society. The problem, though, is that while governments need powers ………. their functions, history tells us again and again, that power without limits can ……….corruption, dictatorship and oppression. Free ….. and …….. elections might help …….good government. They …….people to select who they want in the power and, over time, to ……..those who perform badly. But we also need some basic rules ………..how that powers used , so that those who …….. elections still have to respect your rights and promote your interests, rather than using power …………………….. Just as in a game of football there have to be rules and referee. So in a ……….. there must be rules by which all the players are bound. These rules are provided in a Constitution.

The Constitution is a … – but it’s not just an ordinary law. A constitution is a ……….. law that …………., organizes, and empowers the government and ……….. how other laws are made and …………. It is also more difficult to change than ordinary laws, so that those in power cannot make up the rules as they go along. Football wouldn’t be fair if the winning team could change the rules and democracy isn’t fair if those ………. can just change the constitution according to their own whim. The constitution harnesses the energy and power of the state ………. that the people keep control the reins. This explains why when people are trying to establish a new, fairer society, one of the first things they do is write a new constitution. This is what Norway did in …., India in….., South Africa in …., and Columbia in ….. Indeed, nearly all countries in the world have …….. to establish rules for using power. On the other hand we have seen that when a democratic government is illegally overthrown, one of the first things that coup leaders do, is set their sides on …….. the Constitution. They don’t want any inconvenient limits on their ability to rule by force. So, the constitution both …….and …….power.

Now, how does it do that? Well, there are several ways.

One way is to divide power between different political institutions, for example , …….functions between a president and a prime minister ,or between two houses of a legislature, or between different levels of government: the …….. level, the …….level, state or ……..level, and the …….level. A constitution defines the powers of the institutions and regulates the relationship between them. It also ensures that power is rotated . One year we may …… for one candidate or party, but after a few years their time will be up and we will have the chance …….. someone else. This means that no one ……, ….. or ………. can accumulate too much power or stay in power too long. It is important ……… a strict ……… between the political institutions on the one hand, such as …………… and ……….., and on the other hand the permanent, neutral institutions of the state, such as …….., ……., …….. and ……..

Constitutions also ……..power by saying what governments must and must not do. For example, a set of constitutional rights may specify that you can’t be ……, that you can’t be ……..without true cause and that your freedom of expression can’t be …….. Other …….. may direct the government to provide for basic human needs such as ……., …….. or…….

Constitutions don’t only …… the majority. There may be special provisions for minorities and marginalized groups, for their …….., their …….. in government and ……. for their identity and culture.

Most constitutions also have a nation – building function. The seek to embody ……… and to reflect identity of the nation and its people.

The constitution announces to ……, to …….., and ……..- what the nation is, what it stands for, where it has come from and what its vision for the future might be. A good Constitution is just one step along the road to a peaceful, prosperous and democratic society. But it is a fundamental one. By …….. the rules by which the state should …….., a good Constitution helps ……. that the democratic aspirations of a people become, and remain, a reality.