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14-05-2015_19-15-42 / Lesson_plan3

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Необхідно писати, який час відводиться на виконання кожного завдання.

Time: 45 minutes

Level: Pre-Intermediate (Form 7)

Topic: Second Conditional on the basis of the topic ―Dreams and reality‖.

Aims and objectives:

- to introduce and practise the Second Conditional in all four skills (speaking,

listening, reading, writing);

- to practice language formulas of agreeing and disagreeing in conversational exchange;

- to develop students‘ predictive skills and imagination speaking about unreal but

attractive things;

- make students listen to the instructions carefully, develop their abilities to concentrate on important issues;

- develop students‘ creativity via drawing.

Equipments: board with an arrow, grammar poster on the blackboard, handouts, tape recorder, Soars Liz & John. Headway. Pre-intermediate: Student‘s Book


I. Greetings. Introducing the topic and aims.

At the end of the lesson students will be able to understand statements in the Second Conditional and to speak about their dreams using the structure.

II. Warming-up.

Teacher gives the students HO1 with the picture of two kids and asks to listen to

the recording where the kids tell about how they live.


Tanya, aged 7 Graham, aged 9

I live in a block of flats with I live in a cottage in a village near

my Mum and a little brother. Glasgow. My Dad in unemployed

My Mum works in a hospital, and my Mum works in a pub in a city.

and so my Gran often looks I go to the village school. I walk to

after us and helps my Mum. school with my friend. We often play

I go to the St. Paul‘s School football together. I have a cat and

and I wear a blue and grey some chickens.


Then the teachers asks the students to predict the children's dreams about their lives if Tanya, aged 7 and Graham, aged 9 want to be from a royal family.

Suggested answers

I think Tanya dreams about living in a big castle with a lot of servants, to have beautiful dresses and go to fantastic parties, etc.

III. The main body of the lesson.

1. Introducing the Second Conditional using the inductive approach. Teacher proposes the students to look at HO2 where the same kids tell if-stories dreaming about their origin from a royal family.


Tanya, aged 7 Graham, aged 9

If…if I were a princess, If…if I were a prince, I would live

I would live in a palace. in a castle. My Dad would be the King,

If I lived in a palace, and my Mum wouldn‘t work in a pub.

I would have servants to look A chauffeur would get me to school. I

after me. My Mum would be would play polo on a white horse. I

the Queen, and she wouldn‘t work. would have peacocks in my garden.

I wouldn‘t go to school, I would

have a governess. I would ride

a white horse and I would wear

a long dress and a gold crown.

Teacher concentrates the students' attention on the grammar of the passage.

In the phrase If I lived in a castle… the word ―lived is in the Past Simple. It is the If-clause which contains the condition (умову). The main clause contains the result of the condition I would have servants to look after me.

Teacher elicits the answers whether the students see the peculiarity of the form and asks the students to fill in the gaps in the rule which they have on their HO3.


The Second Conditional is formed with If + the Tense , the auxiliary verb

+ the without to.

While the students fill in the gaps the teacher puts the rule with the examples on the blackboard. In two minutes the students may check and correct their mistakes.

Examples, The Second Conditional expresses an unreal situation and its results.

If I were the Queen, I would have servants.

= the condition =the result

impossible and unreal

2. Practicing the new grammar structure.

Activity 1. Teacher has a board with an arrow in the middle. On the board the students may see a first part of the conditional sentence and their task will be to finish the sentence using their imagination.

1) If I found some money on the street…

2) If I were the President of Ukraine…

3) If I had a lot of money…

4) If I won 10.000 hryvnias...

5) If I spoke perfect English…

6) If I were on holiday…

7) If I had a car…

8) If I were taller…

Activity 2. Imagine you are dreaming about the situations given. Discuss with your

partner and put the words in the correct form, Past Simple or would.

a) If I……………(be) rich, I………………………(travel) around the world.

b) I don‘t like Hollywood. I…………………..(not live) there if

I…………………(be) a film star.

c) I………………….(go) to work if I…………………….(not feel) so ill, but I feel


d) What………………….you do if your baby………………….(fall) into the water?

e) If I………………………(have) more free time, I…………………(not waste) it. I

(learn) another language.

3. Speaking part. Dreams.

Teacher talk introducing the next stage of lesson:

Some people say that they never night dream. But that is hardly possible. Everybody

has dreams and at least some of your dreams you remember. So, why do we dream? Are dreams important? The experts tell us that the images in our dreams have special meaning, and they can help us to understand our inner personality.

Activity 1. Group discussion on the questions:

1) Did you dream last night? Can you remember what your dream about?

2) Do you often dream? Do you often have the same dream?

3) Do you think dreams are important? Why?

Activity 2. Listening. The dream game. The students listen to the instructions and draw.

1. You are sleeping and you are dreaming. In your dream you find yourself in

your perfect house. What is it like? Describe it in details (is it light or dark,

how many rooms it has).

2. Now you are walking along a narrow path. Suddenly you find a cup/ glass/

drinking vessel on the ground in front of you. What is it like? What is in it?

3. Now the path ends and you are walking in a wood. You walk quite a long way

until you find a clearing. In the middle of the clearing is a building. What sort

of building is it?

4. Around the building there is a garden. Describe the garden.

5. You walk out of the garden and through the wood. At the edge of the wood

there is a wall. The wall is too high to climb over, and it is too long to walk

round. Suddenly you notice a small door in the wall. It slowly opens as you

watch. What do you do? Do you go through the door?

6. On the other side of the wall is water. What does it look like? Do you want to

swim in it?

Activity 3. Reading. The students are given the text with the interpretation of their drawings (HO4). They have to read and agree or disagree with the interpretation of their personality.


The house: the house is your idea of yourself. If your house is old, you probably do not like change, you like traditional things. If your house is large, it means you are quite confident, with a high opinion of yourself. If it is filled with light, you are optimistic. If it is dark, you are pessimistic. The number of rooms is the number of people you want in your life.

The cup: the cup is your idea of love. The more beautiful and valuable the cup, the more important love is in your life. You are a romantic person. The contents of the cup show what your experience of love has been so far.

The building: the building is your idea of religion and God. A strong building is a strong belief. A ruin would mean a lack of belief.

The garden: this is your idea of the world around you, your country, or the whole world. If the plants and flowers in your garden are dying, this might mean that you are worried about the environment and pollution in the world.

The wall: this is your idea of death. Is it the end or is there something after it? Do you go straight through the little door? Do you look and check before you go? Or don‘t you want to go through at all?

The water: the water is your idea of the future. If there is a sea with big waves, you feel positive and excited about your future. If you want to swim, you feel confident and want to take risks. If the water is a stagnant pool, you might fear your future and the future of the world.

Activity 4. Pair work. The students discuss the results of their drawings and give

the commentaries using Conditionals.

Example, If my house were old, I wouldn't probably like change, I would like traditional things. But I drew a new house, etc.

IV. Round off activity. Feedback stage.

Teacher: – What have we done today?

– Which activity did you like the best? Why? 237

Home assignment: to write a brief story continuing the phrase: If I were a

prince/ princess…

Соседние файлы в папке 14-05-2015_19-15-42