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Суднобудування та океанотехніка (СЕУ) (самост.).docx
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Національний університет кораблебудування

імені адмірала Макарова

Кафедра сучасних мов

Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів з дисципліни «Іноземна мова» (англійська)

напрям підготовки 6.051201 Суднобудування та океанотехніка

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спеціальність 05120103 Суднові енергетичні установки та устаткування

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інститут Машинобудівний

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Розробник: к.п.н., доц. А.В. Міняйлова

Змістовий модуль 1 «General ship arrangement»

Comparison of adjectives and adverbs





One-syllable and some two-syllable adjectives

old, nice, happy

+ -er

+ -est

older, nicer, happier

the oldest, the nicest, the happiest

Longer adjectives and other two- syllable adjectives



more, less

the most, the least

more famous,

less expensive

the most famous,

the least expensive



good, bad, far

better, worse, farther/further

the best, the worst,

the farthest/furthest




more, less

the most, the least

more quickly,

less carefully

the most quickly,

the least carefully

Irregular adverbs

well, badly, far

better, worse, farther/further

the best, the worst, the farthest/furthest

  • We use than with comparatives: I’m older than my brother. This phone is more expensive than the others. Tom drives more slowly than me/than I do.

  • We can use superlatives in these patterns:

  • (one of) the + superlative: It’s the best film I’ve seen. He’s one of the best singers of his generation. It’s one of the most interesting books she’s written.

  • the second/third + superlative: It’s the second/third most expensive hotel in the world.

  1. Look at the table showing the results of a survey of students in a class and complete the sentences. Use the comparative.



interested in clothes

like computer games

concerned with looks






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  1. Girls go shopping..........more often.................... than boys. (often)

  2. Boys are.............................. in clothes than girls. (interested)

  3. Computer games are.............................. with boys than with girls. (popular)

  4. Boys are.............................. with their appearance than girls. (concerned)

  5. Boys learn to use technology.............................. than girls. (quickly)

  6. Girls are.............................. at saving money than boys. (good)

  1. Complete the sentences. Use the superlative.

  1. It’s a fantastic book! It’s .............the best................. book I’ve read for ages! (good)

  2. Football is the second.............................. sport for young people. Lots of people get injured playing it. (dangerous)

  3. Helen, Rachel and I all speak Italian, but Helen speaks it.............................. . She’s very good at it. (fluently)

  4. I had a horrible time. It was one of.............................. matches I’ve had this season. (enjoyable)

  5. Of the three of us, lack works.............................. . He loves this job. (hard)

  6. I knew she wasn’t going to help me. When I asked people for help, she answered .............................. .(enthusiastically)

  1. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the word in bold. Use between two and five words.

  1. Everyone in my group’s older than me. the

I’m .............................. in my group.

  1. Everyone I know is more sporty than Jamie. least

Jamie is.............................. person that I know.

  1. She’s a more careful driver than her sister. carefully

She drives.............................. her sister.

  1. Jo and Ted are the best at singing in the group, but Jo’s better than Ted. second

Ted’s.............................. singer in the group.

  1. Kelly reacts to problems less calmly than the rest of us. the

Kelly reacts to problems.............................. of us all.

  1. Kirsty is more cautious than me. less

I’m .............................. Kirsty.

  1. Everyone in our class behaves more maturely than Tim. immaturely

Tim behaves .............................. in our class.