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The Outline of the Lesson “Shops and shopping

Conducted in the 9th Form

Date: 15. 01. 14

Topic: Shops and shopping.


• to extend students’ understanding of lexis on shops and shopping;

• to develop students’ speaking skills;

• to review 4 ways of talking about the future;

• to help students choose the most appropriate future tense.

Materials: a course book «Solutions pre–intermediate 2–nd edition», audiovisual materials.


  1. Lead – In. (10 min.)


Keep your Student’s Book closed. Now, in pairs recall all the shops you can remember in two minutes. Write down the list in your notebooks. The pair with the longest list goes to the blackboard and other pupils listen to them and underline the words in their own lists. Then they are asked to add something that has not been heard.

    1. Introduction (announcing the topic and listing the objectives)

    2. Group discussion about shops and shopping The teacher asks the pupils to name all the types of shops they know: a) what was the last shop you visited? b) where do you usually go shoping? c) where can you buy: The pupils are given the worksheets with these words:

1) Meat.

2) Staples.

3) Bananas.

4) A car.

5) A guitar.

6) Cement.

7) Fishing rod.

Each pupil writes down the type of the shop and, if he knows such, the name and the location of them in the town he lives in.

  1. Following-Up. (30 min.)

        1. Vocabulary exercise (Workbook, page 44, Ex.1) Students revise the pre-taught lexis and focus on the difference between synonyms. Students’ task is to fill in the gaps and give the definition of words in bold.

        2. Grammar exercises Pupils are given several minutes to discuss the following points in pairs:

· Where would you like to go shopping on the weekend?

· What do you want to purchase?

Meanwhile, the teacher draws a simple diagram on the board representing the four main forms of the future that the students are familiar with. These are: Present Simple, Present Continuous, will + infinitive, going to + infinitive. The students are given the second worksheet:

Personal arrangements

General future intentions (not arranged)

Decisions made at the time of speaking

Decisions already made

Offers, refusals

The task is to fill in the diagram with these rules. Now students can check if they were using the right tense while they were discussing the ideas suggested by the teacher. To check students’ progress the teacher asks students to speak about their partner’s ideas as to these points:

· Where would you like to go shopping on the weekend?

· What do you want to purchase?

  1. Rounding-Off. (5 min.)

  1. Summary of the lesson.

  2. Home task: to do tasks 1, 2, 3 (Solutions pre–intermediate 2–nd edition, page 46)

  3. Assessment

  • participation in the discussion,

  • students' understanding of vocabulary and grammar in class,

  • attention in class,

  • correct use of grammar rules.

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