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СБОРНИК -Россия 21 век

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Filippova Victoriya

Saint-Petersburg State University

Media systems of Russia and Brazil at the present stage of mass communication

The paper describes the main characteristics of mass communication and modern media systems in Russia and Brazil. So-called mass media of the first level – are elite, targeted at ruling classes. All of them enforce their positions in global space and almost erase geographical and cultural boundaries. Audiences of mass media of the second level – national, they are usually focused on an average and lowest segment of audience if according to the level of the income, educational and cultural level. Informatization and digitalization of mass media lead to formation of hybrid media systems where the role of new media, in particular, of social networks and the Twitter grows more and more.

The literacy rate is one of the most important factors determining the willingness of the audience to pay for any media. Traditionally, the literacy rate for women is lower in countries where women are relatively late could be involved in social and economic life. Usually it is typical for the more close to the equator than the Nordic countries. For example, in Italy, the literacy rate of the female population in Italy, slightly lower than in the UK and Germany (if we are talking about Europe) and is 98.3% against 99%. [1]

And if Russia's literacy rate is 99.5%, which is higher than the literacy rate in the United States and most European countries, in Brazil it is much lower - 90.0%. [2] In countries with such medium-high levels newspaper remain product for the elite and the mass media is distributed, usually in the form of sports newspapers (which is particularly important for Brazil), or in the form of a free press. Current data on the distribution according to sex, unfortunately, the author could not be found.

The average volume of daily circulation of printed publications in Brazil (newspapers and magazines) - 4.52 million copies. [3] In Russia, the figure is 21.91 million copies., Which is 5 times higher. [4]

With that, if Brazil produced just 7 federal publications: Jornal de Brasília, Jornal Alô Brasília Brasília, Brasília em Dia, Fatorama Brasília, Jornal da Comunidade, Tribuna do Brasil and Jornal Coletivo, in Russia it is possible to allocate 10 major national newspapers (Izvestia, Kommersant, Rossijskaya Gazeta, Vedomosti, Komsomolskaya Pravda, RBC Daily, Moskovsky Komsomolets, Novaya Gazeta, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Novye izvestiya) and 10 magazines at the federal level (Forbes, The New Times, Expert, GQ, Spark, Snob, Profile, Itogi, Esquire and Russkij reporter). [5]

And if in Brazil, due to the limited number of media outlets and the sample separation (on the content they are all social and political) is difficult to talk about the predominance of a particular type of mass-media, in Russia the clear advantage business newspapers and magazines have (as of 2009-2013. ) [6]

Yandex have done the mediasphere's research. According to it, every weekday media publish a network of at least 50 000 news in Russian (according to "Yandex" for September 2010 - January 2011). And 80% of the news flow generates only 20% of publications, especially news. Internet penetration rates in the largest countries of the world, illustrate a similar position in demand among the Internet audience in Russia and Brazil, which allows you to compare the modern media systems in these countries. [7]

Media market is characterized by the structure and changes in major media holdings that operate in one or another country. As for Russia, experts reviewed annually by the state of the national media market and represent the main trends and prospects of development of appropriate media system.

Speaking about the economic basis of the modern Russian media system, modern experts emphasize that in 2012 "the majority of publishing houses leaders as the main source of profit is considered the advertising market and are increasingly resorting to the use of the development strategy of" 360 degrees": it distributes editorial content on all possible media (TV, radio, print, internet, mobile phones, tablet devices) and allows the advertiser to provide a package of services covering every segment of the audience. [8]


Commenting on the statistics of the most popular daily and weekly newspapers, the experts agree that "the number of non-advertising newspapers in the niche of free distribution will grow," especially highlighting the trend for mega polices of Russia and the world. [8]

Trust in the media, as most researchers believe, due to the prevalence and popularity of a massmedia. According to official sources in Brazil [9], 87% trust online sources, 55% trust television, 44% trust magazines, 29% - the radio, and only 27% - newspapers.

In Russia, this data is different: [10]

The most popular mass medium is television - 91% of Russians watch television every day. Television also enjoys among the inhabitants of the country the highest approval - 65% (the percentage is lower than in Brazil, but also leads to confidence level).

