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Unit 2 – information systems

1. Preoccupation with information and knowledge as an individual, organizational and societal resource is stronger today than at any other time in history. During the past few centuries great advances have been made in the human capability to record, store, and reproduce information. All the technological advances together1 have made information a new basic resource, ranking alongside2 material and energy resources in importance.

2. The term “information” refers to facts and opinions provided and received during the course of daily life. Information as a concept has many meanings, from everyday usage to technical settings. The concept of information is closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, instruction, knowledge, meaning, mental stimulus, pattern, perception, and representation. Information is that which adds to human knowledge. Information becomes data when it enters an information technology system; but at the output side, it becomes information again when a person has access to it. Information is useful knowledge derived from raw data. It is an essential resource of any organization. The value of information is assessed on the basis of quality, quantity, relevance and timeliness and is determined by those who use it to make decisions. Interest to information phenomena has increased dramatically in the 20th century. On the commercial side the information service industry has become one of the newer industries worldwide. Almost all other industries – manufacturing and service are increasingly concerned with information and its handling.

3. The term “system” has been used repeatedly. It applies the concepts to information systems in particular. In the broadest sense3 a system is simply a set of components that interact to accomplish some purpose. Systems are, in fact, all around us. We have a complex nervous system. We communicate by means of language, a highly-developed system of words and symbols that convey meanings. We live according to an economic system. A business is a system too; its parts are: marketing, manufacturing, sales, research, accounting, and personnel, these parts all work together, and each of these parts being a system itself. We begin to see (понимать) how pervasive systems are. The system’s purpose is its reason for existing. Complex information systems came into existence through people. Technology has developed at a soaring rate4, but the most important aspect of any system is the human know-how and use of ideas to harness the computer so that it performs the required task. To be of any use5, a computer-based information system must function properly, be easy to use, and suit the organization for which it has been designed.

4. Information systems are a means by which data flows from one person or department to another, and it can encompass everything from interoffice mail and telephone links to a computer system that generates information for various users. An information system is a system of information sets needed for decision and signaling in a larger system containing subsystems for collecting, storing, processing and distributing information sets. Information systems “in fact” serve all the systems. They link together the different components in such a way that they can effectively work toward the same purpose, and they are increasingly being developed to receive and process data using on-line methods. The purposes of information systems are to process input, maintain files of data and produce information, reports and other output. Information systems consist of subsystems, including hardware, software, and data storage for files and data bases. The particular set of subsystems, that is, the specific equipment, programmes, files, and procedures comprise an information systems application. Many information systems are implemented with generic “off-the-shelf” software6 rather than with custom-built programmes7.

5. Creating an information system. Although there are many ways to create an information system the basic underlying design process is generally the same. This process begins with a determination of the organization’s information needs. Many organizations have a strategic plan. Organizations should make sure that any proposed information system will be in sync7 with the overall mission and strategy. The objectives for an information system should make sense8 in terms of organizational plans, financial and technical resources, competition.

Design Stages. The designing of the information systems involves four stages: 1) preliminary problem definition, 2) conceptual design, 3) detailed design, and 4) implementation.

Preliminary Problem Definition. The first task is to determine in detail the information needs, the constraints limiting the system, and the objectives. Constraints are limitations. There are external governmental regulation, and internal constraints. Probably the most common internal constraint on the development of an information system is the cost.

Conceptual Design. During this stage, information generated in the preliminary problem definition stage is used to develop alternative designs that meet the organization’s criteria.

Detailed Design. During this stage, detailed performance specifications are established. Information system experts select and develop hardware and software components. They map information flow, develop specialized programs, and define databases. They create a model of the information system, a prototype, which they evaluate, test, refine, and reevaluate until it meets the stated requirements.

Implementation. During this final stage, models of the information system are connected and tested. As operational problems are identified and corrected, one module after another is added and tested. Eventually, the entire system is assembled and tested for all conceivable types of errors. Corrections continue to be made until the information system’s performance satisfies all the criteria.

6. Electronic information systems are a phenomenon of the second half of the 20th century. The versatility of modern information systems stems from their ability to represent information electronically as digital signals and manipulate it automatically at exceedingly high speeds. Information systems based on a high – speed digital computer are an extremely efficient means of manipulating and modifying stored data, and recorded information, and they are able to carry out diverse tasks, they:

  • provide rapid high-resolution access to corpora of information8, and

better (higher) accuracy and improved consistency

  • can perform scientific and engineering calculations

  • conduct searches of bibliographic literature

  • provide tutorial instruction in various subjects

  • assist in design and manufacturing activities

  • make decisions for solving non-numerical problems (e.g. those related to medical diagnosis or mineral exploration) with so-called expert software systems9, and they even

  • generate new information, and make countless other applications both large and small.

7. Computer-based information systems are able to perform calculations, analyses, classifications, and correlations at levels of complexity and efficiency far exceeding human capabilities. An information system is a computer-based system with the defining characteristic that provides information to users in one or more organizations. Information services provide mechanisms to locate documents nearly instantaneously. Powerful information-transforming technologies now available or under development – data/text to graphics, speech to printed text, one natural language to another – broaden the availability of information and enhance human problem-solving capabilities.

8. Interactive applications of networked multimedia10 computers may, for some, replace newspapers, compete with commercial broadcast television, and give new dimensions (зд. стандарты) to the future of education and training at all levels of society. Information systems are a major tool for improving the cost-effectiveness11 of societal investments. The effects of the information systems applications have already been felt prominently in three domains: the economy, the governance of society, and the milieu of individual existence. Information systems are on-going. They continue to exist and are used as long as they are meaningful to the organization.


1. All the technological advances together

  • все направления технического прогресса вместе

2. …ranking alongside…

  • занимающие ведущее место наряду с…

3. In the broadest sense…

  • в самом широком смысле

4. at a soaring rate…

  • стремительно

5. To be of any use…

  • в любом применении

6. …“off-the-shelf” software…

  • готовые (разработанные) программы

7. …in sync…

8. …should make sense…

9. …custom-built programmes…

  • зд. в соответствии

  • должны иметь значение

  • программы на заказ

10. …access to corpora of information

  • доступ к основной информации

11. …expert software systems

  • экспертные системы

12. networked multimedia computers

  • компьютеры с сетевым доступом

13. the cost-effectiveness

  • прибыльность