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Задания для контр. раб._Иностранный язык модуль 2.doc
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Verbs followed by -ing

16. Закончите предложения, используя данные слова в правильной форме. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Eat, listen, cook, watch, wait

1. We really enjoy ______ to the folk festival.

2. When I was a child, I didn’t like_____.

3. I hate_____ for people.

4. I like_____ sport news on the TV.

5. I love ______bananas.

Defining relative clauses

17. Заполните пропуски словами whoилиwhich. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Do you like people _____lie a lot?

2. I hate people _______gossip.

3. Did you see the man ______ was riding a horse?

4. This is the house ______ has a pond.

5. That’s the man ______ gave me a piece of advice.

Present and Past Passives

18. Определите, в каком залоге, действительном (Active) или страдательном (Passive) употреблено сказуемое в данных предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. He doesn’t live here.

2. The news is discussed in the newspapers.

3. She was admitted to the college.

4. He was very happy when it happened.

5. They were explained what to do in case of emergency.

19. Измените предложения, преобразуя действительный залог в страдательный. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Theyboughtahouselastyear.

2. He sold a computer yesterday.

3. They grew a good crop last year.

4. She left the umbrella at home.

5. He caught a lot of fish.

20. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Succeed at your job interview

A practical guide to being interviewed

Attending an interview can be one of the most stressful situations in your working life. How many times have you applied for a job and got an interview, but do badly because you are nervous and not properly prepared?

In succeed at your job interview, George Heaviside shares the knowledge he has gained as an occupational psychologist over the past twenty years in his work with people and organizations. He gives advice on preparing for the interview and explains how you can give a good impression from the moment of walking into the interview room. There is detailed information on the type of questions you are likely to be asked and how to answer them. Finally, advice is also given on improving your performance in the interview, both positive and negative impression of you from the start. These first impressions are first step towards getting your ideal job.

How can I make a good impression?

Your body language

As soon as you enter the room, the interviewers will start to judge you – on your body language, not on what you say. They will be watching the way you walk, sit touch and make eye contact as well as your gestures and facial expression. They will be forming e very important when interviewers make their final decisions.

Body language checklist

1. Dress in an appropriate way for the culture you are in and the job you are applying for.

2. Touch is important. Start positively with good, firm handshake.

3. When you are sitting, don’t lean too far forward or backward. Try to open up your body and only move forward when you want to show interest.

4. Give the interviewer as much eye contact as you can to catch their attention, but don’t stare at them.

5. Let your face come alive. Smile in a friendly manner without grinning all the time.

6. Don’t fold your arms, cross your legs or fidget too much. Use your hands, arms and body when you speak to show how you feel.