Press among Russians is less popular: with varying frequency newspapers or magazines read by 82% of respondents. Among those who read periodicals, confidence in the print media is 66%, which is almost 3 times higher than in Brazil.

Advertising market, as part of media systems, has a significant impact on the development of the media. According to RACA, the largest share of the TV advertising market takes (156 billion rubles, Which naturally corresponds to the level of popularity and credibility of the TV). In second place - the Internet (71.1 billion rubles). Print media occupy third place (37.0 billion rubles, Outdoor advertising - 40.7 billion rubles, And radio - only 16.5 billion rubles. [11]

In Brazil, the share of advertising distribution by industry looks like that: [3]

1st place (63.3%) in the advertising market in 2011 takes TV, 2nd place (11.8%) - magazines, third (7.1%) - the newspaper. Internet - only 5.1% (forecasted to rise to 10% by 2016), the radio - 8.6%.

Changes in the structure of the advertising market will inevitably lead to changes in the market and the media, directing the development of mass communication processes, depending on the economic realities and needs of the audience.


1.Vartanova, E.L., Mediaekonomika zarubezhnyh stran: uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov. M.,


2.Newspaper circulation in Brazil grows; Folha takes the lead. Folha de S. Paulo. January 25, 2013. Retrieved February 13, 2015

3.Comscore presentation http://www.slideshare.net/camisfonseca/iab-brasil-comscore-hbitos- de-consumo-de-mdia-2013 Retrieved February 13, 2014

4.Godovoj tirazh gazet (izdanij) // Rosstat http://cbsd.gks.ru/ Retrieved February 13, 2015

5.Ratiev, V.V. Sociokulturnye problem stanovleniya informacionnogo obshestva v Rossii. Monografiya. Rostov-na-Donu, 2005

6.Reiting populyarnosti rossiskih SMI http://www.exlibris.ru/rejting-izdanij/ Retrieved February 13, 2015

7.Reitingi SMI http://www.mlg.ru/ratings/ Retrieved February 13, 2015

8.Rossijskaya periodicheskaya pechat’: sostoyanie, tendencii, perspectivy razvitiya. Otraslevoj doklad Federalnogo agentstva po pechati I massovym kommunikaciyam. P.42 Moscow, 2012 URL: http://www.fapmc.ru/rospechat/activities/reports/2012/item3.html Retrieved February 13, 2015

9.United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Reports http://hdr.undp.org/en/media/HDR_2009_EN_Complete.pdf Retrieved February 13, 2015

10.Uroven’ doveriya k SMI sredi rossiyan http://www.oprf.ru/ru/library/newsitem/7475?PHPSESSID=g7l5gc1d1j3dlupemihq9t4d45 Retrieved February 13, 2015

11.Ob’emy reklamnogo rynka po segmentam.

http://www.akarussia.ru/knowledge/market_size/id4044 Retrieved February 13, 2014


Chernyshenko Denis, Korsakov Timur, Kuznetsov Kirill

Moscow State University of International Relations

Eurasian Economic Union: cycle of challenges

Nowadays there are a lot of debates about the future of the Eurasian integration project: on the one hand many experts highlight determination of the leaders of Russia, Belarus & Kazakhstan to foster integration process, but on the other hand they admit the existence of many limiting factors. The aim of this paper is to study the current situation, to analyze the challenges that the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) faces and to propose strategies for further development.

We have pointed out 5 challenges that from our point of view pose the most difficult problems for the EEU: exchange rate fluctuations within the EEU, absence of actual supranational bodies, fears of Russian domination among other members of the EEU, lack of common interests of members of the EEU plus in the mid-term continuity of integration policy within the EEU member-states.

Instability in the EEU economies raises currency risks which can harm trade between the mem- bers-states. For example, the exchange rate fluctuations of tenge and Russian ruble led to 20% decrease in Russian-Kazakh turnover. The most effective way to respond to this challenge is to establish a monetary union within the EEU (or between some of its member-states), through the introduction of a single Eurasian currency. Moreover, this step will also eliminate currency exchange costs for companies, stimulating trade and economic growth. However, establishment of monetary union requires creation of the Eurasian Central Bank (EACB), but this is related to the second challenge.

