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Content-6 A:hover {color: #FF00FF; text-decoration: blink; font-weight: bold} BRIEF  METHODOLOGICAL NOTES                                          

Activities of enterprises  Actual final consumption  Agricultural enterprises and organizations  Agricultural land  Agricultural production  Arable land  Average age of population  Average monthly nominal wage  Average monthly pension  Average per capita money income  Balance of external trade  Budget Budget expenditure  Budget revenue  Burse  Calculation of main macroeconomic indicators  Change in inventories  Compensation of employees  Consolidated budget  Consumer price index (CPI)  Consumption of fixed capital  Consumption of the main foodstuffs per capita  Credis provided to enterprises and organizations (including banks) Crude birth rate  Crude death rate  De facto population  Deficit of the state budget  Deposits of population Distribution of the common fund of money income of household disposable resources by 20% groups of population  Duration of unemployment (duration of search of job)  Dwellings put into operation  Economically active population  Emission of harmful pollutants in the air from stationary sources  Establishments of higher education  Exchange rate  Expenditure on economy  Expenditure on final consumption  Expenditure on general administration  Expenditure on maintenance of law bodies, courts and procurator’s offices  Expenditure on national defence  Expenditure on social and cultural measures   Exports of goods  External debt  Final consumption  Final consumption expenditure  Fixed capital (fixed assets)  Freight transportation by transport enterprises  General educational schools  Gross capital formation  Gross Domestic Product (GDP)  Gross fixed capital formation  Gross Mixed income Gross national disposable income (GNDI)  Gross national income (GNI)  Gross national saving  Gross operating surplus  Gross production of crops  Gross value added  Household  Implicit deflator of GDP  Imports of goods  Indices of producers’ prices of industrial output  Indices of real disposable money income of population  Industrial output in physical units  Industrial structure of indicators  Infant mortality rate  Internet Investment in fixed capital  Mailed (number of outgoing mail)  Mid - year population  Migration Migration outflow  Minimum amount of labour remuneration  Minimum pension  Mobile communication  Monetary aggregates  Money expenditure of population  Money income of households  Money income of population  Municipal dwelling stock National wealth  Nationality Natural increase of population  Natural increase rate  Net acquisition of valuables  Net migration  Net national lending (borrowing)  Net taxes  Network of medical institutions  Number of burses  Number of educational institutions  Number of employed  Number of livestock and poultry  Number of medical personnel  Number of pensioners by type of pensions  Number of persons registered as invalids for the first time  Number of persons suffered from work accidents resulting in the loss of ability to work and death  Number of persons who do not have employment and applied to employment offices.  Number of phone sets (including taxphones) of telephone network of general use or having connection to it  Number of registered crimes - total and classified by selected types of crimes  Number of registered patients diagnosed for the first time by selected diseases.  Number of specialists engaged in R&D  Number of students attending educational  establishments   Number of transactions carried out at burses  Number of unemployed receiving unemployment allowances.  Number of unemployed registered by employment offices.  Number of vacancies claimed by enterprises to employment offices  Other subsidies on production  Other taxes on production  Pager Peasant (private) farms  Personal plots of households  Population growth  Price indices for agricultural products sold by agricultural enterprises  Private dwelling stock  Privatized apartments  Production of animal products  Production of crops  Production of crops per unit of land  Production of eggs  Production of livestock and poultry for slaughter  Production of milk  Proficit of the state budget  Public dwelling stock Purchasing power of population money income  Resident population  Residents Rural population  Sales of services to households  Secondary specialized educational institutions (colleges, technical schools)  State dwelling stock  Subsidies Subsidies on products  System of National Accounts (SNA)  Taxes on production and imports  Taxes on products  The amount of minimum of subsistence  The economic territory of the country  The number of persons graduated from educational  establishments   The number of students admitted to educational  establishments   The structure of money income  The total number of doctors  The total number of paramedical staff  The wage fund  Total dwelling space per person  Total land space  Total retail trade turnover  Total stock of dwellings  Transportation of passengers  Turnover of a burse  Unemployed Urban population  Use of water from natural sources  Volume indices of GDP 

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