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Part 3 Describing Character What's he/she like? Is she/he nice?

Assignment 1:

  1. Use the words below to describe what your friends, family and teachers are like.

  2. In pairs: one student writes down a description and the other student must guess who it is.

Intelligent - умный

reliable - надежный

energetic - энергичный

modest - скромный

tolerant - терпимый

friendly - дружелюбный

trusting - доверчивый

loyal - лояльный

self-controlled - владеющий собой

generous - добрый

gentle - воспитанный

imaginative - фантазер

practical- практичный

Careful - заботливый

hard-working - трудолюбивый

worried - озабоченный

independent - независимый

strong-minded - волевой

sensible - здравомыслящий

cheerful - веселый, неунывающий

broadminded - терпимый, либеральный

active - активный

curious - любопытный

Confident - самоуверенный

Clumsy - застенчивый

shy - робкий

stubborn - упрямый

Selfish - эгоистичный

moody - угрюмый

naïve - наивный

sensitive - обидчивый

ambitious - амбициозный

crafty - хитрый

dull - скучный

boring - скучный

secretive - замкнутый

aggressive - агрессивный

tough - упрямый

careless - небрежный; неаккуратный, невнимательный

stupid - глупый

Assignment 2:

To see describing of one’s character according to Sun signs or Chinese Zodiac (animals or elements) click the links

http://www.chinatoday.com/culture/zodiac/zodiac.htm Chinese Zodiac



Key words for Web searching: Horoscope, Chinese horoscope, Chinese astrology, zodiac signs, Chinese zodiac, Sun Signs describing

Additional Links

www.talkeasy.co.uk/link/materials/esl11.html the lists below to describe appearance

www.eslflow.com/describingpeoplelessonplans.html guide to ESL lessons for appearance, descriptions and describing people

www.learnenglish.be/STUDY_voc1_pic_describing.htm Vocabulary - Pictures - Describing people


www.eslgold.com/speaking/describing_people.html Speaking Situations, Clothing and Accessories, Colors ...


www.eslprintables.com/buscador/buscar.asp?nivel=any&age=0&tipo=any&contents=describing+people Here you can find worksheets, lesson-plans, flash-cards, articles and activities for describing people