Despite the fact that the leaders of the EEU member-states declared a goal to establish the supranational bodies, in fact, they are not operating as supranational ones and within the EEU there is a an interstate model of cooperation. For instance, there are currently no plans on creation of supranational body that will define the unified norms of sanitary and veterinary control, as well as on mutual recognition of sanitary and veterinary certificates, which causes "trade wars", such as banning Belarusian nutrition products in Russia in December 2014. This problem can complicate the process of integration on the current stage (single market) and it may become fatal for creation of the Eurasian Central Bank and therefore for building monetary union. The problem is that leaders of the EEU member-states (except Russia) are not ready and not willing to delegate part of their sovereignty to the supranational level. In order to do that they must develop mutual trust, but that is not easy because of fears of Russian domination.

The fears of Russian domination among other members of the EEU have their grounds: Russia is the most powerful economy in the EEU as its GDP accounts for 87% of the total EEU GDP. Furthermore, historically all other EEU member-states were parts of the Russian Empire /the USSR and that is why they tend to be afraid of possible Russian imperial ambitions. The way to overcome these prejudices for Russia is to conduct careful and conscious policy towards its neighbours - that is why the Ukrainian crisis could have destructive consequences for the Eurasian integration project. But will prove difficult as members of the EEU have different interests.

Actually, the EEU member-states have a lot of differently directed self-interests, both political and, what is more important, economic ones. For example, Belarus wanted to buy Russian oil and gas without tariffs, which contradicted Russian trade interests. Therefore, political will is the main driving force of the Eurasian integration right now, but in order to be successful this project needs more homogeneous economic interests of its member-states. To narrow this gap, the EEU countries should pay much more attention to working out common economic agenda (maybe even at the expense of their political interests). It will take some time and until they manage to do that, they will need to preserve the political will to foster integration that is why the EEU states need continuity of their policies.

The fact that the main driving force of integration is the political will of the EEU leaders, raises an important question: what will happen when they leave their political post? It is obvious that their policies may be reversed and all efforts will be in vain. Indeed, only common economic agenda and


strong binding mechanisms can ensure continuity of integration policy. Even the victory of euroskeptic block Syriza in Greece hasn't led to the Greek exit from the Eurozone Consequently, the establishment of the EACB will serve as a guarantee of the future development of EEU. So the circle is closed.

To sum up, it is necessary to emphasize that the Eurasian integration project has prospects to turn into a monetary union with supranational bodies such as the Eurasian Central Bank. However, there are five mentioned interconnected problems which must be resolved. It will a long and difficult process but this is a key feature of deeper integration (for instance, European integration project needed almost 50 years in order to turn into a monetary union). If the EEU countries are not ready to overcome their differences and problems, the project will not be successful.


1.Открытый ресурс экономической статистики Trading Economics [Электронный ре-

сурс].раздел GDP value – Режим доступа: http://www.tradingeconomics.com/russia/gdp

2.Валяхов Р. "От Евразии одни убытки" " [Электронный ресурс]. www.gazeta.ru - Режим доступа: http://www.gazeta.ru/business/2014/10/17/6264305.shtml

3."Евразийский союз будет представлять собой союз суверенных государств с наднациональными органами" [Электронный ресурс]. tass.ru ¬¬- Режим доступа: http://tass.ru/blizhnee-zarubezhe/502316

4.Кнобель А. "Кризис и налоговый маневр как испытание для ЕАЭС" [Электронный ре-

сурс]. www.vedomosti.ru ¬¬- Режим доступа: http://www.vedomosti.ru/newspaper/articles/2015/02/17/integratsiya-ispitanie-eaes

5.Папченкова М., Старинская Г. "Белоруссия не хочет дешево поставлять в Россию обещанный бензин" [Электронный ресурс]. www.vedomosti.ru ¬¬- Режим доступа: http://www.vedomosti.ru/newspaper/articles/2015/03/15/soyuzniki-torguyutsya-za-neft

