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My zodiac sign «Gemini»

Born May 21 -

June 20

The sign Gemini is symbolized by the Twins.

Sign's element is Air.

The astrological element of air represents movement.

Air signs are thinkers. They emphasize the intellect over other functions. With active minds and a good command of language, the air signs are the natural born communicators.

The air of Gemini is always changing direction. First the winds blow one way, then another. This is a restless and searching wind.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury.

Mercury moves around the Sun faster than any other planet. He symbolizes our thoughts - not only how we think, but how we communicate. In fact, Mercury is in charge of all languages.

As the key planet of Gemini, Mercury is restless and changeable. It drives us to talk and to listen, but not necessarily to action.

The Gemini’s colour is green


The twins are prone to diseases of the nervous system and illnesses in the upper body.

Gemini lucky gemstones: Emerald and Diamond.

Gemini lucky numbers : 3 and 7.

My dual nature

Gemini go everywhere together, hand-in-hand, symbolizing my dual nature.

Our world comes in pairs: good and evil, male and female, in and out, yin and yang -- and we, Gemini, are living proof.

Some might say Gemini are an entanglement of paradoxes, but the truth is that Gemini have an easy acceptance of opposites.

Gemini world is one of duality. Gemini can like this and that, one thing and its opposite at the same time.

Traditional Gemini traits

Adaptable and versatile Communicative and witty Intellectual and eloquent Youthful and lively

On the dark side....

Nervous and tense Superficial and inconsistent Cunning and inquisitive

General behavior:

Gemini is a very complex and confusing sign. To some people they can seem like a wonderful friend, while to others they will seem two-faced and sneaky.

They take up new activities enthusiastically but lack application, constantly needing new interests, flitting from project to project.

To them life is a game which must always be full of fresh moves and continuous entertainment, free of labor and routine.

They are affectionate, courteous, kind, generous, and thoughtful towards the poor and suffering.

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