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Сценарій на тему: «Robert Burns – Great Scottish poet” Задачі: Познайомити з біографією і творчістю Р.Бернса. Вчити учнів формувати свою думку що до теми уроку. Розвивати різні види мовної діяльності. Розширювати соціокультурну і комунікативну компетенції на підставі країнознавчого матеріалу. Виховувати бажання вивчати культуру англомовних країн. Обладнання: Карта, додаткова література, опорні схеми, портрети, звукозаписи. Dear, friends, try to forget that we are at the lesson. We are going to have a friendly talk about a famous Scottish poet Robert Burns. Today is the 27th of October. Today is Tuesday. It’s autumn now. The summer is over The trees are all fare There is mist in the garden And frost in the air T: What proverbs and saying about weather do you know? - After rain or clouds comes fair weather. - Rain before seven, fine before eleven. - The morning sun never last a day. - Christmas comes but once a year. - It’s raining cats and dogs. - There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes What’s the English for У природы нет плохой погоды Что посеешь, то пожнешь. Нет плохой погоды, есть плохая одежда. Рождество бывает один раз в году. (Дважды в году лета не бывает.) Семь пятниц на неделю. После бури наступит тишина. Дождь льёт как из ведра. Autumn is not only the season of fruit and vegetables but also the season of important political events. Let’s take our local paper “Vperyod” “Вперед”. This paper carries The material about the visit of the American delegation to our town. It was in April. The American delegation from Nebraska arrived to our town. The capital of this state is Omaha. The leader of this delegation met with the head of our town. They discussed important questions about the cooperation between our towns. Our towns are twin towns. The delegation has visited the enterprises, and colleges in Artemovsk, thanked leaders of our city, citizens for warm reception. Answer the Questions 1. I’ve heard the American delegation visited our town, is it true? 2. Did the leader of this delegation meet with the head of our town? 3. What did they discuss? 4. What’s the capital of Nebraska? 5. Why did the American delegation arrive to our town? As we know Ukraine has established new relations with other countries Ukraine is a member of the United Nations Organization Today, let’s make a trip to Scotland. Look at the map of the Great Britain. Where is Scotland situated? S: Scotland lies to the north of England. The most interesting and Beautiful part of Scotland is the Highlands. This is mainly an industrial region Glasgow is the third largest city in the Great Britain. It lies on the river Clyde. It’s a big port. Highlands is famous for its shipyard. It is an important centre of Scottish culture. Scotland is well known to the world because of its traditional costume the kilt, as you can see in the picture. The kilt is a short skirt worn by men, women and children. T: What’sthe national emblem of Scotland? S: The thistle has nothing pleasant in it especially if you carelessly touch its thorns. Bit it has an important meaning for the people of Scotland. It’s the Scotland’s national emblem. -Шаповаленко Дмитро

The saved the Scotland from foreign invaders many years ago. T: What’s the capital of Scotland? S: The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. It lies on the seven hills. Publishing is it well known industry. The first thing you see in Edinburgh is the Rock – the very large hill in the middle of the city, the Edinburgh castle stands on it. Many great men have lived and worked in Edinburgh. R. Burns, the great Scottish poet published his first book of poems in Edinburgh. There is a monument to him in the city. T: Look at this portrait. R. Burns, great Scottish poet. He was born in 1759 in a small village, which is called Alleyway. You can see this clay cottage where R. Burns was born and spent 7 years of his life. His father, William Burns, was a small farmer, Robert learned from his father to love and understand people. From his mother he learned something important. As she worked she often sang old countryside songs. In the evening she told the children popular folk songs (tails). William Burns was poor, but wanted to give his children an education. Robert and his brother went to school, but they had to help their father with the farm work. Let’s speak about R. Burns poems. When did R. Burns begin to write? T: R. Burns began to write poems when he was fifteen years old. In his poems he described with love and understanding things and people “Wherever I wander, Wherever I rove, The hills of the highlands Forever I love” Liberty’s in every blow, let’s do or die! – R. Burns wrote in his poem. What was the first Burn’s love song? His first love song was dedicated to Nell, a country girl. Nell was thirteen at that time and Robert was a year old. “My handsome Nell” becomes the most popular song in the neighborhood. Once I loved a bonny lass And, oh. I love her still. T: They say Burns wrote his poems in the Scottish dialect. Am I right? S: –Yes, you are right. At seventeen Burns had already decided to write his poetry in Scottish dialect, he could write English very well, but he loved the richness of the Scottish tongue. R. Burns was 27 when his first book of poems was published. The book was called “Poems Chiefly in Scottish Dialect” “O Scotia! My dear native soil! Wrote Burns. The title page of Kilmarnock Edition of the poems, which was, published in 1786. T: What poems by R. Burns do you know? S: As for me I’d like to tell you about his poems “The folly Beggar’s”, Burns gives a livery picture of wild carefree people.- Ткаченко Олександр