6."Путин: Пора говорить о создании в перспективе валютного союза ЕАЭС" [Электрон-

ный ресурс]. www.vedomosti.ru ¬¬- Режим доступа: http://www.vedomosti.ru/economics/news/2015/03/20/putin-pora-govorit-o-sozdanii-v-perspektive- valyutnogo-soyuza-eaes

7.Kagkelidou E. "Tsipras in Texas: “Greece Won’t Willingly Exit the Eurozone” [Электронный ресурс]. usa.greekreporter.com ¬¬- Режим доступа: http://usa.greekreporter.com/2013/11/05/tsipras-in-texas-greece-wont-willingly-exit-the-eurozone/

Shilina Maria

National Research University Higher School of Economics

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and China’s «The Silk Road Economic Belt»: opportunities for Russia

Challenges of 2014 changed the geopolitical picture of the world and relations between Russia and China, led to further rapprochement between Moscow and Beijing. As a result, Russia and China have reached a new level of partnership. Classical models of trade were succeeded by complex schemes in trade and economic cooperation.

Economic cooperation and integration in Eurasia is currently being developed within the framework of several mechanisms. Today the most perspective mechanisms which include both Russia and China are the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and «The Silk Road Economic Belt» («The Belt»).

The first mechanism – the SCO – is a unique object of analysis, regional international organization that brings together Russia, China and Central Asian states. The SCO has a special political and


economic role in the region and due to the composition of states-members has prospects of achieving the global level.

Economic direction of the organization is being actively developed, the new projects of economic cooperation with potential for integration are formed (for example, trade in the national currency).

In the long term at the stable rates of economic development and also with joining new members (India, Iran, and Pakistan) to the SCO, the SCO, undoubtedly, would reach a new level of geopolitical influence [1].

«The Silk Road Economic Belt» is a new Russian-Chinese format of interaction. It is a concept of organizational and logistics complex [2], proposed by the Government of the People's Republic of China in order to optimize the trade-economic processes in the Eurasian space. It is to be established along the ancient Silk Road trade route, stretching northwest from China's coastal area through Central Asia, the Middle East and on to Europe.

«The Belt» is the large transcontinental project which is now at a development stage. However, China has already begun to put its doctrine into practice: in September 2014 Xi Jinping visited the countries of Central Asia in order to establish bilateral economic ties. His proposal to build «The Belt» was welcomed by relevant countries; contracts worth more than 60 billion dollars (priority given to large infrastructure projects) were signed as the result.

The implementation plan of the concept will be released at the Boao Forum for Asia 2015 [3]. The plan will include a detailed list of major infrastructure projects concerning railways, roads, energy, information technology and industrial parks to be started in the coming years.

China's initiative is not its «solo», but a «symphony» of all relevant parties, said Foreign Minister Wang Yi [4]. China will be sensitive to the comfort level of other parties, ensure transparency and openness, align the initiatives with the development strategies of other parties, and create synergy with existing regional cooperation mechanisms, he said.

It is expected that the project will serve the interests of the SCO members and other states of Eurasia. Almost all states which are expected to join the Chinese project are included in the SCO, and the organization deals with the questions raised by Xi Jinping. Cooperation within the project and its implementation is in the interests of Russia as a strategic partner of China [5]. The idea of forming a transport system of the SCO, the draft of which has «great prospects» [6], is actual in this context.

A few questions concerning the future of the SCO and «The Belt» arise. The disputable question of comparison and expected further development of both mechanisms remains open [7]. Will there be competition between the mechanisms or will there be their complementarity? The Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui notes: the project implementation «does not duplicate or compete with other mechanisms of cooperation» [8], and is able to fill these mechanisms with a new content and give them an additional boost.

The concept is significant for the economic growth of Eurasia [9] and can promote deepening of economic interaction between members of the SCO and Europe. But will the project be incorporated in the SCO strategy? We believe that the implementation of the Chinese concept could be developed more effectively through the existing structures of the SCO. This would stimulate an economic component of the organization. Today this component develops rapidly but so far does not show visible results (the internal resistance hampering the further economic development within the SCO stems mainly from Russia: without a positive response from Russia, the concept will be hard to realize [10]). Also connection between the project and the organization could positively affect the further economic integration of the states-members of the SCO.

