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I. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to Tenses.

1. The American writer Isaak Asimov tells about wonderful computing machines

and schools of distant future.

2. In 1822 Charles Babbage created the first mechanical calculator.

3. After school Gates went on studying at Harvard University.

4. The National Physical Laboratory is now conducting experiments aimed to

recognize human speech.

5. Instructions will tell the hardware what to do and will tell the user what it has


6. By 1880 manufacturing technology had improved to the point that new machines

could be produced.

7. In some years IBM publication department will be fulfilling 100% translation

demands via machines.

8. For many years, universities and colleges have been looking for ways of offering

courses to students living far from classes.

9. By the beginning of the network age Microsoft Corporation had been selling

software for individual PCs.

II. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct forms.

1. Programming already (to become) a very important branch of national economy.

For example, experts (to work) now on a computer program for agriculture.

2. In the 1980s the production of microcomputers (to double), the production of microprocessors increased five times. This year we (to do) our best to meet requirements of the day.

3. Our immediate task (to be) to advance our technology and increase the manufacture of computers. We certainly (to solve) this problem.

4. The Elbrus 2 (to become) the next in the line of supercomputers. The engineers (to work) for three years before it was placed at the disposal of scientists.

5. The first computers (to fill) a large room with their electronics. Air-conditioning

was poor at that time and computers (to get) so hot during their work that the operators (to have) to dress in T-shirts and tennis shoes.

Exercise 2. Summarize your knowledge on the Sequence of Tenses and the

Reported Speech, and put the verbs in brackets into correct forms.

1. The librarian says that she (to work) at a primary school in Seattle.

2. The teacher said that her pupil (to be) a very smart boy.

3. We know that experts (to elaborate) new computing technologies now.

4. Only few people knew that Babbage (to work out) a brand new device.

5. The Corporation sells its computers on the terms it previously (to insist on).

Exercise 3. Convert the sentences into the Reported Speech.

1. - Are you ill? - mother asked.

- No, I'm just tired, - I answered.

2. The teacher said: "The pupil will come tomorrow".

3. My friend said: "I'm working at the State Library now".

4. The boy said: "I did this work yesterday".

5. The freshman asked: "Can I work in your library?"

6. The young scientist said: "I've worked in this laboratory for two years".

Exercise 4. Convert the Direct Speech of Text 2 into the Reported Speech.

Exercise 5. In the text about Bill Gates you have come across such adverbs as

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