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In the beginning of article is told about new English foreign policy. About that as Henry VII has constructed the big fleet of the trading ships. Elizabeth started economic struggle from Spain. She supported Protestant resistance in Dutch. Employed pirates that they plundered and heated the Spanish ships, brining gold from America. In 1587 Spanish king Filip has decided to win England. He has constructed great fleet and has directed it to coasts of England. However this fleet and the Spanish army have been broken.

After these events Elizabeth continued to encourage pirates and began to equip colonial expeditions. The trading companies for trade on other continents have been created.

At the same time governors of England wanted to attach Wales, Ireland and Scotland.

As Henry VII and his son Henry VIII were half Welsh, connection of Wales has taken place administratively. There the English government has been appointed.

Ireland Henry VII has won by force, having overthrown Anglo-Saxon authority. After that he began to carry out there church reform as a result of which Catholicism should be expelled. But it has met resistance. Rebels who were supported by Spain and France, arranged revolts which were severely suppressed by the English armies.

The Scottish and English kings constantly were at war, and only Henry VII has concluded the world with the Scottish king James IV. But Henry wanted to rule Scotland, and he had to suppress attempts of revision of the peace agreement

The Scottish queen Mary was married to the son of the French king. To her absence to authority there has come Protestant church. After death of Mary's husband she has returned to Scotland, but has come across open hostility from the part of people because she has the Catholic belief. Mary escaped to England, where she was held by Elizabeth for nineteen years before she was finally executed.

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