The project realization within the SCO framework would allow Russia to participate actively in its practical implementation and also to a certain extent to coordinate its further development.

Thus, the Russian-Chinese relations in Eurasia receive a new impulse [11], and possible combination of these mechanisms of interaction in the long term gives objective opportunities of using Chinese resources for the development of Eurasian states, including Russia [12].

Realized on the basis of the SCO the concept of «The Belt» would allow to create a new platform of cooperation that will change the configuration of the geo-economic map of the Eurasian continent. Thus, the geo-economic consolidation of Eurasia becomes possible.



1.Shilina M. G. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization as reality and future of Russia. URL:

//http://www.gazetaprotestant.ru/2015/02/shanxajskaya-organizaciya-sotrudnichestva-kak-realnost- i-budushhee-rossii/

2.«The Silk Road Economic Belt» - the right decision. URL: //

http://raspp.ru/novosti/raspp_ekonomika/konomicheskij_poyas_velikogo_shyolkovogo_puti_reshen ie_vernoe/

3.China to reveal detailed «Belt and Road» roadmap. URL: // http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-03/16/c_134070613.htm

4.China's Belt and Road initiatives not solo, but symphony. URL: // http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-03/08/c_134048116.htm

5.Shilina M. G. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization as a form of political and economic interaction of the states: realities and prospects // Business. Society. Government. 2014. № 21. С. 41–61. URL: // http://www.hse.ru/mag/27364712/2014--21/141402169.html

6.Putin pointed prospects for the transport system of the SCO. URL: // http://ria.ru/economy/20140912/1023779024.html

7.Vorobyov V. Y. About Chinese idea of building «The Silk Road Economic Belt» // Russia in Global Affairs. 2014. URL: // http://www.globalaffairs.ru/number/Novyi-shelkovyi-kurs-16776

8.China’s «The Silk Road Economic Belt» is not a competitor of the EEU. URL: // http://www.warandpeace.ru/ru/news/view/94625/

9.New Silk Road promises benefits for all participants of the project. 2014. URL: // http://infoshos.ru/ru/print.php?idn=12344

10.Zhiping P. Silk Road Economic Belt: A Dynamic New Concept for Geopolitics in Central Asia. http://www.ciis.org.cn/english/2014-09/18/content_7243440.htm

11.Lukin A.V. The idea of «The Silk Road Economic Belt» and the Eurasian integration. // International Affairs. 2014, №7. URL: // http://igpi.ru/bibl/other_articl/1406820606.html

12.Luzianin S. Russia and China: the new context of relations. URL: // http://infoshos.ru/ru/?idn=13621

Shchepinskaya Veronika

Far Eastern Federal University

New trend in the Asia-Pacific region economy: conversion to national currencies in mutual settlement of accounts in international trade

National currencies are not widely used in the international trade due to the world currencies existence, such as US dollar and euro. These currencies are considered to be the most widespread and the most convenient in mutual settlement of accounts both in global and regional economies. One the one hand, the one currency usage should facilitate and relieve global trade system, due to the amount of national currencies existing nowadays. However, on the other hand, in the process of “agent” currency usage countries can experience losses in operational charges, because of the triple currency exchange (e.g. national currency – agent currency – national currency).

Striving for economic independence from the United States of America, as of a dollar emission monopolist, developing countries with the strong foreign policy are changing their economies vector for national currencies usage in the trade mutual settlement. Russian Federation, People’s Republic of China and other members of BRICS are among these states. Russia develops its economy system, which includes national currency usage in mutual settlements, for ensuring economic independence from the US. In the BRICS network countries actively support this


measure, with the spirit of collaboration Russia and India, Russia and China, China and Brazil have already agreed to use national currency in mutual settlement [1]. Currently central banks of BRICS Member States are working on elaboration of such trade settlements methodology, and are expected to provide governments with relevant recommendations in the near future.

