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The list of terms

  1. Computer (компьютер) is an electronic device which is capable of receiving information (data) in a particular form and of performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a predetermined but variable set of procedural instructions (program) to produce a result in the form of information or signals.

  2. Program (программа) is a set of coded instructions that a computer can understand to solve a problem or produce a desired result.

  3. Server - a computer that is designed to solve specific problems in the implementation of the program codes, information storage, maintenance and user database.

  4. Telegram - free cross-platform messenger for smartphones and other devices that allows you to exchange text messages and media files of various formats. Uses a proprietary server-side c closed source operating at the facilities of several companies in the US and Germany, Pavel Durov funded in the amount of about 12 million US dollars annually, and several clients with open source software, including under the GNU GPL

  5. Internet (English. Internet,) - a global system united computer networks to store and transmit information. Often referred to as the World Network and the Global Network, as well as a network.It is based on the protocol stack TCP / IP. On the basis of the World Wide Web of the Internet works (World Wide Web, WWW) and many other data transmission systems.

  6. PPP (Eng. Point-to-Point Protocol) - peer to peer protocol link layer (Data Link) network model OSI. Typically used to establish a direct connection between two nodes on the network, with it can provide connection authentication, encryption (using ECP, RFC 1968), and data compression. It is used in many types of physical networks: a null-modem cable, telephone, cellular, and so on. D.Often there are subtypes of PPP such as Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE), used to connect over Ethernet, and sometimes by DSL; and Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM (PPPoA), which is used for connection of ATM Adaptation Layer 5 (AAL5), which is the main alternative to PPPoE to DSL.PPP is a whole family of protocols: Link Control Protocol (LCP), Network Control Protocol (NCP), authentication protocols (PAP, CHAP), a multi-channel protocol PPP (MLPPP).

  7. IP-address (pronounced ah-pi-e, a formative polukalkoy English IP address, the reduction from the English. Internet Protocol Address, where the combination of letters IP (uttering. [Ah-pi]) is an alphabetic abbreviation of the words Internet Protocol «Internet Protocol» ) - a unique network address of the node in a computer network, built over IP. In the global Internet requires a unique address; in the case of a local network requires a unique address within the network. The protocol version IPv4 IP-address is 4 bytes long, and the protocol version IPv6 IP-address has a length of 16 bytes.

  8. The domain name system (Domain Name System, DNS) - a distributed database that contains information about the computers (hosts) are included in the Internet. The most common information includes machine name, IP-address and for routing mail.

  9. Web-based interface - a set of tools with which the user interacts with the web site, or any other application through a browser. Web interfaces are widely used in connection with an increase in the popularity of the World Wide Web and accordingly - ubiquity of web browsers.

  10. The administrator (administrator lat -. Ruler) - Physical official control in an institution, team, company. The National Classification of Occupations (OKZ), the administrator is considered position.

The National Classification of Occupations (OKPDTR) 1995 edition are 10 administrative positions. Almost all of them, for it is, part of the 3431-th, the so-called "core group" - "administrative staff".In 2005 qualifier were added 4 more positions, three of them are connected with maintenance of databases and information systems. These three positions on the OKZ entered into a second "bigger group" - "The specialists of higher qualification" (2139-I "core group" - "computer expert, not included in other groups").

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