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School: №9

Grade: 9А,Ә

The theme of the lesson: “Control work”

Мақсаты: оқушылармен өткен тақырыптар бойынша шолу жасау, қайталау, білімін тексеру

Қолданылған модульдер: «Оқытуды бағалау», «Сыни тұрғыдан ойлауға үйрету»

Қолданылған стратегиялар: «Орнын тап», «Сөйлемді толықтыр»




  1. Org. moment.

  1. Check up your homework.

  1. Revision of tenses

  1. The tasks


XI. Evaluation

T: Good afternoon children

T: - I am glad to see you

T: -Thank you sit down!

T: Who is on duty today?

T: - Who is absent today?

T: -Is he ill?

T: Let’s start our lesson.

T: we’ll work at the lesson together and try to get good results.

  • The text

  • New words

  • Regular and irregular verbs (10)

Present Simple and Present Continuous

1. The Present Simple is used to express:

A habit

I get up at 7 o’clock

He smokes too much

A fact which is always true.

Vegetarians don’t eat meat

2. Time expressions + Present Simple

Always every day often never seldom

Present Continuous

She is doing her hometask

My sister is studying at medical university

I am seeing the doctor at 10 o’clock

Time expressions + The Present Continuous

At that time now

Past Simple and Past Continuous

Past Perfect Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

1.Choose the correct form of the verb:

Where is Tom?

He has/is having a bath

2. Choose the correct form of the verb:

Do you want an ice-cream?

No, thanks. I don’t eat/ am not eating ice-cream

3.Some sentence are right and some are wrong. Put a tick (+ )next to the right ones and a cross (-) next to the wrong ones. Correct the wrong sentence:

Why do you leave so early? Don’t you enjoy the party?

4. Some sentence are right and some are wrong. Put a tick (+ )next to the right ones and a cross (-) next to the wrong ones. Correct the wrong sentence:

I think you are wrong. I don’t agree with you

5.Past Simple or Past Continuous

We met/ were meeting when we lived/ were living in Spain

6. Past Simple or Past Continuous

What did you do/ were doing when I phoned/ were phoning you

7.Past Simple or Past Perfect

My friend ______(give) me a lift because I __(miss) the bus

8. Past Simple or Past Perfect

When he …. (finish) his homework, he ….(go) to bed

9.Present Perfect or Past Simple

I haven’t seen / didn’t see much of Pete lately

10. Present Perfect or Past Simple

When have you got / did you get married?

11. Present Perfect or Past Simple

I …..(not read) his latest book

12. Present Perfect or Past Simple

My grandmother ….(live) in Italy

13. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box.

Use the Present Perfect Continuous

Play tidy snow cry stand sun

  1. It …all day

  2. My sister …..French since she left school

  3. John ….tennis professionally for 2 years

  4. I’m so tried because I ….the house all day

  5. Look at that man. He.. .there for half an hour

  6. She ….non-stop since she got his letter

  7. They …..since morning

Please, stand up. The lesson is over.

- Good bye, children!

-Good afternoon teacher!

-We are glad to see you too!

- I am on duty today.

- Nobody is absent today.

-Good bye teacher