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2.7. Ответьте на вопросы по образцу:

Образец: - Is Nell busy tonight?

- Yes, she is. She is going to the pictures.

1. Are you busy this afternoon? (to go to a party); 2. Is Mike busy this evening? (to go to a concert); 3. Are your parents busy after lunch? (to go to the airport); 4. Are your fellow-students busy at the week­end? (to go on a trip); 5. Are Jennifer and Harry busy next Monday? (to leave for Minsk); 6. Is Brian busy in January? (to take exams); 7. Is Hob busy at Christmas? (to go to Finland); 8. Is William busy on Sunday? (to drive one's sister to the country).

2.8. Выберите соответствующее местоимение.

1. Have you got (some/any) time free on Wednesday afternoon?

2. Can you ride a bike without (some/any) help?

3. I'd like (some/any) information, please?

4. Can I have (some/any) potato, please?

5. I need (some/any) new clothing.

6. Can I get you (some/any) coffee? I've just made (some/any).

7. I haven't done (some/any) revision for the exam. I know I'll fail.

8. If there is (some/any) soup left, could you put it in the fridge, please?

9. I can't find (some/any) butter, but we've got (some/any) margarine.

10. Shall we listen to (some/any) music?

2.9. Вставьте вместо пропусков нужное местоимение.

a) some; b) any; c) no.

1. We have just baked … cookies. Would you like … ?

2. Are there … changes in your life? - Yes, there are … .

3. He had a lot of interesting books but he didn’t give me … .

4. Do you speak … foreign languages? – Yes, … Spanish.

5. We have … candles in the house. – I can go and get … .

6. There are … mistakes in your test. – Mistakes? I can’t find …

7. There are not … good dictionaries in our library.

8. John has … furniture in his flat. Just … chairs.

9. Could you give me … tomatoes? I haven’t got … .

10. Fortunately there are … pirates in the seas nowadays.

Reading practice

3.1. Read and translate the text. Our university

Dear Helen,

Don’t be angry with me for my long silence, but really I was too busy to write. As you know, I left school in June and began to prepare for my entrance exams to the University. As both my mother and father are economists I have made up my mind to be an economist too. I think this is a noble profession.

I had to take four exams and passed all of them with excellent marks. So I am glad to tell you that now I’m a first-year student at the Moscow State University. It is the largest university in the Russian Federation. I am a full-time student of the Faculty of Economics. This semester I study history, philosophy, English, mathematical analysis, microeconomics, economic informatics, linear algebra, etc.

I should like to show you the main building of our University. I can’t help admiring this fine old building with its beautiful columns. The first students entered it more than 250 years ago. It goes without saying we, students, are very proud of this fact.

There are 40 faculties at our University, which train specialists in many fields: economics, law, mathematics, physics, geography, chemistry, biology, foreign languages, sociology, political science and others. More than 40,000 students study at my University. Every year Moscow University enrolls about 4,000 international students from all over the world. Many well-known professors teach here. There are 15 research institutes within the University: Institute of Mechanics, Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Institute of World Culture, etc.

We have good libraries and reading rooms. I like to do my homework and prepare for classes in one of the libraries. For those who go in for sports there are good gymnasiums and a stadium.

At present we have quite a lot of work as we have many subjects to learn.

So that’s the latest news about myself. Please write to me about your life and studies.

My best regards to your parents.