Till now, the dollar had been chosen by the majority of countries to exercise international trade due to the common belief in the US dollar stability and firmness. However, the global economic crisis of 2008 revealed its weakness and, what is more, endangered economies of developing states. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York staff reports about the universe strong commitment to the dollar, its “extensive use as a vehicle currency in international trade flows” role, but the statistics and current political and economy news are starting to report the opposite.

What is the role of such agreements about national currency usage? Isn't it easier to continue using international currency, but to apply another economy protection measures?

In fact, national currency usage in mutual settlements among Russia and its trade partners shows strengthening of Russia's influence on these countries. Due to the agent currency elimination, Russia can save thousands of millions rubles on costs losses, that, at its minimum, means huge trade budget savings. Taking into special account dollar exchange rate, which is still 1,5 times higher than in the beginning of 2014 (56.7 rubles per 1 US dollar, 6 of April, 2015) [2], this issue is highly important, because now Russia and, for example, China won't need the scheme ruble-dollar-yuan with both sides loosing, but will have mutual benefits.

Moreover, that kids of settlements in the international trade can help to avoid the negative impact of US dollar domination in the world trade, frequently guilty in sudden rate changes of developing states national currency, and to weaken the US dollar position, as China supposes [3].

On the other hand, there are possible negative consequences of national currency mutual settlements, due to its mechanism insufficient elaboration at the current period of time. Its regulation and correction can take more than ten years, but still, it is more preferable for Russia and its trade partners that dependence on dollar, as we can see from abovementioned agreements.

As the general consulate of China in Kazakhstan, Mr. Zhang Hanhui, said in his pressconference, China “doesn't want to put all eggs in one basket” [4], which means People's Republic of China is going to have both national and world currency settlements. The same can be appealed to Russia, especially taking into account the existence of the same proverb in Russian language.


1.БРИКС намеревается усилить торговлю в национальных валютах. – [Internet resource]: http://cont.ws/post/78044

2.Central Bank of Russian Federation statistics. - [Internet resource]: http://www.cbr.ru/

3.China, Kazakhstan renew currency swap deal. - [Internet resource]: http://english.gov.cn/news/international_exchanges/2014/12/15/content_281475024236560.htm

4.//People’s Republic of China Ministry of Foreign Affairs. - [Internet resource]: http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/dszlsjt_602260/t1225536.shtml

New trends

in the world politics

Abdyrgaliyeva Aigerim

Kostanay state university named after A. Baytursynov

The Eurasian Economic Union as a new stage of Eurasian integration

The sustainable development of the countries with market economy assumes formation of the integration interstate educations based on the mutually adapted national farms. The objective prerequisite of it is existence of the Common Economic Space (CES) provided with political, legal, information and institutional measures. In March, 1994, during the first official visit to the Russian Federation, the President of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev suggested to create new association of the Post-Soviet countries and to call it the Eurasian union of the states. For the first time this project was announced at a meeting with the faculty and students of Lomonosov Moscow State University on March 29, 1994, then in the city hall of Moscow at a meeting with representatives of a business community and the creative intellectuals of the capital of Russia, and also at a meeting of "a round table" of editors-in-chief of the leading Russian newspapers and heads of TV companies [1].

At the next summit in Yalta on September 19, 2003 heads of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine signed the agreement on formation of the CES providing development of a complex of the main measures for formation of the Common economic space. Participants of the agreement set for themselves specific goals. The prime task consisted in formation of the free trade area without withdrawals and restrictions, harmonization of macroeconomic policy, creation of conditions for the free movement of goods, services, the capital and labour [2]. On November 18, 2011 in Moscow presidents of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan signed the Declaration on the Eurasian economic integration – "Road map" of integration process which ultimate goal was a creation of powerful economic association on the basis of legislative base of the EurAsEC, the CU and the CES. During the summit of the Eurasian economic council in Astana on May 29, 2014 the contract on creation of the Eurasian economic union was signed. The President of Belarus A. I. Lukashenko declared at an official press conference of heads of states of member countries of the union: "Each step was given not easy, but we always saw a main goal. It was necessary to create such system where the countries would not compete and complemented each other" [3]. The new integration player having promising prospects both on regional, and at the global level to the world market officially entered since January 1, 2015.

