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Введение в специальность.doc
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Ex. 1. Pronounce correctly:

  • special, specialist, speciality, specialize, specialization

  • physics, physicist, physician, photography, photogrammetry

  • theory, theoretical, thorough, thoroughly, through, throughout

  • high, higher, height, slight, slightly; science, scientist, scientific

  • term, firm, confirm, earth, earthing, earthly, research

  • observe, observer, observed, observatory, observation

  • survey, surveying, surveyor, surface, purpose

  • subject, project, job, major, lodgings, advantage, agency,

geology, geodesy, engineer, engineering, technology

  • due, during, duration, study duration; require, requirement; acquire, acquiring,

Ex. 2. Find the English equivalents in the text:


student (undergraduate)

  • студенты первого курса дневного отделения

  • успевающие (продвинутые) студенты

  • большая часть студентов геод. специальностей сосредоточены (зачислены, зд. обучаются) в МИИГАиКе и СГГА

  • научно-исследовательская работа студентов



  • лучшим выпускникам дается возможность продолжить учебу в аспирантуре

  • выпускникам присваивают или степень бакалавра или магистра

обучать, готовить

teach (train)

  • академия готовит специалистов в области геодезии, картографии и фотограмметрии

  • студенты обучаются на дневном, вечернем и заочном отделениях

  • студентов учат работать с разными приборами

опыт (навык)

experience (skill)

  • приобретение навыка работы с приборами (геодезическими, оптическими)

  • приобретение навыка научно-исследовательской работы очень важно для студентов

подготовка специалистов

training (to train)

  • теоретическая (практическая) подготовка

  • глубокая (основательная) подготовка

  • институт готовит специалистов в области геодезии (оптики, фотограмметрии и картографии)


to improve

  • совершенствовать знания

  • совершенствовать приборы

  • совершенствовать технологии

на основе

on the basis of

  • на основе результатов тестов

  • на основе результатов наблюдения

  • на основе результатов анализа


hall of residence (hostel)

  • большая часть студентов живет в общежитии

  • приблизительно половина студентов дневного отделения живет на квартирах

  • в общежитии обычно три или четыре студента живут в одной комнате

Ex. 3. a) Read, translate and learn:


передовой, лучший

  • advanced students (technologies)

  • advanced students do (carry on) research under the supervision of experienced scientists



  • applied sciences

  • applied mathematics (optics)

  • applied geodesy


исследование, исследовательский

  • undergraduate research

  • take part in (be engaged in) research

  • do (carry on) research

  • research institution, laboratory

  • research centre


глубокий, основательный

  • thorough knowledge

  • thorough training

  • to spend sufficient time for thorough training at the instruments

  • thorough analysis

b) Suggest the Russian for:

it takes a lot of time…

  • to get ready for seminars

  • to do (carry on) research

  • to prepare for exams

  • to get to the institute (to work)

to have an opportunity…

  • to receive thorough knowledge in the fundamental group of subjects

  • to spend sufficient time for thorough training at the instruments

  • to undergo practical training in a summer-surveying camp (laboratory, at the enterprise)

to enable students to specialize…

  • in optical electronic instrumentation

  • in general (applied) surveying

  • IT-technologies

  • remote sensing

advanced students are given an opportunity…

  • to acquire skill in research

  • to study at the post-graduate course

  • to participate in scientific conference

Ex. 4. Complete the following sentences:

1. Full-time first-year students learn the fundamental group of subjects…

2. Slightly under a half of full-time students live in lodgings and …

3. Most university-level surveying and mapping students are enrolled in …

4. These faculties are headed by …

5. Applicants are admitted to the Institute on the basis of the results of school examinations in…

6. The academic year is divided into two…

7. The students have their practice in (at)…

8. Undergraduate research is usually conducted under the guidance (supervision) of…

9. SSGA graduates find jobs in (at)…

10. A five-year programme leads to a diploma degree of an…

11. In a hall of residence (hostel) usually three or four students…

12. All students specializing in surveying, mapping, photogrammetry and optics are required to undergo…

Ex. 5. Pay attention to the nouns in the function of an attribute:

academy council, academy structure, academy courses, academy students, university teachers, study duration, earth-resources exploration, assistant professor, correspondence student, foundation course, discussion groups (classes), course work, project report, state exams, instrument-making plants, summer-surveying camps, computer class, computer science, computer centre, undergraduate research, post-graduate course, post-graduate research, post-graduate student, research project, a specialist collection of books, health worries

Ex. 6. Form pairs of synonyms:

a) thorough, all over, subject, opportunity, diploma, paper, surveying, research, undergraduate, teach, assistant professor, purpose, involve, area, test, according to, college, lessons, important, programme, assistance

b) chance, geodesy, senior lecturer, classes, in accordance with, investigation, field, discipline, degree, essential, assessment, aid, curriculum, report, student, train, aim, deep, throughout, technician-level institution, include

Ex. 7. Useful English:

  • to specialize in; test results; curriculum (programme);

  • in accordance with; to participate in;

  • in a particular area; a number of disciplines (courses);

  • has some advantages; to develop strong points;

  • to spend sufficient time for; under the supervision;

  • an essential part of; computing is an essential part;

  • to extend and deepen knowledge; applied knowledge (disciplines);

  • a good solid grounding in the fundamentals;

  • medical assistant; first aid; health worries;

  • the vocational (industrial) training; throughout the whole training period.

Ex. 8. Pay attention to the sentences with «ing» forms, Participle II, analyse and translate them.

Ex. 9. Answer the questions:

1. What fields does SSGA train specialists in?

2. What is the highest Governing Body of the Academy?

3. What institutes are there in the Academy?

4. Is it difficult to become a student of the Academy?

5. How many students are there in the Academy?

6. What disciplines do the students of the foundation course study?

7. When and where do their senior students have their industrial training?

8. What are the students required for the end-of-term assessment?

9. How many years does the training course last?

10. In what way do the advanced students have the chance to deepen their knowledge?

11. What is the aim of special study course?

12. What graduates can continue their studies in a post-graduate course?

13. In what way is the undergraduate research organized?

14. What advantages does the vocational training have?