Here are a few lines about the old soldier: And now I must beg with a wooden arm and leg, and many a tattered rag hanging over my but. I’m a happy with my wallet, my bottle end my cal let. As when I used in scarlet to follow. Who kn瑡潩景瀠敯㽭 Одноногий и убогий, я ночую у дороги, В дождь и в стужу, в бурю и туман, Но при мне мой ранец, фляжка и со мной моя милашка- Как в те дни, когда я шел под барабан. T: What R. Burns poems have you read? S: -As for me I have read “The Cotter’s Saturday Night.” Burns gave a realistic account of a poor farming family. They say in seventeen eighty-nine a revolution broke out in trance. It had a tremendous influence on R. Burns. He openly expressed his feelings and idea. He wrote the poem “The free of liberation.” Heard eye’s the Tree o’seven rance, And what ye what’s the name o’t? Around it a the patriots dance – Wheel Europe kens the fame o’t? It stands where once the Bastille stood- A prison built by kings, man, When superstitions hellish brood Kept Trace in leading-string, man Есть дерево в Париже, брат, Под сень его густую Друзья отечества спешат Победу торжествуя Где ныне у его ствола Свободный люд толпится, Вчера Бастилия была Всей Франции темницею T: Who read “A Winter Night”? S: - “A Winter Night is the saddest mist bitter and moving poem he had ever written:(a few days before his death) You banks and scopes of bonnie done How can you bloom so fresh and fair! How can you sing, you little birds And I so weary, full of care. T: I think It’s time to have a rest. Let’s sing the famous Scottish song “Auld Lang Sync” Should auld acquaintance be forget, And never brought mind? Should auld acquaintance be forget, And auld Lang Sync? For auld Lang sync, We’ll take a cup of kindness yet, For auld Lang sync. Write down the sentence and put different kinds of question to this sentences. S. Marshak has translated many R. Burns poems from sentence. 1. Has S. Marshak translated…? 2. How many…? 3. Who was…? 4. Whose poem has S. M…? 5. Has…an English or Russian poem? 6. From what language has…? 7. S. M. has translated…hasn’t he? Listen the song “There Is No Pease in my Hart” from the film “Office Romance.” The words have been translated by S. Marshak and written by R. Burns. T: When and where did R. Burns die? S: R. Burns died on July 21, 1796. He was only 37. R. Burns was berried at Dumfries. He was a great son of the Scottish people. There are many am glad to see you too! They say you like to read the Robert Burns poems? Am I right? -Yes, you are right. O like to read Burn’s poems. -Is that your favorite poem? -My favorite poem is… -They say you like to read the Robert Burns poems? -Yes, I like to read his poems. -What R. Burns poems have you read? -As for me I have read “The Cotter’s Saturday Night” -What is this poem about? -In this poem Burns writes about a poor faming family. T: What generation does R. Burns represent? S: R. Burns represents the generation of Romantic writes. In his poems he described with love and understanding the single life he knew.- Рощенко Владислав

My mind “My hearts in the highlands” is his best poem. He wrote: “My heart’s in the highlands, My hearts is not here My hearts in the highlands A chasing the deer… A chasing the wild deer and Following the roe- My heat is in the highlands, Wherever I go. T: What Ukrainian poem reminds you the poem? S: Звучит мелодия “Реве та стогне Дніпр широкий” To my mind, it’s “My Testament” by Taras Shevchenko a famous Ukrainian poet T. Shevchenko his poem wrote in: “When I dead them bury me In my beloved Ukraine My tomb upon a drave mound high Amid the spreading plain So that the fields, the boundless steppes, The Dnieper’s plunging shore The eyes could see, my ears could here The mighty river roar. T: The Ukrainian teacher N. P. will tell us some words about T. Shevchenko T. Shevchenko was born on 9 March 1814 in Marintsi, Kiev gubernia, He died 10 March 1861 in Petersburg, Russia. Shevchenko has an important place in Ukrainian history. Maxim Rulskiy – a famous Ukrainian poet said: Кобзарьом його ми знаймо, Так від роду й до, роду, Кожен вірш свій і поему Він присвячував народу. Although Shevchenko is seen mainly as a poet, he was also a highly accomplished artist. T: Children, take the cards and make up a story about T. Shevchenko. Use the words and word combinations. 1. was born in 1814 2. a small village in Marintsi 3. was poor, a true poet of Ukraine 4. was not only a poet? 5. is known all over the world 6. the poems have been translated 7. a highly accomplished artist 8. was a great man? 9. died in 1861 10. was berried near Kaniv Дети составляют рассказ с опорой на карточки и пересказывают биографию Тараса Шевченко. T: What, Shavchenko’s poems do you know? Will you recite your favorite poem? (дети читают стихи на украинском языке) What pictures did T. Shevchenko paint? (дети показывают картины, учитель показывает копии картин.) Обобщение изученного на уроке. Pupils, our lessons is coming to the end I’m happy to say we’ve done a good bit of work during this lesson. Will you answer my question? Who is the famous Scottish (Ukrainian) poet? Tomorrow we will speak about R. Kipling, and that’s why today I Offer you a fragment of his poem. So pupils, open your hearts to noble ideas, because he wrote this poem as a will to his son: (The pupils listen to the poem) If you can yourself when all man doubt you But make allowance for their doubting too. If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being life about, don’t dial in lies Or being hated, don’t give way to hating And yet don’t look too good nor talk too wise. If you can dream and not make dreams you master, If you can think and not make thoughts your aim If you can meet the Triumph and Disaster And treat those importers just the same. If you fill the unforgiving minute With sixty second worth of distance run. Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it And which is more – you’ll be a Man. My son! T: What’s this poem about? Do you like it? Why? What do you like best at this lesson? (The students’ answers) T: So our time is up. I see, you have found our lesson interesting. Good bye, see you tomorrow


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