The main priorities of development of the EEU for the next 10-15 years are:

1.Formation of basic conditions for the accelerated innovative technological break of national economies and all space of the Eurasian integration. Development and adoption of the Program of the Eurasian innovative and technological interaction for the period till 2015.

2.The territory of the EEU has to become the advanced link all-continental, in scales of all Eurasia, structure.

3.Small and medium business has to make fundamentals of the all-Eurasian economy. It is the most important question of ensuring flexible response to all possible economic global challenges of economic character.

4.The purposes of the EEU make special demands to its legal and organizational mechanisms. They have to represent the tool which is based on the strong principles, but at the same time possesses sufficient flexibility adequately to react to any changes.

5.Economic integration makes active and will make deeper cultural and humanitarian communications between our people. XXI century unambiguously does a cultural segment as the major component bringing solidary percent of GDP growth to the national economies [4].

The President of Kazakhstan in development strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" especially noted: "We will strengthen the Customs union and the Common economic space. Our next purpose – to create the Eurasian economic union" [5]. As Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized, integration is favorable to all. It pulls not only the increase in volume of commodity turnover and other economic


dividends - it will allow taking the place in the world, successfully to resist in a difficult economic situation, to global challenges and threats.

Integration processes already prove the efficiency. Since 2009 commodity turnover of Kazakhstan with Russia and Belarus has increased by 88% to 24,2 billion dollars. Export to member countries of the CU grew by 63%, including twice increasing export of the processed goods [6]. The EEU bringing integration percent of the states of the CIS to qualitatively new level has high political and social and economic potential. This is the world leader in the general territory. The union takes the eighth place in the world on population, the sixth – on economic positions in world GDP, the fifth – on world gas reserves. 15% of world oil extraction is the share of its countries. As the President of Russia V. V. Putin noticed, the geographical position allows creating transport, logistic routes not only regional, but also global value, to tie on itself large-scale commodity flows of Europe and Asia [7]. Really, we have some prerequisites for global future of the EEU and, by estimates of some experts, the union can compete with the European. What will give the EEU to Kazakhstan as to the participating country?

First, it’s access to the sea which partners in the EEU give to our country (today is Russia having an exit to three world oceans and several seas, tomorrow is, it is possible, also other countries which will join the union). Thus, thanks to the Eurasian union the problem of continental isolation of our country is resolved that at last will involve national economy in full international trade. The second main benefit is an expansion of the market. The main thing that citizens of our country will receive, however, as well as citizens of other member countries of the EEU, four freedoms: free movement of goods, services, capital and labor [8].

It is important to note that integration of the EEU into world system of a turn of fuel and energy resources, cooperation with foreign investors in development and elaboration of energy resources, increase of efficiency of using traditional markets and development of the new energy markets are one of the most important directions of power policy of the union. So, the EEC submitted to state agencies of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan the draft of the concept of formation of a united power market made by FGBNIU "Council for studying of productive forces". Till July 1, 2015 the concept has to pass the statement, then adoption of the program of formation of a power market will follow a year later, and till July 1, 2019 is planned to sign the international treaty on its creation. Developers of the concept expect that as a result of merger of the markets the country of the EEC will receive additional GDP growth on 7,2 bln. dollars, export of the electric power out of limits of the EEP will exceed 30 billion kWh (now 14 billion. kWh), the cross-border high voltage lines will be loaded not for 20% as today, and for 95% with the fivefold growth of an overflow – to 27 billion kWh [9].

Today it is possible to tell with confidence that the EEU became the international economic institute not only a regional, but also a global orientation. Possible involvement into an orbit of cooperation of such large players of the world market as China and the European Union will allow the union to broaden spheres of sales of products and to compete with standards of the West. Implementation of the most courageous plans of leaders of member countries brought the Eurasian integration to a new, transcontinental step. The Eurasian integration will be able to provide to Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan strategic advantage on the eve of the future third global industrial revolution a victory in which, in our opinion, will win the coalition of powerful economies.


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