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General Discussion

  1. Exchange your views on the following points. For further ideas and information read the supplementary texts at the end of the Unit.

  • We have to overcome the myth that gender equality is won.

  • A lot of careers and job opportunities are still heavily based on gender.

  • Behind every great man there is a great woman.

  • The right man in the right job is often a woman.

  • The high rate of divorce reflects the true level of marital breakdown and women’s independence.

  • It’s time to tighten the divorce law.

  • Paternity leaves – pros and cons.

  • Male guidance at home is of paramount importance for children.

  • Men need liberation too.

  • While boys plan whatthey’ll achieve, young girls planfor whomthey’ll achieve.

  • The motto of the marriage is “Bear and Forbear”.

  • Not all who have arranged marriages live loveless life and not all who have love marriages, continue to love.

  • It’s a good wife who makes a good husband.

  1. Role-play.

              1. Imagine that you are a member of the organising committee of an International Women’s conference. Write down the problems to be raised and discussed at the conference. Exchange your opinions with the other members of the group.

              2. Role-play this conference, electing the chairperson and the spokespeople in the problems you are going to discuss.


              1. Write a report to be made at an international conference about the status of women in your country.

              1. Make up a list of arguments and counter-arguments to be used in a talk-show “Gender equality: myth or reality?”

              1. Write a letter to the editor of the magazine that published the article “The Qualities to Look for in a Wife”. Support the author’s viewpoint or criticize him and the editor for publishing this article.

              1. Imagine you are a social worker. Write a newspaper article under the heading “Women and Work” in which you outline your reasons why women with babies should/should not be in the workforce.

                Functional vocabulary

abject adj

to live in ~ poverty

abuse n

human rights ~, sexual ~

access n

~ to sth

advance v, n

to ~ the status of women, huge advances

affect v

angst n

allude v

~ to sth

assail v

assailant n

assert v

to ~ rights, independence;

to ~ oneself

balance n

to be out of ~

benefit n

maternity ~

blatant adj

~ discrimination

bombastic adj

bruise v

cast v

to ~ down the eyes

to ~ away

castigate v

chastity n

condone v

coerce v

coercion n

Composite, adj

conduct n, v

consume v

time ~ing chores

contempt n

to hold in ~

denigrade v

denounce v

to ~ human rights violations

devastate v

to be ~ed by grief

devastating adj

~ news, effect

ditch v, n

to ~ a career

as dull as ditch-water

a last-ditch attempt, effort

to fight up to the last ~

dominate v

male-dominated world

dowry n

~ killing

drudgery n

dump v, n

to ~ on sb

to ~ a boyfriend, ~ goods

to be down in the dumps

elusive adj

an ~ goal

expertise n

flog v

to ~ a dead horse

fret v

frustrate v

frustration n

career ~

footing n

on an equal ~; lose/miss one’s ~

gear, n,v

to be in top ~; to be geared to sth/to do sth; to be geared up (for sth)

gendercide n

humiliate v

heartthrob n

Impunity, n

ingrain v

insipid adj

levity n

maintain v

maintenance n

home- ~ chores

to pay ~ to sb

marital adj

~ status, ~ success

menial adj

mortality n

~ rate

mutilate v

prudent adj

relentless adj

resent v

resentful adj

~ of, at, about

retreat v, n

humiliating ~s;

to ~ from one’s pledge/promise;

to ~ into one’s thoughts

reverse v, adj

the ~ side of the coin

rivet v

shirk v

to ~ housework

shortchange v

scholastic adj

~ excellence; ~ institution; ~ degree

scratch n, v

to do sth from ~

screw v

to ~ up values; one’s courage

skyrocket v

shun v

stamp out v

stigma n

a ~ to sth

stymie v

steer v

to ~ towards sth; ~ on to sth

to ~ a middle course; to ~ clear of sth

subservient adj

sweep v

to ~ away; to ~ sb off their feet;

to ~ to victory/power

tangle v

to ~ cables;

to ~ with sb

target n, v

to ~ on/at

a ~ group; to be on ~ for; to miss the ~

a ~ of criticism/violence

wane v, n

on the ~

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