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2. Объясните родителю ребенка, что происходит во время приступа астмы.

3. Прочитайте текст о двух видах лекарственных препаратов для пациентов с астмой.

Preventers quell (подавлять) swelling and inflammation in the airways and reduce mucus. They also reduce the sensitivity of the airways. The protective effect accumulates gradually over a period of about 2 weeks. The medication must be taken daily, even if there are no symptoms. Most common types of preventers are inhaled steroids. But if asthma is acute and severe, steroids may be given as tablets or injections. The main side effects are hoarseness (осиплость) and an increased risk of mouth and throat infections caused by thrush (молочница).

Relievers are drugs that relax and open up the airways making it easier to breathe. Some relievers remove symptoms almost instantly (rescue relievers). Others have a longer lasting action (long-lasting relievers). Relievers are prescribed during an actual asthma flare-up, and before exercise to reduce the risk of a flare-up. The most common are inhaled bronchodilators.

Side effects are usually mild and pass away quickly. The main ones are a slightly increased heartbeat, and muscle trembling, especially in the hands. Some oral relievers may cause dry mouth, blurred vision, difficulties passing urine, or constipation.

4. Сравните два вида лекарственных препаратов. Занесите информацию в таблицу (письменно).



Mechanism of action

Therapeutic effect (instant/gradual)

How to use

Medicinal form

Side effects

5. Объясните родителям ребенка:

а) какое лекарство принять в случае приступа астмы, расскажите о механизме его действия и возможных побочных эффектах;

б) какое лекарство принимать для профилактики приступов астмы, расскажите о механизме его действия и возможных побочных эффектах.


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.


In older infants and children, the first infection with the Mycobacterium tuberculosis - latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) usually produces no signs or symptoms, and a chest X-ray shows no signs of infection.

This primary infection usually resolves on its own when a child develops immunity over a 6- to 10-week period. But in some cases, tuberculosis (TB) can progress and spread all over the lungs (called progressive tuberculosis) or to other organs. This causes signs and symptoms like fever, sweating at night, weight loss, fatigue, loss of appetite, and coughing sputum with blood.

Another type of infection is called reactivation tuberculosis. The primary infection has resolved, but the bacteria are dormant (latent). In this type the bacteria may become active in case of a lowered immunity

The Mantoux tuberculin skin test is the standard method of determining whether a child is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The purified protein derivative is an antigen (taken from the dead TB bacteria) which is injected under the skin in the forearm. After 48 to 72 hours the injection site is evaluated by a physician.

Current vaccines, such as the BCG vaccine, do not prevent infection, but do prevent acute symptoms and disease from emerging. It is of no use in protecting infected adults who become an infectious source of disease.

  1. Заполните таблицу информацией из текста.

Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Organs affected


Types of infection

Sources of infection

Causative agent

Diagnostic tests and procedures

Current vaccine

Mechanism of action

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